Forum Post: Now anyone can start a sustainable civilization at low cost. All schematics and instructions on one DVD.
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 10, 2013, 8:39 a.m. EST by therising
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This is an extraordinary 4 minute TED speech.
Everything you need to start a civilization is now available on one DVD. Now "anyone" can start a sustainable farm or construction company. (Thanks Factsrfun for sending this to me).
This just goes to show that by keeping it simple, life is richer.
It's time to stop spending money on cheap and obsolete goods that require more money to maintain, repair and replace in a few years. I've been growing my own food for several years and I can't rave enough about the benefits of fresh, organic/safe, nutritious food that tastes completely different than anything store bought. I feel really good knowing that I have a stockpile of canned nutritious foods that I grew without pesticides for just pennies and I enjoy preparing my own food. Life doesn't need to be complicated and we don't need to be unhealthy and rely on corporate food and medical care. FOOD is the best medicine. Check out the biological farming programs in your area. There are some amazingly talented mentors who are passionate teachers and so wlling to volunteer their time to help people garden and farm.
If you're not into getting dirty ( and I know not everyone is) then please support your local farmers by visiting them, volunteering to work their farm stands at markets or provide other services and try to plan your menus ahead of time so that you can purchase mostly from them. If an entire community united to support their local farmers, we could make a HUGE impact on the environment, air quality, human animal care, human health. It's such a small price to pay for the best quality of life..
I've seen this. An excellent concept. Let's try to keep it high on the forum.
HA HA HA. Yea..let's see everyone build a 6 days. That hillbilly wagon he constructed is a piece of shit. As if it could outlast a a John Deere . Gov't regulators that liberals LOVE so much, would NEVER approve of anyone operating it.
A DVD..contains all knowledge for a new civilization?? What a fucking JOKE. C'mon you chuckleheads. Let's see everyone build their own tractor. All you need are... metal, wheels, engines, blades, and welding equipment, a garage, cranes, and a half dozen people to help you and an engineering degree. Nothin to it.
Thanks for your comment. Glad you're a fan of TED and intelligent dialogue. You can go back to fox news now. That TED stuff must wear out your brain :)
This may help: "This just goes to show that by keeping it simple, life is richer. It's time to stop spending money on cheap and obsolete goods that require more money to maintain, repair and replace in a few years. I've been growing my own food for several years and I can't rave enough about the benefits of fresh, organic/safe, nutritious food that tastes completely different than anything store bought. I feel really good knowing that I have a stockpile of canned nutritious foods that I grew without pesticides for just pennies and I enjoy preparing my own food. Life doesn't need to be complicated and we don't need to be unhealthy and rely on corporate food and medical care. FOOD is the best medicine. Check out the biological farming programs in your area. There are some amazingly talented mentors who are passionate teachers and so wlling to volunteer their time to help people garden and farm. If you're not into getting dirty ( and I know not everyone is) then please support your local farmers by visiting them, volunteering to work their farm stands at markets or provide other services and try to plan your menus ahead of time so that you can purchase mostly from them. If an entire community united to support their local farmers, we could make a HUGE impact on the environment, air quality, human animal care, human health. It's such a small price to pay for the best quality of life.."