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Forum Post: New Strategy Idea - Fluid Occupy Movement Using Synesthesia Technique

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 30, 2011, 7:49 p.m. EST by wulgulmerang (0) from Birmingham, England
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Okay, what's happening here, is that police officers are using UV ink markers, to STOP identified/tagged protestors from re-assembling again in the assembly area. This is very interesting to me, because I am part of the Occupy Birmingham UK movement and I had a "Synesthesia" idea a few weeks ago. Each authority across the world views each occupation as a "cancer", which has to be eradicated by using "smart diplomacy/power" or "brutal/aggressive power", depending where you live. Anticipating the use of "state power" on a "cancer" I quickly realised that the World can be viewed as a biological system. To circumvent state power, I realised that the static occupy "cancer" could become a fluid "Violet/Indigo/Light Blue Occupy Movement instead. All people would have to do is wear a Violet/Indigo/Light Blue plain T-shirts to identify themselves "Synesthesiastically" in the city and suburb environment (these colours are towards the peaceful range of visible light) The movement could then become fluid and easily identifiable at great distance, which would enable fragmented individuals/groups to easily identify each other and assemble if wished. I have bought £322 worth of light blue long sleeve shirts but currently the Occupy Movement is still a STATIC occupation and not a biological fluid movement - the Law/Statutes/Authorities would find it much more difficult to prosecute/arrest a slow moving easily identifiable target/cloud :-)




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[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Excellent idea. Now, how to get an agreement on an 'official' OWS color. Ideally, it should be an uncommon color/shade. There have also been suggestions for armbands and the like as an identifier. The idea of a fluid movement as opposed to static is excellent.

[-] 1 points by guitarmywin (158) 12 years ago

Now that is some dynamic thinking! Bravo! While down at the occupy wall street camp, I felt so at home because of the beautiful spirits I met in the people. I have retained the spirit of the encounters and carry it with me into all my interactions.

[-] 1 points by CrossingtheDivided (357) from Santa Ysabel, CA 12 years ago

Well, it beats tie-dyed clothes.

I'm all for it. But how we gonna get all those cats to parade in the same colored get-ups?

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 12 years ago

One commenter at the original article pointed out that specific commercial cleaners exist - e.g. http://www.uvps.com/product.asp?code=skincare+a . Still, improvised ingredients with a little empirical testing should have a major advantage in convenience. The typical suggestions for this sort of cleaning are hydrophobic (oily) compounds - butter, margarine, alcohol, paint thinner/gasoline (unhealthy), and the ingredient in this cleaner above, limonene (squeezed from orange/lemon peel or in "orange oil cleaner" etc.) Assuming black lights aren't illegal in the UK, I imagine protesters can pretty quickly work out something fully effective and share the information.

That said, I don't know what indignities would happen to someone twice arrested there - certainly I don't think protesters should be aiming to get arrested at all if there's any possible way to predict and avoid it.