Forum Post: Obama admin stepping up for the 99% once again.
Posted 11 years ago on April 9, 2013, 8:09 p.m. EST by john32
from Pittsburgh, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"All three branches of government? The Supreme Court heard arguments on Feb. 21 in the case of Bowman v. Monsanto Co. The central question is whether farmers who buy Monsanto's Roundup Ready soybean seeds are free to do as they wish with the seeds harvested from those plantings. The justices seemed almost unanimously opposed to the farmers' arguments, and they appear poised to rule in Monsanto's favor. In a highly unusual move, the U.S. government not only filed an amicus brief supporting Monsanto but also sent a government attorney to argue on the company's behalf, highlighting the Obama administration's support for several elements of Monsanto's argument.
In March, Congress passed and President Obama signed H.R. 933, a law that anti-GE advocates have dubbed the "Monsanto Protection Act." Section 735 strips federal courts of the authority to halt the sale and propagation of genetically modified seeds and crops if concerns about health risks arise during safety tests. Did you catch that? Let's pretend we're talking about cribs instead of seeds. The corollary law would then say that if little babies' fingers kept getting chopped off in crib safety testing, the courts couldn't get involved. Disgraceful. "
I agree ... I'm pissed about that too.... if Obama has valid reasons to support this shit... he needs to explain why to the people... else this will likely hurt his support more than anything else... except maybe drones... continuous war... etc....
for all you Obama haters ... I call it as I see it.... what is true is true.... I support Obama in his attempts to help the poor, middle class, sick & elderly .....
as far as his support of monsanto .... I see it as wrong ....
but I do NOT simply & generically hate anyone just because my groupie party tells me too
you know what I'm going to come back to-
If monsanto could not contribute to pols,
this would not be happening
seriously - GMO, jobs, prisons, taxes, war
& the new 2013 HR29
.......................................................sever democracy from crapitalism
Good point....get to the heart of why this stuff is happening instead of treating the symptoms.
My right wing friends told me Obama was twisted. I did not believe them 'cause I thought the were racists. But now I'm thinking their concerns were well intentioned after all. However, I just can't get over the nut jobs they would have voted in.
You have me laughing with your 'deadpan-like' comment
Like Romney? I agree.
little john.... romney ... made All his money by Fucking people
I'm saying I agree with you....Romney would have been a horrible choice.
The thing most people don't understand is there were other candidates besides the two clowns the establishment set up for us.
3rd parties are frozen out of our system. because the duopoly is selfish, & GREEDY for power.
Real election/campaign reform must occur. Do you have any ideas on that?
Malcom X had the right idea.
In the latter part of his life anyway.
"3rd parties are frozen out of our system. because the duopoly is selfish, & GREEDY for power."
A self-fulfilling myth.....the longer you perpetuate that myth the longer the duopoly controls everything.
Oh so 3rd parties aren't frozen out of the system by unfair laws written by the duopoly?
You wanna convince people that is a myth?
LOL. I can't pretend like that. Sorry.
what percentage of the national vote does a 3rd party candidate need to get into the national debates VQ?
I know you know the answer....lets hear it.
The duopoly negotiates that each election. So it changes. But clearly if you know the process you know it ain't a myth.
So you make my case. You spew the fallacy that the GREEDY duopoly created obstacles/laws/rules are myths because you want to discourage the action/reform necessary to create fair access for 3rd parties.
If you truly support 3rd party victories, listen to the3rd parties on why they are frozen out. I ain't makin anything up. It ain't a Victor thing, the 3rd parties know it ain't no myth.
You're seriously a slimey piece of shit
And you prove the fact that your position is so weak you are driven to childish name calling!
Pathetic, dishonest, and without honor.
Support 3rd parties, reform election/campaign laws.
Yours is the f'n weak position.
15% is what you need to get in a national debate.....that's the only thing holding back the public from seeing a real candidate're too worried about squabbling for the scraps on the table to realize you could have something much better.
"Pathetic, dishonest, and without honor."
Coming from the guy with 500 screen names....who gets on here and talks to his own screen names to throw people off his slimey f'n schemes. Real honest.
You were on multiple this morning...i posted that GMO thing and within a few minutes i got a hit from a screen name i didn't recognize as you....clicked on it....then 5 minutes later i get another hit from "inclusionman" saying the exact same thing that was listed under the other screen name.
