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Forum Post: Natural Selection

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 23, 2011, 10:07 p.m. EST by MASTERdBATER2 (56)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Humans as a species have stopped evolving ever since the concept of welfare was created. Supporting people who otherwise do not have the ability to survive is stifling humanity as a species. Not just that, but essentially promoting these people to breed seems to be creating a devolution of sorts. If this goes on much longer our children's children will all resemble these knuckle dragging neanderthals that make up most of the "occupy movement". That is not acceptable. Annihilate OWS!

(all opinions exclude the elderly and handicapped)



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[-] 12 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

I wholeheartedly disagree. I think a society that has compassion and empathy for those in need is one that is evolved. Not the opposite.

[-] 3 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

excellent post.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 12 years ago

You're not asking for compassion; our compassion runneth over - you're asking for cash.

There other aspects of this thing of natural selection... exclusion on the level of populace IS natural selection.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

I don't understand your post, sorry. I get the first sentence, but not the second.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 12 years ago

There is this theory that certain genetic characteristics are selected for; meaning those that do not possess these characteristics are increasingly less prolific. On the genetic level, respecting humans, the theory is extremely flawed... but there is a dual element here, in that, during times of population stress we produce more females who will more wisely choose good mates and more readily discard bad mates.

And... concepts of the best mate, the good father, the good mother, the good family, the "Good Society," however culturally defined, are evolutionary. It's natural selection on the level of reproduction; to be effective selection must exist on the level of populace. And that is why such a theory as the genetic end all is so highly flawed; not to worry - the microbiologists know this.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

Humans who show compassion and caring for others are more evolved than humans who do not. The ability to have empathy is what makes humans different from other animals.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 12 years ago

Nah... they are just more prone to emotionally based decisions. And that is definitely NOT more evolved.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

Come on. Having emotions is what separates us from animals! Please.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 12 years ago

No... having a more highly evolved emotional base, and a more highly evolved means of emotional sorting, is what separates us.

There is nothing at all wrong with an emotionally based decision if it is the correct decision. But often times they are not... having the ability to emotionally detach, and develop some multi-layered rational plan, is all that separates winners and losers.

Compassion has nothing at all to do with this... compassion is a means of growing one's base and promoting self interest.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

Animals don't have an emotional base nor do they do emotional sorting. Compassion is what makes us human. We don't all act like animals because of compassion. (Some of us do.)

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 12 years ago

No... unfortunately you are very wrong; many animals, if not all, are indeed emotional. It's not compassionate that makes us human; it's "human" that makes is human, which, incidentally, is very humanely defined by the humans who are us. The difference is that we possess cognitive ability.

We don't act like animals (all the time) because civility promotes or permits an increased population density.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

Sounds good. So if we can reason, we can know what morals are and this leads us to compassion, what you call emotion.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 12 years ago

Whoa.. quick response. Nah... emotional response takes on a pretty wide expanse. Cognitive ability and reason are two entirely different subjects. Morality is not reason based; it is the extension of subconscious desire. So it's actually comprised of two elements; that to which you refer I believe is "cultural morality" and that can take on any variety of forms - murder, sacrifice, cannibalism, etc - all have been defined as a moral good by any number of cultures including that of the Celts.

Reason requires some emotional detachment... if it directs us towards "compassion," it does so selfishly. And not necessarily for reasons that are "moral"; quite often our compassion extends to those immoral.

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

I disagree. Reason = Knowing the difference between right and wrong = Empathy and Compassion

[-] -2 points by Occufridazzle (-19) 12 years ago

So what planet are they on? Where are they? I have traveled the world and only met a handful of decent people in my life. Get back to reality man.

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

You are with them right here on this forum. There are many good folks here and all over. I agree, there are lots of bad ones, too, but try not to be such a misanthrope.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 12 years ago

Good people are everywhere... the trick is in not being overly critical of minor differences.

[+] -4 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Thank you for the input.

no sarcasm

[-] 4 points by MsStacy (1035) 12 years ago

I suppose that could be the case if we carried it out for many generations, but I hardly think we'll see much physical change in the species in just 50 or 100 years. I do agree to some extent though that our good intentions have placed us in a trap.

We've developed a feeling of entitlement in people, keeping them from developing emotionally into adults. I don't know how to get out of that trap. You can't just stop providing once you've made people dependent on government, but to continue isn't much different then supplying drugs to an addict.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Maybe entitlement stimulates self esteem. Kind of like the feeling that I'm worth it. Just thinking.

[-] 1 points by MsStacy (1035) 12 years ago

Entitlements seem to work very quickly to turn men and women into children, but yes I suppose they all do feel good about themselves.

[-] 1 points by libertarianincle (312) from Cleveland, OH 12 years ago

You might be surprised. Take a listen to this Radio Lab, especially part one. It took a scientist 10 years to breed out vicious urges in foxes, the amazing part is, it involved PHYSICAL changes to the Foxes. In 10 YEARS!


[-] 1 points by MsStacy (1035) 12 years ago

Yes I've seen it, or at least the fox experiment. What was it, a couple of generations? The theory was it may have been similar but natural circumstances that caused the dog to evolve from the wolf.

