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Forum Post: Naomi Wolf Accuses Obama of Ordering Attack on Occupy Sites

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 8:40 p.m. EST by SpartacusTheSlave (60) from Las Vegas, NV
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If you don't want to get really pissed off, don't read this article.



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[-] 3 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

now look what the politicians in Washington are proposing ! ha ha ha I guess nothing should surprise us these days?..... How much more proof do people need to understand the significance of what is going on? Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window " The Senate is going to vote on whether Congress will give this president—and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world " http://www.aclu.org/blog/national-security/senators-demand-military-lock-american-citizens-battlefield-they-define-being


[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 12 years ago

Letter I just posted at the Guardian UK:

Dear Ms. Wolf,

I believe that as a reporter it is your duty to disengage from the mythology so prevalent that "both parties are to blame." While there may be plenty of blame to go around, it cannot be said to be shared in equal measure.

In your article "The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy" you have made allegations against the President regarding the heavy handed tactics used in NY and elsewhere. AS a supporter of the Occupy Movement, I am well aware such a position is popular.

Popular or not, I believe it is a disservice, to yourself, to the Occupy Movement, toward our goals, toward the President himself and the office he holds, to make such allegations without substantiation.

Were I so inclined I am sure I could make no end of allegations pertaining to yourself, your endless possible motives for such a construct, and in the end neither of us would benefit.

If you truly believe the President himself had knowledge of, and assented to, heavy handed tactics, then I would encourage you to pursue them, and whatever you find report on it honestly.

For myself, I do not believe the President would assent to such tactics any more than he would deliberately send Air Force One on a photo op low over the City of New York - not in the wake of September 11, 2001.


D. Winter



[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Great job!!!

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 12 years ago

Well I do try . . . .

[-] 1 points by RufusJFisk52 (259) 12 years ago

to not see that obama is no better than bush is crazy to me....tell me where obama has strengthened civil liberties? or reversed bush doctrine? History tells us that presidents do many unethical and illegal things in secret that we do not find out about until years later. Ask obama about signing the new patriot act...the man is a traitor to human kind and our rights

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 12 years ago

By bringing an end to water boarding as a matter of U.S. policy and handling of detainees in U.S. custody:

  • strengthens civil liberty

  • reverses Bushite doctrine

You nay sayers have all worn me out. I am tired. Tired of this foolishness. I must rest. Perhaps tomorrow we will all begin again.

Till then

Keep the faith


[-] 1 points by RufusJFisk52 (259) 12 years ago

wow, one thing!! how about the patriot act? of his war powers act abuse? or his continued and strenghtneing the war on drugs? or guantanamo bay?

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 12 years ago

Ah the patriot act. It is a voluminous bill, first passed under Bushite and since modified and renewed. It would take quite some time to nail down precisely what changes were made, why and by whom, and how each of those changes may or may not affect you personally.

Let me simply note for the record - I have not been arrested yet.

War powers act - You have not made it clear to what abuse you refer, I will speculate that it is most likely Libya.

Should we have done nothing to stop the massacre that was shaping up in cities throughout the eastern part of that country? Would you suggest that we fire not one single bullet to prevent whole sale slaughter by government loyalists bent on the utter destruction of those who opposed that brutal regime?

Not one single bullet? And only because some corporation might profit?

Repelicans would have embarked on a full fledged invasion of Libya. Since we did not they join in the chorus from the far left that insists he stood in violation of the war powers act.

I say that act has built into it a window within which a President may act, free from Congressional entanglement. I say the Congress of today is so thoroughly conflicted, and our involvement in Libya sufficiently limited in scope and constrained by previous international agreement, that to have brought the issue before Congress would have been counter productive, a waste of his time, and an opportunity for the largest of Congressional buffoons to grandstand before the public.

I for one am sick of their grandstanding.

I stand with the People of Libya! FREEDOM!!

War on drugs -

I've said, either we must enforce the law, or we must change the law. In the absence of input from you, it would seem the President has chosen one of these two options. Too bad you didn't speak up sooner - perhaps a different course might have been taken.

GitMo -

He did try to have a trial held - NYC didn't want it. If we don't have trials we are stuck with indefinite detention.

What was your advocacy? For trial? Opposed?

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 12 years ago

Does Naomi Wolfe confirm that she made these allegations

OKAy, I see she does indeed - she makes them herself. Which is unfortunate, they are no more than allegations based on the normal chain of command of DHS.

Yet in the article, she states that the President was out of the Country when DHS is alleged to have acted.

I would have proof more than this, before convicting the President of having had a hand in violence against peaceful demonstration.

[-] 1 points by Edgewaters (912) 12 years ago

A little more evidence is certainly in order but on the other hand - being out of the country is sort of irrelevant. We have these things called "telegraphs" now that allow people to communicate over long distances. I hear they've even invented some newer devices with additional capabilities.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 12 years ago


I guess you've never had a job - I mean, because if you had then you would certainly be aware of the propensity among workers which has produced the old saw:

when the boss is away . . .

[-] 1 points by Edgewaters (912) 12 years ago

Sure, but it's not like an executive order can't be transmitted by the President unless he himself, personally, physically, shows up. Hardly anything would ever get done if that were the case.

And neat-sounding, folksy sayings and cheap insults don't change that - not even if you put them in bold typeface. It's just a fact of reality.

As far as the comment about a "job", I've been a supervisor for about 25 years now, since probably before you were born. You have no idea what you're talking about. Yes, I do know workers get up to funny stuff when the boss isn't around (heck, I've caught people sleeping). But if they're instructed to get something done and have it done by the end of day, I don't need to sit there and watch to make sure they're doing it (if I did, we would need far more supervisors than we have). If it isn't done by the end of the day, they'd better have a damn good reason why, or heads will roll. That's just how the real world works.

[-] 1 points by ilovecars (36) 12 years ago

i read it and yes i am pissed- first they ignore us- then they laugh at us-then we win

[-] 0 points by newearthorder (295) 12 years ago

The more they find out we want to take all of the money out of politics, the more they will want to stop us. How about we suggest we get independent panels to redraw every congressional district in the country so they are as close to 50/50 as possible.I bet they would love that as well. That is why these 2 issues should be our number one priorities, because neither side wants those things to happen, some real Americans might get in power and change things.

[-] 0 points by SpartacusTheSlave (60) from Las Vegas, NV 12 years ago

Is everyone on this site a troll ?


[-] 0 points by SpartacusTheSlave (60) from Las Vegas, NV 12 years ago

Sorry I misspelled "Sites". Don't tease me about it, OK. I'm still fuming from this article. I'm going over to "Organizing for America" HQ on Monday morning to demand an explanation. I suggest you do the same in your home town.

[-] -1 points by pinker (586) 12 years ago

Naomi Wolf is an idiot - she says in the article that there has been no police brutality in the US that parallels what is happening now. Huh? She needs to revisit the civil rights movement and ask some of those who participated.

[-] 0 points by pinker (586) 12 years ago

Voted down for pointing out the obvious? (Voting in action- again, see, voting works!) However, Wolf's authority went right down in that first paragraph for making such an untrue statement - certainly people here realize that blacks during the Civil Rights movement sure as hell suffered more police brutality. After that, how can a reader trust that she knows what she is talking about?

She also states that the people in OWS are inchoate. Is she saying the participants are babies?? I think she meant the movement is inchoate, but who knows...

[-] -1 points by SpartacusTheSlave (60) from Las Vegas, NV 12 years ago

She's the bloody author.