You're a slimey political snake. Used car salesman.
But the 15% is an average of many national polls that include somedirectly controlled by the duopoly others indirectly, and still others who have an interest in the existing duopoly.
That ain't no myth.
I use only 1 ID, Sorry to disappoint you. Your desperate attempt to distract & deflect with this dishonest, childish, personal attack is off topic.
Stick to the truth, it is life affirming.
"I use only 1 ID, Sorry to disappoint you. "
Like i're a lying slimey piece of shit. I find it interesting you never correct me when i call you VQ...seems strange doesn't it?
People refer to me by my former username VQkag(2) when I Vex them, When they get flummoxed, when they are no longer able to debate the facts of the given topic, when their position is too weak to stand up to the truth.
They frequently do it thinking that it is some sort of insult so I take it as proof that they have in fact failed to keep up with the discussion, and therefore have lost the debate.
Just like any childish, unfounded, name calling should be taken.
Wanna get back to the debate or does this deflection constitute your concession?
So why should I correct you? VQ is 2 of my 5 initials. I still only use 1 ID.
No lie.
If people actually voted for 3rd party instead of the "lesser of the two evils".....those speed bumps for 3rd party would cease to exist.
The unfair laws/system created by the GREEDY for power/money duopoly makes it impossible for 3rd parties to have fair access to the election process/system.
That ain't a myth. To pretend that it's a mythh only serves to discourage the action necessary to correct the unfairness.
Hell you wouldn't even have to vote for 3rd party...just suggest your preference for a 3rd party candidate in national polls and they'd actually get to debate.
You need to stop listening to the MSM.
I don't listen to MSM. That's you blatantly lying. So your resorting to unfounded, childish, personal attacks shows your position doesn't stand up to the truth.
Do you think the rules set up by duopolies on debate participation is a myth?
Tell me what those rules are VQ?
You don't even know.?
But you said it was a myth that 3rd parties are frozen out.
Do you know what you are talkin about?. Or just talkin out of your ass?
I'm asking make you look like a fool when you respond with the correct answer.
You are clearly full of shit. That is why you resort to lies in your snide insults, and can't answer the most obvious question regarding the unfair access 3rd parties must contend with.
"look like a fool"? YOU are the fool! You claim 3rd party inaccessibility is a MSM myth then admit you don't know basic rules used to obstruct them.
While section 735 issues sound terrible, I cannot read it anywhere.
HR933 is the general government appropriations bill that covers government spending on everything. It would be nearly impossible to veto the bill and could lead to a shut down.
Generally the problem is how junk like this can be added to a bill "undercover" I would like to know who wrote it & how it got into the bill. Why would a rep or senator vote for 735 - unless he got $ from monsanto?
and what can we do to stop corps buying our democracy?
"the U.S. government not only filed an amicus brief supporting Monsanto but also sent a government attorney to argue on the company's behalf, highlighting the Obama administration's support for several elements of Monsanto's argument."
Stop making excuses for this clown.
why can no one post this section that everyone is complaining about?
I dont know what it says - do you?
If you do - post it.
Or do you think you should decide what is good for us?
Page 78
thanx gsw
HR 933 SEC. 735.
In the event that a determination of nonregulated status made pursuant to section 411 of the Plant Protection Act is or has been invalidated or vacated, the Secretary of Agriculture shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon request by a farmer, grower, farm operator, or producer, immediately grant temporary permit(s) or temporary deregulation in part, subject to necessary and appropriate conditions consistent with section
411(a) or 412(c) of the Plant Protection Act, which interim conditions shall authorize the movement, introduction, continued cultivation, commercialization and other specifically enumerated activities and requirements, including measures designed to mitigate or minimize potential adverse environmental effects, if any, relevant to the Secretary’s evaluation of the petition for non-regulated status, while ensuring that growers or other users are able to move, plant, cultivate, introduce into commerce and carry out other authoized activities in a timely manner: Provided, That all such conditions shall be applicable only for the interim period necessary for the Secretary to complete any required analyses or consultations related to the petition for non-regulated status: Provided further, That nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the Secretary’s authority under section 411, 412 and 414 of the Plant Protection Act.