There certainly a lot of negatives associated with the state becoming parent to the poor. I see more of an emotional change then a physical one, but who knows. Every medical advance removes us form an evolutionary struggle for life.

[-] 1 points by maplehead74 (60) from Brooksville, FL 12 years ago

We start with a strong, open, and free education system. One that actually starts to recognize the talents/ aptitudes of the student very early 3rd or 4th grade. From there on the student develops those traits. That way each individual is on the way to having a career and one that must likely they will enjoy. This is the basic model for the German education system and it seems to work. I think the public schools shifting towards a Montessori type education would be a start.

And to ChemLady. I think there needs to be a mentoring program for single moms. It takes a village to raise a child.

[-] 1 points by MsStacy (1035) 12 years ago

I read a lot of good ideas about education for people. It would be great, but there is so much that has to be done to improve government first. Set some priorities for funding things.

[-] 1 points by maplehead74 (60) from Brooksville, FL 12 years ago

The 99 % Declaration was a good start at putting goals on paper. (Now to my understanding rejected by OWS , but it is embraced by National General Assembly) You have to have goals on paper move an agenda. I don't think your going to get that out of this crowed. This seems more like the libertarians and anarchist are , hhmm well there here in force. Who am I to say there steering things in the wrong direction or blocking consensus.

[-] 1 points by MsStacy (1035) 12 years ago

It might have been. It's a major undertaking to hold a national vote for something. Even bigger to pull it off and look like you are actually a national movement with the membership numbers to back it up. Hard too to believe they can grow without aclear agenda and some political power.

[-] 1 points by ChemLady (576) 12 years ago

I had almost the same thoughts about assistance being a trap. I see it with school breakfast and lunch for the poor. We can't stop it or the kids will suffer, but many of the mostly single moms never really learn how to care for their kids at all.

[-] -3 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

My comment about children's children was just a cheap shot at OWS, and I realize it would be much longer. I do however agree with the evolution sentiment.

[-] 2 points by riethc (1149) 12 years ago

Zeig heil, mein fueher! Ve vill purge zee human genome of zee weak and zee stupid in our Fourth Reich!

[-] 0 points by Occufridazzle (-19) 12 years ago

The only thing worse than a commie progressive liberal is a fucking Nazi. What did the Jews ever do to you. You don't give a damn about Palestine so WTF? People confuse Jews with Zionists just like comparing a Christian to a Morman or a Satanist to a Pagan. Capitalism always gets confused with Corporatism.

[-] 2 points by riethc (1149) 12 years ago

Do I have to point out sarcasm to you too?

[-] 0 points by Occufridazzle (-19) 12 years ago

No, why would you have to? This place is full of great fun and laughter. Im serious about that. Play on dude...

[-] -3 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

I'm not you fueher, but stick with the sentiment. Try to leave the jews alone this time though (unless they cannot support themselves)

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 12 years ago

Do I have to point out sarcasm?

[-] -2 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Sorry, I usually include sarcasm along with that.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 12 years ago

If I do it again I'll remember to add it for your sake.

By the way, are you familiar with the term eugenics?

[-] -1 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

google was, and now I am. I think that Idea could still have merit if you could separate the stigma of Nazi Germany.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 12 years ago

Eugenics aren't just the Nazis: It's pseudo-science made to trick people into believing that physical traits equate to a person's merit.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 12 years ago

There once was a professor at UVM

his name was Perkins.

He has a building named after him on the UVM campus.

I have, in the past, been tempted to take a three pound hammer, and smash his big block letters off of that building.

Then I'd like to dig up his remains, have him drawn and quartered, and scattered to the four winds . . . .

forced sterilization

of indians

and the mentally ill

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 12 years ago

Another example of the inevitable end-point of Darwinism. Thanks for the link.

[-] -1 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Maybe I read the vague definition. I am not trying to single out any race, religion, sex, or anything like that. Where I draw the line is basic survival skills.

If you cannot afford your own food and are otherwise capable of working.

You chose to have children that you had no means to support (financially and ethically)

You created Debt from credit that you never had any means to pay for in the first place (A house is not a right)

These are the examples, not who can jump the highest or run the fastest.


[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 12 years ago

I think the problem is that you assume everyone exists in the same environment and that the people you are defining are simply dysfunctional from birth.

[-] -1 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

If it is not a child, elderly person, or a handicapped person then I usually am not concerned as to WHY they are dysfunctional. I would suggest that the lack of personal accountability is a big factor. Either way the end result is the same. A person who needs the help of others to live.

I am clearly no humanitarian. I was not given many advantages and yet I have been able to feed myself. Life is hard. The sooner someone can realize that, the sooner they can take the steps to figure out how to survive on their own.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 12 years ago

Personal accountability is essential but so is empathy. I believe, if we lived in a culture that promotes classical-humanistic views, we wouldn't have the rampant infantilism that plagues adults, whether functioning or non-functioning in society.

[-] -1 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Could you go a little more in depth regarding "classical-humanistic views".

I do agree that an extreme would create a non productive society, but where is the common ground?

