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Forum Post: Noam Chomsky on the Israel/Palestine conflict: There is a solution, but it's blocked by the United States.

Posted 9 years ago on Aug. 5, 2014, 5:02 p.m. EST by struggleforfreedom80 (6584)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There is a solution: The two-state solution based on the 67-borders.


The United States should accept this solution, and Israel should stop the illegal occupation and the vicious blockade.

This can be achieved, but only if the people, especially in the United States and Israel, rise up and demand changes.



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[-] 5 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 9 years ago

''In demanding equality and freedom for all the residents of historic Palestine, it is the opponents of Israel, not its supporters, who carry the torch of history's noble anti-racist struggles.

''The old ones are always the best. That, at least, seems to be the thinking from Israel's defenders, who are increasingly seeking to revive the claim that those appalled by Israeli violence are mostly cunningly disguised anti-Semites.

''This is less an argument than an effort to shut down argument. Its intended effect is to render criticism of Israel socially unacceptable even as Amnesty International accuses it of deliberately targeting and killing six health workers.

''History is not without parallels. Apartheid South Africa elicited a special horror from people all over the world even though many of its neighbours were also brutal regimes, because in South Africa suffering was deliberately perpetuated along racial lines.

''If Israel is singled out, it is usually because people hate occupation and discrimination, not because they hate Jews. If Israel's friends want to query this singling out, they should ask why people are more disgusted by racism than by other injustices (which might be a reasonable question, but could hardly be more different from the question they currently ask).

''Moreover, we in the West focus on Israel because our governments are implicated in its crimes. Israel is America's outpost in the Middle East, the two of them deeply intertwined in a common project of hostility to those who challenge their shared geopolitical interests. Hence Israel has received more American aid than any other country since World War II, and hence this Saturday's demonstration in solidarity with the people of Gaza will march past the American embassy ...

''Israel is exceptional because it proffers a racially defined conception of national sovereignty. Those of us who demand an equal and common right to self-determination for all the inhabitants of the area regardless of their religion have learnt our lessons from Nelson Mandela rather than from Apartheid. As Mandela knew too well, dismantling the infrastructure of a racially constituted state is no easy task but justice for its victims dictates that we do so.

''Among we Jewish opponents of Zionism, some would oppose it even if Golda Meir had been right when she claimed, "the Palestinians do not exist". We are opposed in principle to the separatist idea that the solution to the historic oppression of Jews is for Jews to withdraw from cosmopolitan societies and embrace their categorisation as racial Others by anti-Semites.

''Likewise we do not believe that the solution to sexism is the building of a nation-state exclusively for women. Standing in the long tradition of Jewish radicalism, we see the solution to anti-Semitism in the struggle to build societies free of racism, just as we should fight sexism rather than abandoning that fight and encouraging women to pack their bags for a land free of men. Opposing Jewish nationalism by no means entails supporting the persecution of Jews.

''There is a lunatic fringe of people who oppose Israel out of a hatred of Jews, but the state's daily crimes – the UN now estimates that it kills a child every hour in Gaza – provide the much more common reason for protesting against it. In demanding equality and freedom for all the residents of historic Palestine, it is the opponents of Israel, not its supporters, who carry the torch of history's noble anti-racist struggles.''

Article abridged from :

fiat lux ; fiat justitia ; fiat pax ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

"Sanders Says US Must Call for Cease-Fire and ... End to 'Provocative and Illegal Settlement Activity' by Israel"!

"The senator joined a growing chorus of global political leaders alarmed by the escalating violence & settler colonialism in the region."

Alas per OP, the Israeli Settler Imperium has know pointed itself into a corner! Ergo, 1 person/1 vote!

omnia causa fiunt ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

"Gaza Physician: Israel Is Targeting Doctors & Health Facilities .. to Overwhelm Our Crumbling System" (Video & Transcript):

e tenebris, lux?

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

"I live in Sheikh Jarrah. For Palestinians, this is NOT - a ‘real estate dispute’"! .. by Lucy Garbett:

"The threat to our neighbours’ homes is the latest chapter - in a long campaign to erase the Palestinian presence in Jerusalem." - and ...

fiat justitia ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

"Palestinian Youth Are Leading a Popular Uprising to End Israeli Apartheid"! Dima Khalidi:

respice, adspice; prospice!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

Consider: "Gaza Lives Erased ... Israel Is Wiping Out Entire Palestinian Families on Purpose"!

