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Forum Post: No More Demands - List the Crimes Instead!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 2:46 p.m. EST by Reigne (175)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

No more demands - it not only makes Occupiers seem like nuts, I'm waiting to find out who the hostages are.

Create a clear list of Crimes and who committed the crimes. Then we can lawfully go after them through the court system with a Trial by Jury.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

Hey! This is actually a brilliant idea! Then, start calling out the names of the "white-collar criminals" while you are marching down Wall Street. If you personalize the marches, if you can specifically inform the public about WHO did WHAT, then the entire Country will cry in unison-- PROSECUTE!!!

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

Ahh, thanks for saying my idea is 'brilliant'! Can you believe a HS drop-out (me) came up with that all by herself? LOL

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

Isn't it ironic how most successful entrepreneurs are HS drop-outs? That means that you haven't been "brainwashed" into thinking the world is flat. But, as far as your idea, I can truly see signs and chants geared towards calling out some of the worst-of-the-worst. Don't you know that would scare the heebie-jeebies out of them. Ha!

[-] 1 points by eric1 (152) from Corona, CA 13 years ago

The use of the word" hostages", Reign, implies kidnapping, and I don't think that is a prudent thing to suggest online for OBVIOUS reasons. Choose your words carefully.

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

People who take hostages make demands. Children make demands. I didn't imply anything. Someone else came up with Demands (crazy ones at that)...initially I DID think "who'd they take hostage?" when I heard OWSt Occupiers have made their demands clear.

And I do NOT need to choose my words carefully because wherever I am IS a 'free speech zone'.

Political Correctness is just another attempt to infringe upon my Rights.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

It's easy to fix. You could edit your post and change the word "hostages" to "offenders" or "criminals". We know what you mean. What eric1 is talking about is that the Prime Time news channels are equating this movement to the French and Russian Revolutions because some people are asking for the "white-collar criminals" to be BE-HEADED. Ouch!

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

And you could edit your attempts to infringe upon my right of free speech by telling me to edit my post. I said nothing about beheading anyone. That would be Roseanne Barr statements (and a few others), not mine. I do not tolerate any infringement upon my rights/property. I do not advocate violence, but I WILL defend myself/mine by whatever means necessary.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

Wow. Some people seem "testy" and "agitated" on this site. You have free speech. I have free speech. We all have free speech. What makes you think anyone is trying to take that away from you? And, NO, it is not just Roseanne Barr. It is also Ann Coulter, Erin Burnett, and Shawn Hannity who were making comments about French and Russian Revolution yesterday. But, who cares. We just politely suggested how you could word something different... IF YOU WANTED TO. But, since you don't want to, then FINE!!!

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

I didn't say it was "just Roseanne Barr."

I'm not "testy" nor "agitated." I stand for my rights and reserve my rights at all times. I do so politely.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

As long as the whole world knows what YOUR rights are... then we can all rest easy at night. Ha!

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

I know what my rights are. Do you have a problem with that? I hope you know your rights, otherwise you'll never know when someone is infringing/encroaching upon them.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

The local, state and national government infringe on MY rights every day. And they infringe on YOUR rights every day. And there is not a god-damn thing you or I can do about it. The NYPD is beating the protesters with batons, like dogs, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. The next step, they'll bring in the National Guard and start spraying everyone with water cannons. And there is nothing anyone can do about it. The 1% don't just control the WEALTH in this Country... they control the ARMED FORCES... and that is why our Rights will continue to be trampled and mocked in true Elitist fashion. Just wait until the Unions get involved. I'd like to see one of those NYPD cops swing a baton at a NYC Union Worker. Ha! It's ON mother-fucker... it's ON.

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

Well, while you give up and consent to their usurped powers, I will continue to STAND for my Rights and hold public servants accountable when they dishonor their Oath/usurp powers/infringe upon rights/property.

There are MANY things we can do about it. The first is to stop Consenting! The second is take Positive Action (I'm writing up Criminal Charges against Obama and all members of Congress and filing them with FBI, local Sheriff, local grand jury, state federal grand jury, state Attny General, etc.) The third is to TELL People the Truth about their Rights. The fourth is Continue exercising and enjoying your rights.

I've had police brutality put on me - so I can relate to those who are being hit, slammed, maced. I've offered webspace to folks who want to identify the corrupt cops, yet not one person has accepted the offer. I can't stand for everyone, but with each win I obtain, it is a win for All. Many are learning how to stand for their rights - the numbers grow daily.

Many are learning how to file criminal charges against public servants. Many are accurately re-educating themselves.