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 12 years ago

Any historical period called Classical, or a Renaissance, generally had classical-humanism as a norm. There are a few historical periods defined that way.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

M@sturbator : Your Malevolent ; AynRandian ; Social-Darwinist ; Eugenicist ; Misanthropy - really speaks volumes and only attests to your own "Unnatural Self Selection" and your own Baseless Arrogance ; Supercilious Exceptionalism & Vacuous Supremacism ...

Thus for possible self-insight, watch :

a) http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/i-psychopath/ &

b) http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/psychopath/ !!

Troll Posts come easy to Darkside Servants of The Sith, even at a time of traditional goodwill unto all people. Tch ~{:-(

Pacem In Terris ...

[-] 2 points by riethc (1149) 12 years ago

Thanks for the link!

[-] -3 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago


[-] 2 points by Jehovah (113) 12 years ago

There is no such thing as natural selection, my son.

[-] 2 points by nucleus (3291) 12 years ago

Interesting point. By changing the conditions that determine natural selection, i.e. survival conditions, ability of the terminally ill, mentally deficient, etc. to reproduce, we now have what can only be called unnatural selection. In the past those strains would have died out. Now they survive to reproduce. Whether this is advantageous or a detriment to the species is a different argument.

It has been argued that man is/has adapted to an existence in which the traditional methods of survival (catching or growing food, etc.) have been rendered obsolete.

[-] 2 points by JPB950 (2254) 12 years ago

True only for some of those conditions that made themselves know and made you look less fit to a mate, or killed you before you hit the age where you could reproduce.

[-] 1 points by nucleus (3291) 12 years ago

The point being that many conditions that would prevent survival to reproduction age are now routinely treated, with consequent effects on the gene pool.

[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 12 years ago

Genetics isn't my field, but I believe you'd have to carry that out many many generations for it to be effective in changing mankind. We may be more likely to cause our own extinction through overpopulation. Natural selection too in a way, we've evolved to a point where we're too successful and have eliminated just about anything that would prey on us.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

actually you are quite correct and there is some evidence to support your assertions take for example the intelligence of ashkenazi jews. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashkenazi_Jewish_intelligence

[-] 1 points by Occufridazzle (-19) 12 years ago

Isn't it true that if homosexuals were born that way then the human race would have gone extinct by now according to Darwins theories?

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Yes. Assuming you believe you can be born a homosexual.

[-] 1 points by Occufridazzle (-19) 12 years ago

We can assume you believe it also and a tree falls in the forest. However we just can't escape the scientifically proven fact that gays choose the lifestyle because there is no evidence to prove they were born that way but there is evidence to prove its a choice. Most lesbians will tell you they made a choice. I guess thats why they don't really get along with gays. I have a lesbian sister ok, ok! Straight from the Hollywood hills Lesbian community! Reality folks. Utopia doesn't exist and Humans are exactly the same as they were back when Cain Killed his brother Able.

[-] 1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

actually there is a lot of science to back up homosexuality being a result of a genetic factor however i think many people are confused about their sexuality and/or are lonely and unable to communicate to the opposite sex in a manner that they are able to do with their own sex. according to psychology every human being has homosexual desires however and the majority of people have some sort of homosexual activity in their life at some point usually in their teens or preteens however not exclusively now on the subject of female sexuality if you once liked guys but now like girls it is in my experience generally because well guys are douchebags plus there is far less stigma with lesbianism than male homosexuality as a matter of fact female bi-sexuality and homosexuality is encouraged and girls are indoctrinated in western culture where cuddling, hugging and smooching on the lips is not just accepted but encouraged as normal and perfectly acceptable behavior which i am willing to bet a large portion of teenage girls do with out a second thought sexuality is based physicality with an individual though you may have a mental connection it is a purely physical act and actually i saw a study where it said that now 15% of females identify as lesbians and that is a 50% increase so the fact that the stigma for women is gone and the accepted bonding of females today is far more physical than in the past and lets face it as a guy the only thing hotter than watching to pretty girls kiss is joining them kissing i am sure societies values and views have made all this more acceptable. now to find a hot lesbian and make her bi.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

I did not offer an opinion, I was trying to clarify a previous statement from someone else.

[-] 1 points by Occufridazzle (-19) 12 years ago

The previous statement was from me and I thought I was stoned.

[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 12 years ago

There is artificial selection though, we actually have used it with animals and plants. The theory of natural selection has merit, but not over such a short time as a century or so for man.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 12 years ago

JPB950 With the breeding of animals, dogs for example changes can occur within much shorter periods or generations. With humans, perhaps in increments of 10,000 years.

I recall reading somewhere that the racial differences between humans is due to length of time as isolated populations on various continents, latitudes and altitudes over 10,000 years or more as being responsible for many of the physical differences-ie: isolated groups of Peruvians for example due to the altitude actually have larger arteries in key parts of their bodies and are better adapted to their extreme high altitude environment than those of us whose heritage is closer to sea level.

[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 12 years ago

In a controlled situation with animals or plants yes the selection is specific. In man, the kind of random reproduction involving what MasterdBater seems to worry about in the original post it's not very likely to be a concern for quite a few generations. Modern medicine would probably do more to fulfill he fears then welfare would too.

[-] 1 points by Occufridazzle (-19) 12 years ago

Nice theories but thats all they are. Someones idea of how they want it to be. Im a realist of no real political persuasion so I see things for how they are not how I would like them to be.

