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Forum Post: Now is time to get up, go outside, and join the movement in person! (edited)

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 10:49 a.m. EST by NLake72 (510)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that all my posts in support of the OWS movement have to be removed. Sadly, this movement, as a whole, is moving in an anarchistic direction that I can no longer endorse or support. The recent decision by the OWS to disavow the NGA and the document known as the 99% Declaration is foolish, and shortsighted. Sadly, this lack of endorsement only seems to lend support to my conclusions that the OWS movement, as a whole, is pushing an agenda that is... insane.

I firmly believe that our system can be can reformed using the tools of the Constitution to redress our grievances to the government. I'm unsure if I will endorse any group at this, or a later time. Like the vast majority of Americans, I think the system is badly broken. While I tacitly support the NGA, and more specifically, the agenda known as the 99% Declaration, I am still hoping for a more perfect document to be created. I don't support all of it's initiatives, but until a better plan emerges, I will continue to support the 99% Declaration, because it is the best agenda I've seen to date. It is a document that deserves to be discussed, and improved. It deserves time in the national spotlight. The issues it addresses deserve a national debate. It's the best document I've seen to date, and I hope something that suits my personal tastes emerges.

Sadly, the OWS groups have decided not to support this document, or the NGA. The overall agenda that seems to be forming in the OWS forum, and the actions of the protesters in other occupations strongly suggest to me that the movement, as a whole, is pushing all the wrong ideas. Their overall agenda, smacks of anarchistic thinking, and seems to endorse a vision that I feel will take America entirely in the wrong direction. I think the vast majority of Americans would agree with me, or they would have flocked to the protests by now. So, regrettably, I have removed all of my original posts, and replaced them with this message instead. It is with a heavy heart that I have to abandon this movement, I had much higher hopes that this movement would pursue a progressive reform agenda.

I wish you all the best of health. I hope that you will continue to keep your minds open, and to continue to engage in an educational discourse that explores all available non-violent solutions to the problems we all agree face our country. However, at this time, I don't feel that the OWS, as a whole, is moving in a positive or productive direction. I don't want my name associated with it, and I will no longer be working to support any efforts but one that is realistic, and supports progressive reform. I am seeking solutions that Americans, as a whole, are supportive of.



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[-] 1 points by Skyeskye1 (49) 12 years ago

Your courage is admirable thank you for your time and effort , my children's children will thank you one day and all the great folks of Occupy!

[-] 1 points by JonValle (133) 12 years ago

Your post actually gave me chills.

I live 60 miles north of NYC. When I first read what was going on down there, week 1 or 2 I believe, I immediately knew that I had to do more than just sit here and play keyboard warrior. With that being said, I've participated in several marches as best I can. I also try to spread the word amongst my friends and family and anyone that's willing to have a civilized conversation.

I was with a friend yesterday and I mentioned what's going on. She asked me some questions and I answered them as best as possible. Her response was "I don't understand how someone CAN'T support what's going on."

I support you brother in your decision to get out and march.

[-] 1 points by NLake72 (510) 12 years ago

I inspire you, but you inspired me first. It's a feedback cycle that only builds on its own strength. Thank you for your efforts, it was your example that made this... happening.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 12 years ago

+1 -----------

[-] 1 points by NLake72 (510) 12 years ago

Thanks for the +1, now get out and March! :)

[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 12 years ago

For the sake of our kids! Right on.

I think OWS should morph into OLB, Occupy Liberty Bell or OIH Occupy Independence Hall. Have small peaceful assemblies all winter long spreading the word about the National General Assembly starting July 4th in Philadelphia. Ask the people of Philadelphia to invite their fellow Americans into their homes for the NGA and coordinate this all winter too. Have occasional "occupations" throughout the winter, growing in size as the spring approaches, the WE ARE THE 99% growing louder with each event. This keeps the light shining and the movement looks smart, smells like a rose. Imagine the city of Philadelphia's population doubling or tripling for four days in July 2012. Some ideas are just plain better than others.

NGA NOW all roads lead to Philadelphia https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/