"The numerous incidents of killing entire families in Israeli bombings in Gaza ... Parents and children, babies, grandparents, siblings – attest that these were not mistakes. The bombings follow a decision from higher up, backed by the approval of military jurists"!

bella, horrida bella!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

"Don’t Take the Narrow View of What’s Happening in Gaza" by Shadi Hamidi:

which ends ... "The Biden administration is acting as if the past several years (or decades) have not happened. It is repeating the same mistakes as its predecessors, while hoping that a cease-fire can bring an end to hostilities and a return to calm but until fundamental injustices & Palestinian national aspirations—are addressed by ending an occupation that's lasted longer than my own existence,the calm will prove uneasy. Maybe that’s good enough for Biden. But it shouldn’t be."

multum in parvo ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

"Nelson Mandela Speaking on Palestine" ... [Rare Video Extracts]:

ad iudicium ...

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 2 years ago

Judaism->failure of the diaspora of Jews to integrate with the societies wherever they find themselves in->pogroms/Holocaust->Zionism->Lebensraum conflict with indigenous people in roughly the last millennia.

West Bank is more valuable than Gaza ( essentially an open-air prison now ) to the new Israeli settlers because of its water resource.

Lebensraum conflicts have historically been resolved by relieving population pressure through greater resource-usage efficiency, trading to create more Lebensraum, and population abatement via old age, diseases, and deaths, with the most efficient method for achieving resolution being wars.

Lebensraum is a central concept for any Israeli-Palestinian-conflict resolver to grasp. The Nazis' idea of Lebensraum suffers from a central fraud that it is largely immutable or static. The Nazis were WRONG. Lebensraum can be flexed by technological sophistication and trading activities in peace, done with trust.

For example, Russia's recent planned massive near-invasion of Ukraine to get the booming population of Crimeans freshwater ( this does sound kind of stupid for Russia to run out of freshwater for newly annexed "Russians" if Russia wants to prove that it can run Crimea better than Ukraine; I wonder whether this could help: my Mom who fell in love with our flush toilet in the "[sea]water closet or W.C." { she hated our stinky chamber pot used in our shantytown home but tolerated it for an obvious reason, and my Big Brother certainly concurred because it was his duty to keep it emptied } kept crabs and clams alive with toilet-flushing seawater, not freshwater, so that they could breathe out much of the mud they had ingested before we cooked them; consider using seawater for toilet flushing to save freshwater { Gaza might benefit from using seawater to conserve potable freshwater because it's next to the sea } but do remember to take precaution to prevent seawater corrosion of [our iron] pipes or an all-shit effluent may burst out in due time to e-duc-ate the kindergarteners; Russia largely lacks blue-water oceans but it certainly has the most freshwater rivers in the World ! { the Russian language might have the same problem having separate words to distinguish between blue and gray as ancient Greek language did with Homer's ¿poetic? "wine-dark [Aegean] sea" } Apparently, Pootin didn't think of what ruining the relationship with neighboring Ukraine could mean to now-Russian-controlled Crimea; there are Russian rivers near Crimea and Pootin had already built that glorious umbilical-cord-like Kerch-Strait bridge, hadn't he? so that trains or trucks can every-day-speed-deliver potable freshwater to Crimea as Mexico usually does using water trucks for its high-up capital Mexico City; this is a great Russian job-creation program, but I wonder whether it can compete with European Union ISO-9000s quality programs or RЯ-free-American potholes breaking automobile steering and suspension or our new environmental-breakthrough GDP-boosting air-moisture-absorbing gasoline rusting out the infrequently used gasoline tanks and engines rendering mobility machines immobile; Crimea's distance to Russian freshwater is certainly much much closer than Hong Kong's other-side-of-the-world distance to the rainy British Isles' freshwater; due to the great distance to the U.K., many of my classes' élite [all-Chinese, unsurprisingly] { i.e. chosen from this very skewed-toward-Han-Chinese demographics, even more ¿99%? in my days there during the 1950s, '60s , and early '70s before Hong Kong became very wealthy attracting many foreign servants } students were culturally more American than British, probably because of the usage of the largely common English language { I would classify American and British English not as separate languages but as dialects of English due to their mostly high mutual intelligibility } and the sheer volume of America's trade with and mass-media influence in Hong Kong -- I ate California oranges and apples, not British Isles'; we, of course, as so many other peoples, drank Coca-Cola(R) and Dad supplied its production by hauling the sugar in the Gulf of Mexico; my Wrigley(R) chewing gum was also imported from America; Russian Far East is much closer in distance to America than Hong Kong is, but here is an example where a shared language, English, and economic system, Capitalism, trump the longer-distance separation; Russians were in many now-American places due to the Russian-American Company -- even on Kauai island in Hawaii and in green-energy-of-windmills-used-centuries-ago California; Russia needs to feel more secure by overcoming its own paranoid mirror-gazing belief that other countries are constantly trying to grab land from Russia because Russia was constantly trying to grab land from other countries { e.g. more recently Crimea and eastern Ukraine -- Russia couldn't have so much land if it didn't keep on gobbling up other countries' land for many centuries; it's still psychologically reacting to the Mongol conquest of nearly a millenium ago even though most of its European neighbors have already escaped from the ghosts of wars and colonial conquests; psychologically speaking, Russia isn't quite as old as the age of the caveman but it definitely has moldy/mouldy governance; don't pull at the ponytails or pigtails of the "weaker-sex" girls if a "strong, strong, strong" boy doesn't want to be gang-raped by the "girly" avengers { Soviet tanks fighting against the superior German tanks in WWII proved that quantity has a quality all its own, so did the world-favored AK-47 assault rifles ( and their knockoffs, ) inaccurate for long-distance sniping if not well cared for, but reliably great for mass murdering civilians at close range }; a kindergarten's rule says, "Keep your hands to yourself," because music theory says, "Every Good Boy Does Fine" [i.e. with wanking, which may literally save your life from a CoViD-19 breathing difficulty with its norepinephrine release because norepinephrine's chemical cousin epinephrine/adrenalin was in the injection used at critical moments by Emergency Medical Technicians to rally a patient's body]; a "strong, strong, strong" boy has a sensitive [¡thinking!] glans penis so he can pull tricks to keep himself occupied in solidarity-pleasure with the 99%-majority-strong-landslide Homo sapiens sapiens wankers; he knows how to drive a [hopefully within his own lane a Mexican water, not a cement-delivery] Kama[¿sutra?]z truck ! } -- the U.S. buying Alaska from Russia blocked the British Empire then present in Canada from attacking the Russian Empire; [U.S.A. broke away from the British Empire over the taxes on its tea import which was also troublesome later on for indirectly causing the Opium Wars creating Hong Kong;] not bullying neighboring countries promotes border peace, mutual cooperation, prosperity, and happiness; Khabarovsk has a navigable river connecting it to the West American Salty Lake { recall how the South China Sea was claimed by Red China with the drawing of a line consisting of nine dashes so we the Americans had surpassed that by drawing the Moon-sized single-stroke circle around our salty lake } which label starting in 2019 corrected the misnamed "Pacific" Ocean, "Belligerent" Ocean having been more descriptive for the last century until the U.S.A. calmed it down by pacifying Japan with its overseas Lebensraum { which Red China is pushing hard to undermine ! this proves Red China's idiocy }; Khabarovsk is even closer to the U.S. West Coast than Red China's ports so U.S. can trade more easily with Khabarovsk instead of with Red China ) can be fairly easily resolved by buying water from Ukraine which can surely use a new revenue source.