[-] 1 points by quantumystic (1710) from Memphis, TN 12 years ago

how about your head on my stake

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

come get it pussy.

[-] 1 points by fabianmockian (225) 12 years ago

Wait a minute. Are you saying that neanderthals took care of the needy or they didn't, because if they didn't then your comparison to them would be more fitting for someone who doesn't want to take care of those in need. Ergo, the greedy people like you or those you so idiotically support (if you're not rich) are less evolved than the people in OWS. (all opinions include you Masterbater2 (couldn't even come up with an original user name, so you made yourself number 2, Hee Hee, he's number 2)

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Neanderthals did not have money taken out of their paycheck that would be sent to the cave slut for all of her illigits. The 2 is because you guys can't handle the truth. This is clearly not my first account, and I am sure it won't be my last.

[-] 1 points by fabianmockian (225) 12 years ago

You're still number 2

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

You're a miserable cock jockey, and may your career end abruptly.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

My career is in automation, and I don't think that is going anywhere anytime soon. Thanks for the encouragement though thumbsup

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

People don't hate you because you're repulsive. Don't get me wrong, you are fucking repulsive, that's just not why people hate you.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Now you can't even come up with original insults. OWS truly are the laziest children of losers that have ever existed.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

The language of those who are here to discuss politics is pertty typical of 100% of Americans- no respect for themselves, no thought as to what their kids/future kids may think, etc.

This country is screwed.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

This is why we are here this is why you are needed.


Share, circulate, educate, inspire.

See also people from all walks of life, from all over the political map "not" supporting a party or leader or group of leaders but "supporting an Ideal".


Check this out could be real good fun.


[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

He has already admitted he is here to troll. Fuck him. Any questions?

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Ha, more insults. How predictive. You still have yet to say which GA you attended, Friday. Well......?

Some people just hate thinkers. Only reactionaries they like..

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

The only thing predictable is your response.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

And you have yet to attend a GA.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Ah, the Paulite Troll wants answers. Not today.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Im not a Paulite, Im a normal human being who is tired of corruption. And you are a fraud. Go to hell, I cant stand posers like you.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Just how fucking senseless are you, anyway? Your mindlessness is simply overwhelming.

The only fraud that has been here is you. But, we have you down.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

"We" from someone who doesnt occupy. Riiiiight......

Which GA Friday? Whats up? You mainstream sell out.

Put up or shut the fuck up. Im tired of people who have never done a god damn politically active thing, much less something without direction from money, who run their mouths like they give a fuckin shit.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

You fucking put up or shut up. You talk a lot of shit, but it isn't anything but right wing bullshit. The only fraud here is your dumb ass.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Which GA Friday? Which one? You dont have one, do you?

What a typical lazy ass American.

Im in OT for 3 things- reinstate Glass Steagall, Amend Cit United, and campaign finance reform.

Which GA? Never been? Just admit it, you dont give a shit.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

We got your right wing ass down awhile back. Remember? You are fucking done. Tell the truth, Frog.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

"Right wing" towards a registered Dem. Voted for Obama. Wanted Change. Is now pissed. Never voted for Bush.

Which GA you fraud? Answer the question or be labeled a fraud, which is much worse than a D or R.

You're a fraud, take your filthy mouth elsewhere.

[-] 0 points by GreedKilIs (29) 12 years ago

You love thinking you are slapping people in the forehead with your woman cock. All you are doing is spreading enough yeast to supply three bakeries. Go knit something you incessant crotch sniffer.


[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

The best part about you is that you're both mindless and monstrously hideous. That's probably why nobody likes you.



[-] 1 points by tweed (9) 12 years ago

You may be on to something, We may just have reached a point in our human development where greed is a fatal trait. Not conducive to human perseverance at all.

[-] 1 points by infonomics (393) 12 years ago

What is your solution for the existing welfare recipients? In your response, please go beyond the obvious "end welfare funding." For example, what would you do if they resorted to looting and plundering which then resulted in massive imprisonment? Or worst, what would you do if the same massive starvation that happened during the Russian collectivization of the 1930's also happened here?

How would you address the suggested breeding problem that you allude?

Your thesis does not address the problem of corruption that can and did lead to a near financial meltdown. What say ye?

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Search for a previous post of mine titled "the answer" I posted my proposition there. It was a few weeks ago though.

[-] 1 points by gsw (3410) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

actually, your premise contradicts itself. you say humans have stopped evolving, then you claim we're devolving.

maybe it is caused by the elite 1 percent...i thought my water tasted off, recently, and poisoning the air and food

[-] 1 points by gsw (3410) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

would you prove humans have stopped evolving, if that is your premise?

anyway, any one may have a cure for cancer or some other good idea.

People though Einstein was a flake in his youth too.

maybe in supporting, we our cultivating some unknown future good, for humanity. sometimes you help out because it is the right thing to do.

Maybe they could attend your lectures on success and improve their lot? Anything is possible

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

There is no premise other than to create a topic of conversation, and be able to find entertainment with most responses. Any good magician knows that the key element is distraction.

