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Forum Post: NYPD incites violence by assualting undercover cops

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 1:20 p.m. EST by Peterbrauer (10)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfGxuQmpS2Q I went over my footage a second time and realized what I thought was an assault, was actually an attempt to incite violence. I explain it in this video.



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[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

Peterbrauer, did you see my post about comments disappearing from this post? http://occupywallst.org/forum/is-this-website-run-by-the-nypd/

[-] 1 points by Peterbrauer (10) 12 years ago

That is crazy. I remember that conversation being there. Now its gone. Hmm. I don't know. Anyone else know?

[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

Maybe it's the point system? Too many negative points and things disappear? But that would make this board a popularity contest. Also it would encourage the development of gangs or blocs who through rewarding/removing points in coordinated fashion could force their outlook on the board. I don't know.

My deleted post: "If we wait for what you call 'proof' we will all be raped and pregnant. We absolutely need to be ahead of the badged criminals. We're free to draw reasonable conclusions from reasonable evidence, our knowledge of human behavior and patterns of behavior.

False flag crimes (where either both the perp and victim are in on it, or where the perp is an undercover lawman seeking to discredit OWS) are an extreme danger to OWS, as I see it."

[-] 1 points by Peterbrauer (10) 12 years ago

I thinking of the Gandhi quote, "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

They tried ignoring and laughing, but now the government is in the fighting faze. Which means the beginning is near. Remain non-violent and we cannot lose.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 12 years ago

This is on the front page of http://www.reddit.com/r/occupywallstreet/

[-] 1 points by Peterbrauer (10) 12 years ago

Look, I guess I can't prove it was a plant, but I deeply believe it was. I have seen tons of cop protestor interactions, and this doesn't jibe with any of them.

Whether or not I am right, I am proud of the occupiers who turned the other cheek and did not respond with violence. Non violence is the only thing that keeps us safe.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 12 years ago

It is pretty amazing how resilient OWS has been. For the first few weeks it was always at the verge of collapse, but now it seems to be past the tipping point. The military AND the churches are getting behind it, if you can believe it!

[-] 1 points by MJMorrow (419) 12 years ago

We need to work closely with the NY State Police and with the FBI; especially If there is suspected NYPD attempts or any attempts to incite violence. The NY State Police and the FBI once helped me, when local cops tried to set me up, to get me to take the fall, for crimes the local police were actually committing.

[-] 1 points by TH3W01F (180) from Ottawa, ON 12 years ago

I wouldn't take to much credence in it. The only strategy in use is the cops making alot of us paranoid about undercovers. Just treat each case as if there wasn't any undercovers and treat every provocateur as members of the black bloc, even if they are cops.

Reason: Enforcing the "no violence" rule still applies no matter what kind of smart-alleck is involved.

[-] 1 points by Occupytheimf (134) 12 years ago

99% learnt much wiser than illegitimate cronies selfish desperate dangerous to public safety.

[-] 1 points by The1capitalist (87) 12 years ago

Wow you guy's really want to believe huh?

There was nothing there. You would realize that if you were not trying to bend things to fit your argument

[-] 1 points by Occupytheimf (134) 12 years ago

Wow yerself. 99% more than mere believers. Police & mayors start lookin 4 jobs if u dont serve 99%. U can get paid by the cronies u served

[-] 1 points by The1capitalist (87) 12 years ago

um, what?

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 12 years ago

Very interesting. I agree that is nonsensical behavior from the cop and the "assaulted". Why does the cop target that one guy? The guy even looks like a plant.

Fortunately for us, we just have to prove ONE of these incidents was foul play and it all falls apart for them.

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 12 years ago

Good observation. I wouldn't put anything past them. They want any excuse to break it up. What better than to demonize students and unemployed people by making them appear violent.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 12 years ago

Undercover cops, CIA operatives acting as "AGENTS PROVOCATEURS", precisely in order to incite violence, riots, etc., are THE OLDEST TRICK IN THE TRADE.

In the Fifties and the Sixties, we had to be constantly on our guard for these, as we considered them to be THE greatest danger to our Movement (Civil Rights, then Peace Movement).

The very same thing could be observed in a great many European countries, especially Spain, Italy and France.

Is OWS - a very, very new Movement, with very little experience - as AWARE as we were of this danger? And are they consulting with the "old timers" who are? Apparently not.... and this concerns me greatly, as it could lead OWS to SELF-DESTRUCT.

Don't fall for this kind of trap, OWS! If you fail, it will be a CATASTROPHE for this whole country!!!

[-] 0 points by pinker (586) 12 years ago

The only reason this particular Saturday march got press is due to the cops. I trump your conspiracy theory with my own: you want trouble with the cops. If there are no arrests, it never happened. Why would there be a march in a part of town that is a virtual ghost town on a Sat?

[-] 0 points by Leynna (109) 12 years ago

Thanks! Clearly his intention was to start violence. How stupid they must think we are. They've underestimated us.

[-] -2 points by hillary (252) 12 years ago

I suppose they arranged for the deaths too?