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Forum Post: Nancy Pelosi made $100,000 in ONE DAY through INSIDER TRADING !!!

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 10:09 p.m. EST by Scout (729)
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this was for INSIDER TRADING !!!! -the same offence exactly that resulted in Martha Stewart ending up in jail. Senator John Kerry and many other politicians on both sides of the aisles have regularly indulged in this practice that would result in you and me going to prison and yet these people are happily filling their pockets while they are sharetrading instead of representing your interests.Why is it not illegal for politicians to engage in insider trading? This is blatant and disgusting hypocrisy!

this is all revealed in a new book that went on sale today " Throw Them All Out " by Peter Schweizer.

see the reviews on Amazon.com




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[-] 3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

It's like they think they're better than Martha Stewart.

From Bush to Obama, a majority of them are scam artist war mongers with wall street and the military industrial complex in their back pockets.

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

one thing is abundantly clear.they have utter contempt for the people they are meant to be representing. I mean have you ever seen that Congressmen Peter Stark from California? He has no problem to sit in front of his electorate and treat them as if they are a total nuisance. It reminds me of Basil Fawlty on Fawlty Towers - " you people come in here ponsing about while I'm trying to run a hotel " !!

[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

All these rich people keep telling us that our country is in massive debt... all the while they keep making more money. These rich people are members of congress and the president.

I can't even get an automated response from my senators in Nebraska. It's fucking Nebraska. We don't have anything going on here. Except bullshit like this:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyrYePP9I4s Yep that happened in my own city.

[-] 2 points by zoom6000 (430) from St Petersburg, FL 12 years ago

why you have n`t add john boehner ., you monkey

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

as if it makes a difference you ape

[-] 1 points by zoom6000 (430) from St Petersburg, FL 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago


[-] 2 points by guitarmywin (158) 12 years ago

A profile of this was done on the last episode of 60 minutes

[-] 2 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

actually they said in the news this morning that the meticulous and well research work by by Peter Schweizer in his new book prompted 60 min to do their episode last week. 60 min didn't mention Senator JOHN KERRY !! even he is in on it ! I mean how much money did these people need? His wife is already a multimillionaire and John Kerry wants to make even more money this way? Greed greed and more f*cking greed !!

[-] 2 points by CafPop (45) from Rochester, NY 12 years ago

It doesn't matter who specifically gets mentioned. ALL of them are capable of it. We need to make them unable to do this before we can expect any other victory for our movement.

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

and the proposed cap and trade bill will make all of this look like small fry. That needs to be nipped in the bud right now otherwise you will see these politicians become involved in trade worth trillions of dollars.


[-] 2 points by CorporationNotPerson (129) 12 years ago

Contact your Senator and Congressional Representative. Stop insider trading on Capitol Hill! Pass the "STOCK Act" now!

[-] 2 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

yes but there also has to be an added provision to claw back their winnings because these were earned illegally by the standards imposed on everyone else and the proceeds can be distributed to the unemployed and homeless?

[-] 2 points by Frankie (733) 12 years ago

Schweizer reports that on September 16, 2008, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke held a “terrifying” closed-door classified meeting with members of Congress briefing them that a worldwide financial crisis was about to hit. The next day, Moran went wild with his portfolio, writes Schweizer:

“The next day Congressman Jim Moran, Democrat of Virginia, a member of the Appropriations Committee, dumped his shares in ninety different companies . . . [his] most active trading day of the year. He dumped shares in Goldman Sachs, General Dynamics, Franklin Resources, Flowserve Corporation, Ecolabs, Edison International, Electronic Arts, DirecTV, Conoco, Procter & Gamble, AT&T, Apple, CVS, Cisco, Chubb, and a dozen more companies.”

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

off with their heads!

[-] 1 points by Frankie (733) 12 years ago

Must be nice to get a few days head start huh? lol

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

I have read a few reviews of this book already and believe me if Americans as a whole knew half of what is in this book I think they would go crazy! I think about Gerald Celente says " when the people have lost everything and they got nothing else to lose, they lose it " !!! it is abhorrent to what extent these people in government take the ordinary people to be utter fools ! things must change

[-] 1 points by freedomanddemocracy (72) 12 years ago

Perry made millions in Texas being a career politician on a salary that pays less than a Doctor's salary. Bush1 and Bush2 made millions by bowing to the Bin Laden's of Saudi Arabia and then by passing bills that allowed deregulation of oil and gas prices, make massive tax cuts to the rich and corporations and allowed subsidies to oil companies. Congress is full of millionaires who have made their fortunes catering to special-interest, lobbyists and corporations. They make money by cutting deals to enrich themselves financially, they are in the pockets of these entities. It will end when the American people say enough is enough and vote for people who will work for them instead of themselves and special-interests!

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

this is one area where USA being a republic rather than a democracy could be considered a weakness because in a republic,you need to have total trust that the elected representatives are working in the interests of the people at all times rather than for themselves?

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 12 years ago

Related 60 minutes segment at http://youtu.be/x95uC_wzUX4

Similar content from Harvard Law prof Lawrence Lessig : http://www.pbs.org/wnet/tavissmiley/interviews/law-professor-lawrence-lessig/

Congress is already moving to contain the damage: http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/15/politics/congress-insider-trading/index.html

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

And this shit is perfectly legal. So, that needs to go.