[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 12 years ago

Masterdbater has caught you in his trap. He's playing with you. Get out and discuss something of value with someone who is genuinely interested in the stand of justice.

[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 12 years ago

who is genuinely interested in the stand for justice.

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 12 years ago

I suppose you could say the same thing about recipients of corporate welfare or banks that receive bailouts.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 12 years ago

This is just too precious: I know I shoudn't respond to freaks who are illiterate and uneducated imbeciles, because that only encourages them to post more idiotic trash.. But this is just too much... The stupidity of this freak: he is so amazingly DUMB...so thick-headed; so unbelievably dense... it is a wonder he even knows how to breath.

So this freak.... finally admits! after 60 posts discussing the evils of welfare..... that corporations and banks receive trillions of more dollars than any poor people do.

This fucking pea-brain, this brain-dead pinhead... Finally admits that the billions of dollars given to AIG and Goldman Sachs and the trillions of dollars given to the World Bank... is welfare....

Geee.... Gosh.... You were finally made a logical conclusion. WOW. Congratulations: Now if you go back to grammar school, you just might learn how to read, write and think on an adult level above that of a 5 yr old child

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

You never asked me my position on bailouts. Why make assumptions now? You know what assuming will lead to....ASS

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 12 years ago

read this again. you dumb fuck:

"The worst form of welfare are the top 1%... the rich fat lazy elite parasites living off the sweat of the masses of slave who work for them to make them filthy rich. They contribute nothing and they are not able to survive by themselves without sucking off other people. If all forms of social welfare were abolished: they would be the first ones to die off."

If you can't comprehend the words and the logic: don't waste my time answering this post. If you can't address what is written: don't waste our time reading your shit. Either stay relevant and on topic or get off this forum."

I already told you the worst form of welfare is the richest people in the world being given welfare: you dumb fucking freak:

So what do you do? You FREAK OUT; You go CRAZY you respond with SHIT.

Your response was:

"There is no logic there."

There's no logic in correctly identifying the richest institutions AND PEOPLE in the world as the worst examples of WELFARE????


Even stupider was your FIRST response to MY LOGIC:

"You have no worth. This is YOUR fault. Deal with it pussy."

What the fuck are you babbling about you fucking insane idiot??

Then AFTER you try to deny the logic of my post:... you ADMIT IN PUBLIC: that the bailouts are a form of welfare for the RICH.

What you fucking hypocritical insane assholes don't realize is that you can't expect to be given ANY respect on a public forum when you CONTRADICT YOURSELF.

Either my logic is CORRECT or it is not . Any fucking DONKEY with an IQ of 50 knows I'm right.

But YOU!@ You piece of lying shit: try to DENY THE FACTS THAT BAILOUTS FOR THE RICH IS A FORM OF WELFARE????? On a public FORUM??!! And expect anyone who has any intelligence whatsoever to even bother with your bullshit!!???

Get LOST you fucking imbecile You are NOT WORTH TALKING TO. You are too STUPID for words. You will remain stupid FOREVER, because YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND PLAIN ENGLISH.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Ill play just this once, then it's back to spam. The OP never stated anything about bailouts, It was written to imply that people that are employed by corporations are slaves.

Ill copy and paste this since you had trouble the first time.

There is no logic there.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 12 years ago

The OP is YOU: you fucking slime scumbag:

So don't try to avoid responsibility for what you have posted by pretending the OP is not you.

Your OP post says NOTHING about corporations or slaves: it implies that all free-market capitalism is the only thing which weeds out the incompetent and recommends the annihilation of the OWS movement because the OWS movement is against the mindless greed of all capitalist pigs like YOU.

You are a shameless blatant liar and bullshitter,

You have been caught lying over and over: and yet you still persist in your sick posting of crap on this forum.

you're an ENEMY of the OWS movement you stinking troll

YOU wrote the original post on this thread as an attack against the OWS movement you lying asshole.

You are a lying scumbag and a troll.

Even when you are CAUGHT RED-HANDED posting lies and contradicting what you said earlier: you still try to pretend you are not a scumbag troll. You are a whacko nutcase.

You haven't responded to a single word I posted. You're a screaming freaked-out-on-drugs, whacko, nut job..

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

The OP is YOU: you fucking slime scumbag I was referring to your first post, the one you quoted You are a shameless blatant liar and bullshitter, not true You have been caught lying over and over: and yet you still persist in your sick posting of crap on this forum. first statement not true, second statement true you're an ENEMY of the OWS movement you stinking troll true YOU wrote the original post on this thread as an attack against the OWS movement you lying asshole. true, but that does not make me a liar You are a lying scumbag and a troll. again, not a liar. A troll as defined by you, true Even when you are CAUGHT RED-HANDED posting lies and contradicting what you said earlier: you still try to pretend you are not a scumbag troll. You are a whacko nutcase. if you read my previous answers, you would know this doesn't make sense to me You haven't responded to a single word I posted. You're a screaming freaked-out-on-drugs, whacko, nut job.. I have now responded to every word you posted

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 12 years ago

People should vomit on you Maybe THEN you might get the message

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Thank you for conceding so gracefully.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 12 years ago

You admit that you are a piece of vomit I Puke on filth

[-] 1 points by TonyPhuah (1) 12 years ago

Hi MASTERdBATER2, you have some point by touching on evolution, but you fell into the trap of "overemphasize the role of competition and ignore elements of co-operation in nature such as symbiosis." Evolution is much more complex than we think - e.g. unit of selection is not necessary individual but can be group (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altruism#Evolutionary_explanations and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_cooperation#Modern_developments). There should be a reason we have empathy.

