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Forum Post: NWO:new world order revealed..

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 27, 2011, 9:24 a.m. EST by CatRamtSitarnasswip (1)
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svali- a nurse and mind promgrammer for cult until 1996 a sixth head trainer at san diego the illumanti cult a fourth reich,peodhiles,ritual murders,works with cia and masons witch police join..across world.old illumanti attempts are nazism,communism,stalin was confirmed as one.george bush is one skull and bones,part illumanti and masonic,illumanti control us via finace... the franklin case and mk ultra prove it.svali says illumanti are aryans but have jews masons lower down the y flow plato's republic,a nwo in there opinion,leading us the sheep in slavery.,they give away teens,kids as prostitutes as gifts to them,mormons,jevohah joined 1950's,admis and directors of FBI ILLUMANTI MEN TOO.the illumanti are the ENLIGHTENMENT:-worshipers of evil,read henry makow's phd new world order article /savethemales.ca.com/ the illumanti have many facets:- worship evil babylon,egypt,and celtic druid evil sects and masons too witch police join...the red and black room discovered with evil pentagram in mason lodge by students breaking in.



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[-] 1 points by 1sttrueknowledge (4) 12 years ago

The New World Order ideologist own Hollywood and the media as you can see via the Media not covering your protest. Hollywood stars sign contracts with them,what is in those contracts? Many are coming to your protest, who are they really?Just because they are seen as the NWO owned movie stars and have played in their movies doesn't mean they are working with you. Know your enemies ways...The NWO like to drop hints through "art" as to what they are up to in the world and show it at the movies so they can laugh at the people when they don't get it. They will show the truth thinking and being right about it that the people won't get it. It's a big joke to them, they love to hide things in plain sight of the people.

Anybody that participates with your protest should be checked out for any other agenda there should be a process of orientation so they will not do or say something that would incite the cops to cry riot or terrorist, causing Marshall law to be called (which the cops act like they are just itching to do that by inciting protestors by their behavior toward them),if one tactic doesn't work another may be used, they may start sending in infiltrators to divide and conquer or sway them to work toward a one world money,gov, agenda)suspension of the Constitution and the National Guard called out against Protestors.

Everyone involved in the Protest should operate per the rule law (that is the only weapon people have to protect themselves and to be able to get something actually done) do the protestors participating know the law?

Any new person and all protestors no matter if well known by the public or not should be apprised of the laws your group has to abide by and everyone should constantly keep a check on each other to make sure that happens,anyone that doesn't want to subject their behavior per the law on the books should be asked to leave. I understand the group has a law firm to represent them I hope they are truly working for you and no double agents so to speak,laws they cite however can be looked up by the group before acting on their advice.

[-] 1 points by 0815 (58) 12 years ago

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