Russia's buying water for Crimea may be akin to the British Colonial Hong Kong Government's solution to getting freshwater for the booming population of Hong Kong ( which had grown very much, so it definitely had a huge problem with freshwater supply; this problem was why I believed that the U.K. did the right thing by returning the entire British-governed Hong Kong, including the parts permanently ceded to it; the "umbilical-cord"-like water pipe connected Guangdong's water to Hong Kong, not the water of the extremely faraway U.K. because "Man does not live on bread alone [and needs potable freshwater every day];" my Dad in his apparent frustration regarding my griping about our "chicken-at-every-meal" diet once we had arrived in the U.S., mentioned the "cold water and bread diet to me;" I as a minor was incapable of entering into a contract with him to consent to "emigrate to America in exchange for chicken at every meal" so I had the right to complain of having too much cold bland chicken [which was especially bad in the morning when I needed to rush to school while eating the frozen-overnight leftover version because being a culturally illiterate foreigner, I didn't know that I could just arrive in school early before classes to eat school breakfast for free]; even Dad offered water; I learnt to "be careful with what you wish for because you may actually get it;" I still think that Hong Kong's chickens genuinely tasted better than New York's although I hadn't proven it objectively in side-by-side comparisons; I wonder about whether my Mom was right about the hunger after Hong Kong's chicken being tastier than New York's abundant chicken because when I as a young child in Hong Kong asked her what the tastiest food in the world was, I misheard that she had answered chicken 雞 but she corrected me with hunger 飢 which makes any food taste great.)

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 years ago

Re. Palestine / Israel, I have NO idea wtf that wall^of^gobbledegook is all about and rest assured, I'm NOT wasting my time finding out!!! U hate brevity don't U?!! However, U urgently need to read this link!

et cave - furore scribendi!