[-] 1 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 12 years ago

There is evidence of humans helping take care of the handicapped in the stone age. We evolved with compassion.

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 12 years ago

Oh PLEASE! Humans ARE still evolving, and when it comes to humans, all bets are off. You cannot use just an animalistic model. And Neanderthals were intelligent, did not drag knuckles. Unless you are pure African, YOU have bits of Neanderthal DNA, ok? Humans are far and above animalistic Natural Selection, and we can change our environment faster than we can evolve.

Look at Stephen Hawking, Stevie Wonder. Human life is not all about breeding and hunting! Now it's about progressing as a society! Brutishness and muscles mean very little in civilized society. Watch women finally take their rightful place as society progresses!


[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

To: Dr. Masterbater

Subject: Natural Selection

Thank you for your excellent scientific discourse on Natural Selection. I see you are an accredited p.h.d. in the sciences, and I've learned so much invaluable insight into the negative benefits of welfare. What were we ever thinking trying to help people. God, we have been so stupid. Thanks to you Doctor, I now have great insight on what to do when somebody needs a helping hand. Fuck 'em.

Sincerely, JC

[-] -1 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

No problem, glad I could help you.

[-] 1 points by ubercaput (175) from New York City, NY 12 years ago


Nice try kid.

[-] 1 points by IslandActivist (191) from Keaau, HI 12 years ago

First off, OWS represents everyone not just the 'poor'. Secondly, I love how people actually think its easy to get welfare. So you really think its as simple as having ten children and then you won't have to work another day of your life? Wrong. There's a waiting list that ensures in two years or more someone will review your case and then get back to you one year later to see if you qualify for any assistance such as food stamps or public housing. Then there's the catch - you must have a job and welfare does not pay anymore than a quarter to half of your rent. If you don't have a job and are already under welfare, than you have a time limit before your benefits are cut which during that time you must prove that you have attended a certain amount of interviews and submitted applications. And here's a bonus for those ten kids I mentioned above, CWS will regularly be on you and make a case for simple things such as the house isn't big enough or your child was late for more than ten days during the school year. Your "house" (which is actually a slum if they provide it) is subject to monthly and on call inspections in which they can cut you from your benefits if you do not pass (there is no smoking or pets). CWS loves taking away children from welfare the most since it's the easiest. Your benefits are cut if you are charged with a crime or if there is any type of disturbance, break any of their ridiculous rules, and once your children age above 18 or are taken away. The funds are dwindling and soon there won't be a welfare system. Your benefits are also reduced if they see fit, your food stamps are limited to the point where its impossible to actually feed your children every month (you also may buy only certain items if you are on WIC), and you won't find luck with decent housing since nearly all realtors and home owners won't sell or rent to someone on county. Do not make any insistence that you can actually live off of welfare.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

We can all point out problems with our welfare system (even though most of what you stated is not true in the state of MN) That is not what the post is about. It is about identifying these people as a problem and possibly developing a solution for that.

[-] 1 points by IslandActivist (191) from Keaau, HI 12 years ago

By these people are you saying the people under welfare or the people who created the system?

Edit: The same can be found in California. I suspect you don't actually 'know' the welfare system. Just another internet browser.

[-] 1 points by Anachronism (225) 12 years ago

Ahh- that market system is god thesis. Not sure if I buy it. I suppose douche bags like Jamie Diamond and Larry Summers are prime examples of humanities top stock of genetics.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Not looking for the top, just singling out the bottom.

[-] 1 points by Occufridazzle (-19) 12 years ago

OMG I can't stop laughing!!! Dude Im so stoned and having a great time here tonight after a hard days work. Yeah people think the life of a musician is easy. Its not. I do make a decent living sure but I work my ass off 16 hour days 6 days a week and sometimes its been 7. It sucks. The grass is always greener on the other side. Well its greener here in Oregon but shit is the same wherever you go. I just wish these libs could do something useful like maybe getting weed legalized in one of these centuries. If they can't accomplish the small things how are they going to tackle the bigger issues?

Merry Christmas

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 12 years ago

Not so fast. Please come here first.


The Revolution starts here!

I'd say those on welfare are pretty smart. They are getting us to give them a hand for free. I don't like it, but it's pretty smart. The way you talk, I don't think you know very much about evolution. I think you'd be hard pressed to tell me the difference between a phenotype and a genotype.

Anyways, what you wrote is pretty funny. I don't agree with it, but it is pretty funny :P

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Trolling, with a disclaimer?

I've seen it all, now.

Merry Christmas

[-] -2 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

There is some genuine sentiment there.

Merry Christmas.

[-] 1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

you do know there is no such thing as welfare right????? you do know bill clinton got rid of welfare in the 90's it is called workfare now... and that it is more detrimental to society that welfare is right????? prob not you sound like a typical right wing fool.

