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Forum Post: NDAA 2012 in Action: Bushbamney Regime Arrests Decorated Marine For Posting Protests on Facebook

Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 19, 2012, 7:50 a.m. EST by RiseUpAgainstTwoPartyTyranny (0)
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NDAA 2012 in Action: Bushbamney Regime Arrests Decorated Marine For Posting Protests on Facebook

Brandon Raub

U.S. Marine Arrested for Facebook Posts

Tim King Salem-News.com

Feds retaliate against another critic of the U.S. government.

Brandon Raub is a decorated Iraq and Afghanistan War Vet. Photo courtesy: United Truth Seekers

(SALEM / RICHMOND) - A decorated U.S. Marine who served his nation in two wars, Brandon Raub, of Richmond Virginia, was arrested for airing his critical views of the U.S. government on Facebook this weekend. We just reported yesterday that a Human Rights activist in Bahrain is being prosecuted for six Twitter messages. Politically, this country is increasingly resembling Bahrain and other nations that arrest those who speak out critically over federal policy.

His mother, Kathleen Thomas, says it is another case of the word 'terrorist' being applied to arrest and detain a citizen. You can hear the pride she feels for her son when she explains what he has been through, and by all counts Ms. Thomas makes her points loud and clear.

The law enforcement officials rolled up to the man's home around 7:00 last night. "He was there, the FBI, Secret Service and Chesterfield Police showed up in a storm," she said.

Thomas says her son was questioned about why he was writing certain comments, "He basically said 'I have some disagreements with the government and share this', and they said, 'You have to go with us'".

"He was handcuffed, not read his rights, put into a Chesterfield Police Department vehicle and taken to John Randolph Psychiatric Hospital in Hopewell, Virginia," Thomas said.

Agent Sherry Grainger with the Federal Bureau of Investigation called Kathleen Thomas, who described the conversation.

She said, "I am with the FBI" and "We have taken your son. He has been arrested by the Chesterfield County Police Dept because he assaulted an officer and resisted arrest. He has been arrested and taken to the Chesterfield Police Department."

The agent asked about whether her son was violent, Thomas explained that he was not, but that he loves his country. She asked the FBI agent if freedom of speech still exists in the United States.

"Yes we still have freedom of speech", Grainger reportedly said.

The FBI agent reportedly added, "The threats that he was making were terrorist in nature," telling Thomas roughly the extent of information that has been released so far, which is not much. Thomas was able to talk to her son on the phone.

As to what he is being charged with, she said, "He does not know, he has no idea why he is being held, he is told he will see a judge on Monday."

As referenced, the FBI agent, Grainger, reportedly told the woman that her son Brandon Raub was arrested for assault and resisting arrest… It was later when Grainger stated that the threats made by Raub was "terrorist in nature".

We do not have a track yet on what the comments on the Facebook page were, or if this arrest and failure to charge and administer Miranda Right, is an aspect or development of the new U.S. federal government's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which has Americans bewildered, frightened and angry.

Thomas said in regard to the political view she and her son share, "We're not violent but we're very serious about what we believe. He is a patriot, He basically said that they, the government, are lying."

Our friend and fellow writer in Occupied Palestine, Siraj Davis, knows well that 'terrorism' is a label applied to those who resist fascist rule and decree. With regard to the arrest of this Marine, he said:

I checked his profile out. This guy doesn't belong in jail :) The guy has a picture with his own personal firearm on his fb profile. Yeah okay, so do millions of people on Facebook, some I know personally. Some of the "seditious" things he said were 9-11 was done by the government (even going to such length, and an interestingly detailed thesis, of providing evidence to augment this), the War on Terror is a lie, Americans are killing innocent people in the ME, the current federal banking system is corrupt and unfeasible to Americans, and that the George Bush's family rapes little children :) I think there is circumstantial evidence to prove all of the above and none of what he says offends ME as an American. In fact if any American has publicly stated any of the above, you may be next.

Personally, I think our tax money was just wasted toward arresting, detaining, and charging an innocent man who became victim to a witch hunt. This case is indicative of what I have been stating two years ago, I am sadly crying on the inside as I watch my own government terrorize some of its own people for thinking and living differently from the others. What separates the US government from World War II Germany and Japan!?

I hope the best for this gentleman and that God protects and blesses him. This man only wanted to express his disapproval of everything happening in America and sought to provoke the minds to consider that if change does not occur, Americans all over the US will consider making the change themselves. Why should we punish a voice from one of our own who is stating what many are inured, scared, or too apathetic to state publicly?

Oh!! Another thing, this guy liked playing rap music on his Facebook such as John Cena's WWE entrance theme. So I advise everyone to stay clear of that song.


The video shows that the arrest was non-violent. Marines know when to employ self-defense and when to comply with an impossible situation.

Brandon Raub is a Marine with serious background, but it is extremely noteworthy that he was a Sergeant of Marines and a fairly young one it appears. This is a sign of a tremendous individual capable of beating amazing odds.

I personally think it makes the rambunctious agents in the federal government squirm when they consider the power and pull that current and former U.S. Marines have in regard to community leadership. They don't seem to find a great deal of comfort in the existence of Occupy Marines which we are proudly part of.

People trust and respect the word of Marines far more than their overpaid cousins in law enforcement who lap from the public trough while working as the guard dogs of a government descending into non-existence due to its ridiculous policies that favor war over the poor.

Brandon Raub, you're on point Brother, but we have your six- your Brothers and Sisters will see you are out of there soon enough...

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[-] 2 points by captcha42 (54) 12 years ago

Really troubling story. It's hard to make a strong judgement without all the facts though. Conversely the fact that our govt continues to pursue and successfully weaken our Bill of rights should evoke alot of distrust. So many of the characteristics of fascism have manifested themselves in present day amerika.

[-] 1 points by Roninanonymous (2) from Los Angeles, CA 12 years ago

Take a look at the local federalized media's take on the story. They refer to his "ominous" fb postings. Welcome to your police state nightmare, America! Occupy is most likely next to be labelled as "domestic terrorists"! http://www2.timesdispatch.com/news/2012/aug/20/tdmet01-veteran-has-hearing-today-mother-says-ar-2142038/


[-] -2 points by OdronaOdronaOdrona (-29) from Washington, DC 12 years ago

Obama! Obama! Obama! 810227

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

Tragic and sad.

[-] 0 points by OdronaOdronaOdrona (-29) from Washington, DC 12 years ago

Obama! Obama! Obama! 810202


[-] 0 points by OdronaOdronaOdrona (-29) from Washington, DC 12 years ago

Obama! Obama! Obama! 810207