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Forum Post: NWO:-GOLD STANDARD NEXT TO WORTHLESS,no wonder hide away!

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 27, 2011, 9:33 a.m. EST by CatRamtSitarnasswip (1)
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svali-from henry makow's phd site go's on to say the confederacy collapse of 1866 shows we can be debt free at last as proof she says money was then worth one and half cents to gold,,,,,,remember land cost 35 cents per acre back then,,,,,,,,,,a $10 gold coin liberty rare today as melted in 1930's is worth $300,000 at some auctions today.....its clear to see that according to her houses would cost as little as $10 in a liberty gold coin to buy a $300,000 home today.......ITS NO WONDER GOLD STANDARD WAS ILLEGALLY OUTLAWED THE CONSTUTION STATES ONLY COIN GOLD,SILVER!BREAKING THE LAW ALOT THEN...... i guess you could work a 5 weeks andf get a $10 gold liberty coin back then,imagine working a few weeks to today then you can buy your home,this is the real money system hide away..............DOES ANY ONE KNOW HOW MUCH PEOPLE MADE,GOT PAID WEEKLY BACK IN 1866,i bet is was a couple of cents..........fact is i believe i would bnot have taken weeks,30 plus years to buy your home,todays CON,,,,,I BET IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN WEEKS TO BUY YOUR HOUSE......NO WONDER ITS NOT USED TODAY PEOPLE WOULD NOT WORK AS after a few weeeks you could buy a house,is this not a massive con!



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[-] 1 points by Alex (79) from Rhoon, ZH 12 years ago

Yes it is a con. The whole monetary system is a fraud. The banks can print billions out of nothing, sell it to the government and charge interest. Ridiculous and a scam. If I do the same I would be jailed for fraud, so why can they? Current currency is worthless. We think it's worth something and they allow us to believe so, even teach us that it is so.