[-] -3 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

You managed to bring partisanship to a conversation about the human species. thumbsup I support no agenda other than my own. Left wing fool.

P.S. The thumbsup was sarcastic.

[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 12 years ago

And the opposite extreme where unbridled competition and the lack of compassion are considered virtuous promotes a society where psychopaths rein supreme.

Both Compassion AND Responsibility are necessary for society to progress.

[-] -3 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Where do you draw the line between compassion and enabling?

[-] 2 points by UncomonSense (386) 12 years ago

Compassion is enabling.

You should try it sometime.

[-] -1 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

I expressed my sentiment regarding the eradication of people who cannot support themselves, and you suggest I practice enabling?

Your efforts might be better placed elsewhere. Thanks for reading though.


[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 12 years ago

When the pursuits of one party causes suffering to another through the initiation of force or manipulation.

We must strive as a culture to arrive at win-win interactions/mutual agreements rather than promoting the all too common win/lose scenarios, or worse lose/lose scenarios (vengeful wars). However, this is nearly impossible if people lack an intuitive sense of compassion. 1-5% of the population are literally born without the capacity for compassion (psychopaths), over 10% learn to mimic such behavior (sociopaths), and many others become apologists/enablers to these types.

When enough people literally revere psychopathic or unsympathetic behavior society itself cares little for each individual's suffering. In turn, society does extremely little to improve its condition because compassion is low on the list of priorities.. War, extreme wealth hoarding, deceit, and other unethical practices become commonplace tactics to obtaining power.

We currently live in a Pathocracy.

We've had technologies over the past century which could have provided food, clean water, abundant energy, free healthcare/education, and peace to the entire world if our culture wasn't co-opted by uncaring and conniving psychopaths. Is it just a coincidence that all the benevolent leaders throughout history are assassinated yet the most vicious dictators remain in power most of their lives? Isn't it strange how many resources are devoted to the military, to wars, to destruction, to bank bailouts yet barely a fraction of it is devoted towards local community projects? Isn't it strange that multi-millionaires and billionaires continue to acquire wealth despite having all their needs met many times over?

There exist groups such as http://www.thevenusproject.com/ that lay out the technologies necessary for everyone to live in abundance globally. There are many other groups that advocate green energy projects, sustainability projects, open source education, etc. But unless many people acknowledge the reality that non-compassionate psychopaths exist and influence society, whatever reforms and system changes made will ultimately be undermined and distorted. This applies to all systems whether it be capitalism, libertarianism, democracy, etc.

Evolution does not always = progress. In this case, society has evolved to support the most ruthless individuals as they are the most successful at obtaining power.

[-] 1 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Informative. Thank you.

no sarcasm

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 12 years ago

Thee worst form of welfare are the top 1%... the rich fat lazy elite parasites living off the sweat of the masses of slave who work for them to make them filthy rich. They contribute nothing and they are not able to survive by themselves without sucking off other people. If all forms of social welfare were abolished: they would be the first ones to die off..

Oops: that means you.

[-] -1 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

You have no worth. This is YOUR fault. Deal with it pussy.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 12 years ago

Are all the freaks now posting here as crazy as you are?

Try logic and making sense. It's the antidote to your meaningless shit

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

It would only be lost on you. I now just call them as I see them. Shouldn't you be complaining about all your problems to someone right about now?

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 12 years ago

Read this again:

"The worst form of welfare are the top 1%... the rich fat lazy elite parasites living off the sweat of the masses of slave who work for them to make them filthy rich. They contribute nothing and they are not able to survive by themselves without sucking off other people. If all forms of social welfare were abolished: they would be the first ones to die off."

If you can't comprehend the words and the logic: don't waste my time answering this post. If you can't address what is written: don't waste our time reading your shit. Either stay relevant and on topic or get off this forum.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

There is no logic there. Hence not giving you more respect than the term worthless pussy allows.

I will stay irrelevant (similar to this "movement") and I will continue to browse these forums identifying morons like yourself. Thanks for the suggestion though thumbsup

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 12 years ago

You are a total freak moron imbecile

I told you not to respond to my post if you can't be relevant.

The Queen of the Netherlands owns controlling interests in Dutch Shell Oil Corp. Without her owning all the trillions of dollars and wealth: there would be no poor people and no welfare for poor people. That's what the OWS movement is all about; you fucking brainless freak. The unethical extreme wealth of the top 1% impoverishing the 99% by hoarding all the money and wealth and property through unethical and immoral practices which they legalise...

The capitalist sysem is welfare for the rich: not for the poor. The rich get richer off this welfare state while the poor get poorer.

Since you are so fucking totally whacko that you cannot recognize and admit the logic of these facts do not ever bother me again.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Hey now, you are the one who started this whole responding thing in the first place. If your going to be like that then I don't want you to ever bother me again either.....So there.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 12 years ago

7 yr old children should not be on internet forum: freak now fuck off and go spew your shit somewhere else.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

So now children are not welcome among the 99%?

