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Forum Post: Nothing Working

Posted 12 years ago on July 29, 2012, 7:25 p.m. EST by Phanya2011 (908) from Tucson, AZ
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The government isn't working The economy isn't working The people aren't working Which of these three things do the people actually have any control over? Perhaps if all of the unemployed people got together and combined their money and their goals they could do something about it.



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[-] 2 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 12 years ago

Our real power lies in what in we don't financially support. Corporations depend on the dollars we exchange for their products, and then use those profits to buy Congress and our votes. Without our dollars, even just a 5 or 10% drop in sales, corporations will begin to listen to us. In the Democracy of the free market, your dollar is your vote. Spend it wisely. Sometimes the best vote is to not spend it at all. Buy used, buy in bulk, buy generic, make or grow your own, use less. There are alternatives. But whatever you do, do not support any tyranny, whether it is a government or a corporation.

Supporting any government financially by paying taxes, then complaining that the government is corrupt will never remove the injustice. Withdraw it's support and tyranny will fall.

"But they will put us in jail" some of you would argue. We will all be in the jail of poverty if we do nothing. Tyranny must always be resisted no matter where it exists. If you support tyranny with dollars from your right hand, the left hand will soon be shackled to the right.

[-] 1 points by Phanya2011 (908) from Tucson, AZ 12 years ago

There is a way to legally not pay taxes: don't make enough money :) Not a problem for a lot of us. :) Buying second hand at a charity shop avoids sales tax. Imagine 500 people living in a community that uses alternate currency and does all their own work -- grow food, dig a well, solar panels or other self sufficient energy. Using equipment people already own or, as you say buying it secondhand or leasing from an individual. The best of both worlds: living well, living independently, and supporting nothing else.

[-] 1 points by CSFSP (15) from Centennial, CO 12 years ago

Tell me about it. I was poisoned by pharma and went out on disability with Liberty Mutual. They just denied my benefits in June and doctors don't want anything to do with someone that is ill from pharma and last week we lost our Quiet Title Action on our property. And we have evidence - lots of it - of fraud. When will it end?

[-] 1 points by Phanya2011 (908) from Tucson, AZ 12 years ago

Nothing will change until "we the people" learn to cooperate with each other to form communities that work together to achieve a common goal. We are demanding that our government do what we ourselves cannot do -- come to agreement and do something that has a chance of working. If you check my other post about this idea (Combine Innovative Ideas and Gitterdone".) there are some good links to real ideas.

[-] 1 points by CSFSP (15) from Centennial, CO 12 years ago

Actually I do some of this myself. I believe we have a small window of opportunity to reel in pharma. The health insurance companies will make more in profits if they keep us healthy and medicine is the leading cause of death and illness. Vaccinations, I don't care what they say harm. And trust me the insurance companies know this because they have the data on it. Those in that industry can probably identify the top 10 procedures, drugs or scans that cause the most injury. If we work with the insurance industry on this we both win although I loath the insurance industry this type of cooperation could benefit society and them. Pharma no.

[-] 1 points by Phanya2011 (908) from Tucson, AZ 12 years ago

They are attached to another post: www.cooperativeplanet.org - a clear explanation of a cooperative/intentional community (also: www.ic.org for a list of existing or forming communities throughout the world) www.OsiXs.org - sets out why technology needs to be embraced and used, among other things. www.growthink.com/CrowdFundingFormula -- a way of getting contributions to the cause; www.naturalmoney.org - defines local currency and how it works; www.fourthcornerexchange.com - places that are actually using local money

The way I suggest they could be used is at http://occupywallst.org/forum/combine-innovative-ideas-and-gitterdone/

[-] 0 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Im not sure if the people will unite to stand against the corruption, or just ramp up their attacks on each other as directed by hte media.

[-] 1 points by Phanya2011 (908) from Tucson, AZ 12 years ago

It doesn't take the whole country; only a few hundred people who are willing to go forward as if they know absolutely nothing about the past, but who can decide on a path that is logical and form a smaller world within the larger world. Working together to achieve goals. I have posted an idea combining a lot of information for that purpose. How can we expect politicians with their own agendas to do what we cannot do ourselves? Check the links at this post for more info: Combine Innovative Ideas and Gitterdone. To accuse others of that which we are unwilling to do is counterproductive.

[-] 1 points by CSFSP (15) from Centennial, CO 12 years ago

where are you links?