H.R.933 is 120 THOUSAND words - a bill full of defense and homeland security sections
Special interests have tucked in Sec 735 – a 1400 word shelter for themselves to continue selling licensed seeds to farmers though it’s coming to light these seeds were illegally USDA approved. Is it a case of retro-active ass-covering? It all starts with farmers and in the case of food and farmers, smaller is sometimes better. The jargon in Section 735 references the Plant Protection Act from 2000 and sections 411, 412 and 414 which is all way over the head of laymen affecting smaller farmers while continuing to provide steady business for larger companies.
You can find a PDF of those sections in the Plant Protection Act
According to Dave Murphy, Founder and Executive Director of, the twisted language of Section 735, “authorizes the Secretary to basically allow plantings of new GMO at anytime when a court case is taking place.” That protection for the seller was slipped in to H.R.933 and referred to as The Monsanto “Rider” where their interests were nestled in a bill pertaining mostly to defense and homeland security. The watchdog group in this case has called foul on the rider from day one citing that the permission granted, “undercuts the concept of judicial review,” and is a clear violation of the separation of powers. They constantly communicate with Senators on these matters and when a rider slips through, the people have to speak.
Again- an irrelavent section is added to a massive bill for a special interest who gives money to a senator. Lets see, what can we do about it?
I say put them all in the prisons they built
We gotta eat their shite, literally, and we don't even know what's what, GMO,
What about tomatoes with an oily layer hard to wash off. What is that.
And how about the GMO, and the corn. And Monsanto monopoly on seeds.
Where can I see more on that, anybody. Maybe a video, so I can show my kids and they'll get it,
I can find it. I'm just asking out loud to remind myself to look into it a bit.
Where's journalists on this issue?
Someone said we should start a "Ows" magazine.
also... had this bkmrked... hav'e not watched yet...
Monsanto More Powerful Than The U.S. Government
there are a lot of them... here's a few to get started
Thanks BradB
Is this your vacation like me last week?
We need some robo calling software, to send our issues to all levels of government, news.
Take a lesson from BradB. He can criticize Obama when necessary. He knows it is not a bad thing. I swear, you must have pulled a muscle avoiding criticizing O in your posts.
BradB, I have mad respect for you and your posts.
Here it is...for some reason many sources don't include sec. 735. Kind of interesting....but this one does:
"Sec. 735. In the event that a determination of non-regulated status made pursuant to section 411 of the Plant Protection Act is or has been invalidated or vacated, the Secretary of Agriculture shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon request by a farmer, grower, farm operator, or producer, immediately grant temporary permit(s) or temporary deregulation in part, subject to necessary and appropriate conditions consistent with section 411(a) or 412(c) of the Plant Protection Act, which interim conditions shall authorize the movement, introduction, continued cultivation, commercialization and other specifically enumerated activities and requirements, including measures designed to mitigate or minimize potential adverse environmental effects, if any, relevant to the Secretary’s evaluation of the petition for non-regulated status, while ensuring that growers or other users are able to move, plant, cultivate, introduce into commerce and carry out other authorized activities in a timely manner: Provided, That all such conditions shall be applicable only for the interim period necessary for the Secretary to complete any required analyses or consultations related to the petition for non-regulated status: Provided further, That nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the Secretary’s authority under section 411, 412 and 414 of the Plant Protection Act."
In english:
States rights and all.
Here's your guy.
There's probably more of them too, right down to the county and township level.
My guy? Says who? Guys a piece of trash. Go make shit up somewhere else shooz.
Why haven't you mentioned him them?
Why haven't you looked for the others that write and support this kind of legislation?
Legislation is NOT created in a vacuum.
Without that information, it would appear that YOU are the one making things up.
"Legislation is NOT created in a vacuum."
No, but it can very easily be vetoed. Are there republicans in bed with Monsanto? Absolutely. But what you can't even comprehend to think about that your party is in bed with them too.
God forbid we mention the corruption of dems without including a worse hit piece on the republicans. Right shooz?
Take your partisan hackery somewhere else
excuse me, but you're the hack.
Monsanto itself wouldn't exist if farmers didn't support it.
Be that as it may, I do hate Monsanto, but your accusations are way off course.
I know you won't actually read anything, but you will find a common thread here.
ALEC....those friends of (R)epelican't legislation.
It's seems everyone in Occupy gets it, but you.
That being said you still refuse to admit that much of the damage is being done under the guise of States rights, that old libe(R)tarian standby.
So be careful what ask for.