Forum Post: NBA lockout
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 10:05 p.m. EST by Onthefence
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So, why aren't there any "occupiers" squatting at the homes of NBA players and owners? Does anyone have any idea at all how big of an impact the current lockout has on the economy? All of the support personnel (vendors, security, maintenance, etc.) are taking a beating or are rendered unemployed. Seems that this is a situation where some protesters might be able to actually force a breakthrough. Unless of course the whole protest is a sham. Help the people, people.
Go Sixers!
Go Sounders!
I don't miss the NBA anymore.
I'm with you there. I really don't miss it either. I guess I just feel for those who were employed by the venues and for the vendors who had grown dependent on the season.
Btw - be careful what you say on this forum. There's this guy who keeps responding to this post who writes like what I equate to Shakespeare's diarrhea. Gawd-something I think? His writing is gawd-awful.
I feel for the small business people that rely on the business. But I am sure there are other options like art festivals, and replacement events - the arenas will fill up with other entertainments.
right, i will add that to my list of priorities somewhere below the very bottom.
So then what is your top priority? I would think those most affected by the lockout are a prime example of the 1%. I'm not suggesting this for the fans. Screw them...I don't even like basketball. But we're talking about a lot of people out of work because of he greed demonstrated by players and owners. So, what is your top priority?
in sports? to end the pathetic bread and circuses and go back to people playing basketball instead of watching it.
on that front, this is apparently headed in the right direction, so. i'm all for it.
otherwise, an article 5 convention and a new political party and we remove the corporate oligarchy and we install a genuine modern direct democracy.
I have been active here since the very beginning, and since the very beginning I have been trying to make some core points. These points clearly have not been digested or fully understood by the mob, and so I'm going to try to make a further attempt here again.
For these reasons, I beg of you to please immediately join me on the wiki. We need to have all of these details and all of these ideas put together in an organized fashion, rather than posted in a long scrawl which will never be read.
media circus sports and sports hero worship and all of that is a problem- a problem making people intellectually and physically lazy, turning people into couch potatoes that never get exercise, and sucking up time and ad space in our media which would be far better spent on genuinely educational programming. organized media event team sports is a social disease. The sooner we cut that shit out the better.
anybody who WATCHES a basketball game from the sidelines has missed the point. either get up and play ball, or find something real to do with your time thats not a complete and total waste.
Can't believe I took time away from watching game 7 to read that. YAWN.
perfect proof and example, dumble down lazy couch potatos, thanks for making the point, but you seem to have missed the point i wasn't asking for people to raise their hands and self identify as sportsmedia lobotomized feudal peasants.
I think your new top priority should be a good writing class. Good investment, too. Your vocabulary might impress your boyfriend but your delivery is dreadful. Boring, too. I'm yawning again.
no point in writing class, i like stream of consciousness prole english mixed with my advanced vocabulary and thats where its going to stay. i can write college papers as soon as i have the motivation to do that- i know HOW. i make a CHOICE. informal english is good enough HERE.
your obviously engaged enough to respond, so your so called yawning is a rhetorical device. i have you hooked, prove me wrong. STFU.