Forum Post: NDAA law?? is it legal?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 3, 2012, 10:11 p.m. EST by justin
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obama just passed this law that gives the president the right to detain american citizens without trial. can they legally do that?
Is it legal? You tell me:
"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
Amendment V to The Constitution of the United States of America
No it is not legal, the U.S. Constitution CANNOT Be LEGALLY modified by another law. ONLY a COSTITUTIONAL AMMENDMENT may legally modify this great document.
Ya but since the people arrested will be detained indefinitely without a trial... how will they challenge the constitutionality of the provision? :p
We who are not illegally detained must prevail. . .
it is legal........... it is not lawful
don't look to a highly perverted websters for the difference
look in an actual legal dictionary/book
Blacks Law and an edition no later than the 6th or a dictionary ideally no later than 1828. The two words are NOT synonyms and originate from two different latin words.
when the Constitution was written, there were roughly 70,000 words in the English language, all of which had very clear meanings
this is not the case today and Lincoln's tyranical hand in vaporizing the very amendment, which would have precluded him from holding his congressional seat or office of the president, went very far to further the sham brought to us by lawyers and bankers, who in fact, are running their government today and have tricked all into giving implied consent via deception, and convinced all that it is their government.
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA are fictitious (incorporated) entities........ far removed from the original organic democratic republic put into place very early on........
Ah, the ol' "muddy the waters" COINTELPRO technique in action. Sorry Smeg, FAIL.
i would like to look further into this. . . have read/heard some of this . . .
thank you for the links . .
i do know that there are 3 city states, each a sovereign entity within the nation host. An obelsik is centrally located in each. They are Washington D.C., the Vatican, and the City of London ( a square mile section which is the financial center).
this may be relevant.
It is relevant, however, not completely inclusive.
It's all brilliantly devised lawyer and banker sham brought about by debt compromised nations at the mercy of the lenders.
Just notice the comparisons between the right and left columns, ignore the NWO and blue lodge distractions.
Obama says he won't use it that way. He says it is a way to keep funding for wars. At least that's how I understand it. I think anyone in congress who voted for this and the president should be arrested for going against the constitution, but I have no army to enforce this. Plus, I'm too young, funny looking, and poor for anyone to care what I think or feel. Sucks to be me!
Now it sucks to be an American citizen. Rise up sheople!
Then he should have never asked for the language or signed the bill, despite what my twacked alter-ego and obama jock nuzzle fool for a counter-part might try and convince masses of equally mediocre minded fools thereof...........
I agree and like the way you write.
they can do whatever the people let them do.
Can anyone be so kind as to direct to me to where I can find the actual law or the bill that Obama signed? I am having a difficult time tracking it down. I have found many different versions of the bill in the Library of Congress and the one I found which was passed by the House and the Senate does not appear to apply to U.S. citizens. Also, I am not sure, but I think once a bill becomes law it is becomes classified (not secret, but categorized) into U.S. code, and thus I don't know where to look for it. I could really use some as I feel something fishy is going on with all the misdirection in the media and I want wake up those around me, but I know I want to be able to show them the law and let them do their own research. Any suggestions or guidance would be amazing.
no it is not legal. Just like wiretapping Americans without a warrant is illegal.
Just like insider trading is illegal, even when Congress does it.
Just because this corporate media, or this congress says or does anything, doesn't make it so.
They are liars, and they will continue to lie to get their fascist state on Unless and Until We Stop them!
The Occupy movement can no longer afford to watch and wait for the corporate media to cover the truth. We must go to the stations and demand they tell the truth on our public airwaves.
Wiretapping is unlawful according to our Constitution. It is legal by codes and statutes passed by a corrupt and treasonous DC.
Insider trading is unlawful and treason when done by Congress, it is also illegal by code and statute.
NDAA is legal by the virtue of it being code or statute passed by all of the DC machine. It is indeed unlawful according to the Constitution.
Do you think the BIG PICTURE/POWER PLAYERS care about legality? To them, it's all about power.
The law is absolutely illegal and unconstitutional. If the supreme court rules it constitutional, then they are unconstitutional and should be impeached. . . . but, we're back to the question or power.
If Barry had any dignity, any honor, any self respect he would resign publicly, saying he was tired of acting as frontman for a criminal cabal.
I don't want to scare you but check out Next they may be able to declare OWSers as "purposely supporting hostilities against the United States" and cancel our citizenship as Americans.
It's as legal as making it a law that you have to buy health insurance through a third party, for-profit, entity for "your own good". In other words, it is currently legal until the Supreme Court says otherwise.
It's legal and unconstitutional...Ha ha! It codifies what is already in the Patriot Act...May all the people who voted and passed this piece of shit go to Hell.
right here right now
People, like that numb brained and uneducated ZenDog, do not realize the absolute truth of your statement. The Constitution is the highest law of the land, it does not entertain legal matters, only matters which are lawful.
Huge difference and nice direct answer you've posted.
Do you understand the ACTUAL DIFFERENCE between legal and lawful and in which courts either legal OR lawful matters are decided?
Article III courts decide lawful matters while Article IV courts are a complete unlawful sham that decide legalities.
Look in an actual Legal Dictionary to reveal truth and the following are excellent writings by a proven and verifiable patriot who lays it all out for all to learn.