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Forum Post: night of retribution

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 29, 2011, 10:20 p.m. EST by whateverittakes (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

All patriots are invited to stop the commies this weekend. Together we can make a difference.



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[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

flagged for trolling. there are already bunches of commie attack threads.

[-] 1 points by KvonNJ (3) from Budd Lake, NJ 12 years ago

What in blue perfect hell are you talking about?

[-] 1 points by KvonNJ (3) from Budd Lake, NJ 12 years ago

What in blue perfect hell are you talking about?