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Forum Post: OAKLAND being raided now.

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 12:50 a.m. EST by zootsuit (34)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

som ppl on a private lot are being evicted. http://www.ustream.tv/occupyoakland



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[-] 2 points by charlie2be (7) 12 years ago

I want you all to know, The world is no longer watching, The world has paused... And now the world is listening.

More and more people are asking me about Occupy. They want details. They want news. They want to truly KNOW what is going on. I tell them and now have my own (very small) group of people who get their daily updates from me. Support is growing and the more pressure that is applied, the more society is forced to ask that age old question of "why"?

You are supported. The world is listening.

[-] 1 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 12 years ago

Thanks for what you do charlie2be.

[-] 1 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 12 years ago

Thanks! I'd rather watch you guys, than any of the crap i get from the boobtube.

[-] 1 points by kestrel (274) 12 years ago

Can I assume that they have a contract with the owners of said lot for possession and they are complying with the zoning requirements for said lot?

if they don't then they aren't being evicted, but the police are merely enforcing social standard behaviors.

[-] 1 points by zootsuit (34) 12 years ago

ok, all the cops retreated.