For me, "Give me liberty or give me death" is not just a slogan, but a way of Living. I will not bow, break, consent because I am willing to defend myself/mine by whatever means necessary.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

You are preaching to the choir, here. Occupy Wall Street will PREVAIL!!!

[-] 1 points by ColonelCato (19) from Utica, OH 13 years ago

Hear! Hear!

We are dealing with criminals. This is not a debate. It is not a negotiation. The guilty should pay. Arrest them! and seize their assets in the name of the Republic!

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

Crime: Treason / Who: All members of Congress / Specifics of crime: Not abiding by their Oath, not fulfilling their DUTY to coin our money.

See, it's not hard at all to do ;o)

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

Hear, hear!

[-] 1 points by GammaPoint (400) from Oakland, CA 13 years ago

Most of what is wrong with our system is actually legal under current laws. That's the problem.

[-] 2 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

agree ... we need to fix the hole in the ship first ... then will come accountability

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

I say plug the hole with those found guilty (via jury) of crimes/treason ;o)

That will also give fair warning to others (on WallStreet & those in FedResBank & govt).

[-] 1 points by DaryleWB (5) from Charleston, WV 13 years ago

You can't charge a person with a crime retroactively. If the system is wrong, but they have obeyed the letter of the law, even if not its spirit, then they are not guilty of violating the law. Any change to the law would affect those who do the act that is deemed a crime via the new law from the point of the change. That said, I believe there should be some legal change, now.

[-] 1 points by kwinter (29) from Levittown, PA 13 years ago

kind of funny, because ALL crimes are charged retroactively. After the crime is committed, someone says "I didn't like that" and figures out which law might have been violated, then the charges are brought to the Courts. The court then decides if a law or right was violated, which sometimes sets precedence for future cases.

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

Who said anything about charging retroactively? I'm talking about charging people with Crimes - not charging them for something that SHOULD be a crime. Are you suggesting no crimes were committed? If a Code or Statute is contrary to the constitution it is null and void. Codes/Statutes are NOT Law - the Constitution and Treaties ARE the Law.

[-] 1 points by DaryleWB (5) from Charleston, WV 13 years ago

Sorry Reigne, I mistook your meaning. I am sure there were crimes committed, and I suspect that in many cases the folks that committed those crimes will not be charged. I think there was a great deal of wrongdoing that isn't currently covered by law in any actionable way. Much of the tomfoolery in Wall Street that hasn't been illegal in the past has now been exposed and should be addressed.

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

I understand how text can be misinterpreted; it's all good. The only way those crimes will be charged is when WE file the charges against them, which we can do by notarizing the charges and giving it to our local grand jury. Then they can indict, and they will have their day in court via Trial by Jury.

I'm currently working on such docs specifically for the members of Congress. IF they would abide by their Oath and fulfill their Duty of coining our money (instead of using the FRBank), this mess would not have happened. What the members of Congress committed by their actions (or lack thereof) is commit Treason.

The outline of the doc can be found in the forum at www.WeRoar.ws/freespeak

Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to know more.

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

Ahh, you clearly don't know the difference between Legal and Lawful.

The Constitution is Lawful. Codes, Statutes are Legal - they have the force of law only when you consent to them. Furthermore, any code/statute that does not abide by the constitution is Null-and-Void. And the crimes committed are not only unlawful, but illegal.

[-] 1 points by GammaPoint (400) from Oakland, CA 13 years ago

The Constitution is vague and open to interpretation, so it's meaningless to use that as a basis.

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

Wow ... you have been sold the golden egg! Too bad you don't realize it's rotten.

The Constitution is NOT vague - it's very clear! Well, unless you're one of those who believes they have Constitutional Rights (that the constitution gives you rights). In another post I said, "read the Constitution PLEASE." Obviously you haven't.

[-] 1 points by GammaPoint (400) from Oakland, CA 13 years ago

Okay, well if you don't want to have a respectful discussion that's fine by me.

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

Who's not being respectful? Since your democratic school did not teach you what the constitution said, PLEASE read it for yourself so you don't make inaccurate statements like the Constitution is vague & open to interpretation, & that it's meaningless.

[-] 1 points by GammaPoint (400) from Oakland, CA 13 years ago

Settle down and maybe we can discuss it better when you've cooled off.

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

I'm not worked up. Maybe you just can't handle the Truth ... or maybe you just don't LIKE the Truth?

[-] 1 points by GammaPoint (400) from Oakland, CA 13 years ago

If something is true it doesn't have to be capitalized.

[-] 1 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

So you've resorted to nit-picking now? Is that your form of Discussion?

Sometimes people use Capital Letters to EMPHASIZE something <3