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 12 years ago

whacko: get lost; all you are desperate for is attenioin


[-] 0 points by tedscrat (-96) 12 years ago

Humanity, planet wide, will be OK. The question should be whether American will still be an applicatable nationality in 100 years, or will we fade like the Romans

[-] 0 points by kingscrossection (1203) 12 years ago

You don't get very far with insults but yes I do agree with you. Entitlement programs included.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

I admit the insult was a cheap shot, but my sentiment on the topic remains.

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 12 years ago

Well yes I understand that. Thanks for the post I was thinking about posting something similar after I got some of my ideas down.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Hopefully yours can be more tasteful. I would make the attempt, but my lack of respect for most posters here usually results in the insults.

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 12 years ago

I have that same problem. I have to seriously take a step back sometimes because some of the posters just get under my skin because of their refusal to look at someone else's differing ideas.

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 12 years ago

Right on brother. Nothing like getting famous for being stupid. Or faking stupid, which is worse.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

A bit of both. Do you really think I'll get famous?

crossing fingers

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

only if you think snookie is famous and not infamous.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

What's snookie?

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

well masturbater2 you are probably jerking off thinking about her right now, she is the kind of girl your kind loves to marry.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Your skills for debate dwindle quickly...

no sarcasm

[-] 0 points by ilovecars (36) 12 years ago

If the system tries to stop / or reduce the paying of welfare, to children in need it will be, OWS that will destroy whoever is responsible. They are children in need, we will protect them.

[-] 3 points by MsStacy (1035) 12 years ago

I don't think a majority would ever want to deprive children, but we need to find some way to get their parents to develop emotionally into adults and take care of their own responsibilities. Anything that starts with the words, "give them", is likely to only make things worse. People only mature when they learn to do for themselves.


[-] 1 points by MsStacy (1035) 12 years ago

That's hyperbole I hope. We've made a trap for ourself with assistance programs. We can't abandon the very people we've damaged by making dependent. I have no idea how to get us out of it, but doing more of the same without some way to end the cycle of dependence is a mistake.

[-] -2 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

I have never seen a child receive a welfare check. Do they open a bank account for the child too?


[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

I'm sure that is the intention, but is rarely to never acted upon.


[-] -2 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

If you have children and receive assistance or aid through the government, I believe that your children should be taken from you until you are able to provide for them. In the mean time (after they have been taken) hopefully they will be able to learn the skills necessary to NOT fallow in their failure of a parent's footsteps.

[-] 2 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

because removing a child from their parents care is great for their psychological development right and therefore society right?????????? fucking idiocy is high with this one.

[-] -2 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

You should get in touch with your local welfare recipients. That is if they have not overdosed and left those precious children to sit and wait by the body until authorities arrive.

That would have far less of a psychological affect on them.

P.S. The last line is sarcasm.


[-] 1 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

your assertion that all workfare recipients are drug and alcohol abusers is yet another straw man and far from reality...

[-] -1 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

The word ALL was not used by me. Like I said, get in touch with that community and then come and tell me it's far from reality.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

your assertions are baseless and with out fact show me one statistical correlation between alcohol and drug abuse and workfare... you can't because like all republicans you make baseless accusations that support your world view.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

I use experience as my base. Growing up on welfare, in population dense urban area and later coming to manage apartment approved for section 8. Your "stats" don't exist, because no one will take the time to compile them (another big problem). No one cares about these people, especially the government. As long as they stay uneducated and drug induced the government has no problems throwing tax funded dollars at them.

A wise man once said "If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime."

Why don't you start by teaching one of those welfare kids to fish, instead of giving his crack head mother the fish to do with what she wants?

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

so once again it is just made up shit from a right wing hack just like fox news wonderful.

[-] 2 points by Jehovah (113) 12 years ago

The firefighter who loses his job to cutbacks from tax shortfalls, when he can't find work because real unemployment is 23%, should have his children taken away?

You are a true patriot, my son.

[-] -2 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Yes, but you and I both know he/she has enough integrity and value that he/she won't allow that to happen.

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

integrity and values end when your stomach is growling and your kids are shivering. how do we know that they won't fall into despair and a homeless shelter? we don't fool.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Your grammar in the second sentence makes it difficult to understand. I could write a book on how the situation is easily avoided, but if you need it explained I feel that sadly you would fall into the category that is hindering evolution.

no sarcasm

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

there i put the question mark in there since you were unable to discern the chat. lmfao seriously wtf. no, you couldn't write a book you could write some nonsensical prattle which is what you have been doing.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Your skills for debate dwindle quickly...

no sarcasm

copied and pasted. I guess you need to read it twice?

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

???? wtf are you babbling about again see this is what i mean by prattle.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago

Three times in this thread alone you attempted to start dialog with me. Each time you resorted to insults for lack of anything else. I know you are not very smart and we have already identified you as "devolved", but you should at least be able see clearly my "babble" or "prattle" is aimed at pointing out how people like you are a plague to the human species.

Is that clear enough for you?

[-] 0 points by blackbloc (-19) 12 years ago

the only thing clear to me is you are utterly incompetent and incapable of any argument that actually requires deductive reasoning and facts. yes hard facts. you still have completely failed at documenting how people on workfare are all drug and alcohol abusers and how taking their children away is in any way beneficial for society ill be waiting but i wont hold my breath.

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER2 (56) 12 years ago


[-] -3 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago
