Forum Post: NRA press conference - wayne blames media, politicans, videos, prosecutors
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 21, 2012, 11:13 a.m. EST by bensdad
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
while demonstrators - IN THE ROOM - hold up signs
and demand NRA stop the killing
and are dragged out screaming
there were TWO armed guards at Columbine High School
david koresh blew up an ATF tank with a currently available assault weapon
we have 5% of the world's population & 50% of the guns
grand theft auto was created in England
these guy are not gun nuts - they are nuts
wayne will be on Meet The Press
from what I understand, nra will provide the training free
the government cost of the guard and guns would be around $5,500,000,000
If we do it - eliminate all military contracts to
boehner's district & ryan's district & cantor's district - and any other recipients of nra contributioins
Wayne should have extended the day's moment of silence for himself.
It [the speech] was terribad.
...they might as well start calling themselves "N.R.Al-qaeda" for their major roll in actively destroying American lives in pursuit of their political agenda.
their real goal is corporate profits and if that means putting crazies in congress like bachmann & gomert, they WILL do what they are paid to do
Wants more guns in schools - to protect the children
put an armed police officer in every school
the media hates the nra
he begs to know when "gun" became a bad word [ my answer - April 14. 1865 ]
use the nra training progarm to train the armed school guards
at no charge
Asa Hutchinson will create the nra national school shield safety program
Sounds like a profitable jobs program for NRA gun nuts, and more gun sales profits.
No wonder he wants govt program to fund it.
I love the NRA, as this video attests; I've entitled it my "farewell to arms" (well, not really, it's not my video, but who cares...):