[-] 2 points by Mooks (1985) 12 years ago

Insider trading is illegal. I find it hard to believe there is any hard evidence of this though.

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Congress members are exempt. We had another thread on this issue earlier.

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

I don't understand? What happened to Martha Stewart is an example of what is supposed to happen under the " system " and the book gives many examples of exactly what happened in the case of our esteemed leaders?

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

but it's not enough for it to go! Just like teaching the child not to do something wrong, the money needs to be recovered and perhaps in some cases like in the United Kingdom member of Parliament expenses scandal some of them may even need to be face criminal charges and to be prosecuted? but equally importantly they should be made to suffer financially by having any proceeds they made this way recovered from them?

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I don't think that they are going to face anything, which is the problem. Create a law right this second and then prosecute them? Ex post facto law. It is a conflict of interest. Boehner and Pelosi both deny conflict of interest.

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

well if you take that defeatist attitude there is absolutely no point in OWS sitting in the cold in the winter. everyone may as well just go home. Incredible!it's no good people just sitting round the campfire and chatting people have to do something

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I am telling you that there are no legal repercussions currently. Hence, there needs to be. Doesn't sound to defeatist to me.

[-] -1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

you are a waste of my time. Goodbye Nancy


[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

and isn't this what OWS was set up to do to tackle this corruption and illegality? This has to stop!


[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

fully agree


[-] 1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 12 years ago

The problem with all of this is that it may not be illegal for members of congress to do insider trading. Remember: what would put those of us in the peasantry in jail is not illegal for members of congress. They rarely subject themselves to their own laws.

[-] 0 points by CafPop (45) from Rochester, NY 12 years ago

yeah, exactly, the problem is that it's legal for them. That's what we work to change. That's what Occupy should focus on before anything else because there is not even a mirage of a functioning congress as long as their priorities for making ANY vote on ANY issue take into account more than their personal beliefs for whats good for the country. Until then every vote they make is suspect!

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

isn't there some kind of disciplinary committee for politicians? Surely there must be someone in authority who should at least sanction these people even if they can't be prosecuted criminally?

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

yes but if the likes of OWS want to effect meaningful change they have to tackle this incredible and blatant inconsistency head on? You can't just say it may not be illegal for Congress and leave it at that?! why is it not illegal for these people to engage in this practice? OWS needs to say out loud this is completely illogical and corrupt and this is yet another reason why the whole system must change.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

So, what actions have you taken or are you currently taking?

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

I am sending e-mails to many Congressmen and Senators to ask them why they should be allowed to continue and to ask them to initiate proceedings to have the money clawed back and distributed to unemployed and homeless

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Anything else?

[-] 2 points by CafPop (45) from Rochester, NY 12 years ago

start a taskforce within the occupy movement to track the investment history and compare it with their voting history. Make it publicly known that Congress members are voting with more than just their beliefs about the public good in mind. Let everyone know that this is the most important issue that we must win on before any other change can be called for because every vote that is passed is currently made with personal financial gain in mind. let everyone know that as long as this goes on there isn't even a veneer of functionality within our congress.

This is the one issue to rally behind and make widely known with the general public. This is the perfect way to start removing money from politics. Any other questions? I have it all well thought out, and I know I have right on my side. Ask me literally any thing you can think of to try and stump me regarding this.

[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Do you muckety?

[-] 2 points by CafPop (45) from Rochester, NY 12 years ago

I do not personally no. Do you? do you like it?

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago


I love it. It is my favorite. And just as a heads up, I can do that a lot.

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

absolutely agree

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 12 years ago

It appears to be a hot issue on the floors of Congress. It seems they "found" the lost bill and are rushing it forward. See http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/15/politics/congress-insider-trading/index.html . I will be writing all my Representatives and Senators as well, juts to let them know we're NOT asleep and do NOTICE.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Good deal.

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

I've given one example what are you going to do?

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I'd like another example, thanks.

[-] -1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

WTF ? who are you ?

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago


When I write, I get the we got it handled responses. So, much of the time it does seem as if it is done in vain. So, that is one thing but I wanted to know what else you have up your sleeve.

[-] 2 points by CafPop (45) from Rochester, NY 12 years ago

I'm serious about this issue. All it takes is the spread of the truth on this. It's quite simple. This is THE issue to rally behind for occupy. How could it be anything other than the first step to improving everything?

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I can get behind it. I can spread the word. In fact, the majority of conversations that I engage in are of this nature. I am not a representative of OWS, thus cannot speak for it. I am the 99%.

And I am angry as hell.

[-] 2 points by CafPop (45) from Rochester, NY 12 years ago

I actually googled muckety so I was with ya, but you did get me off balance for a bit. Thanks for keeping me on my toes...lol...

Does the site do anything other than provide these word webs? It's a cool idea for sure. I was thinking about using the official government websites in addition to these to gain much needed information to create an effective package of information to shame our elected officials. I'm sure there's ways to find their exact trading history: http://www.opensecrets.org/pfds/ http://www.issues2000.org/default.htm

This issue excites me because I was waiting on the sidelines for an opportunity to actually provide 1 simple demand that would lead the way for all others. My uncle's a Federal court Judge, and all I'm calling for is to take the restrictions that he has on his investment options and apply them to congress members. Anyway good times.

[-] 1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 12 years ago

I agree 100% with you. But most ( if not all ) OWS are not addressing government at all.

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

I hope with the publicity the author of this new book is getting, people will become more aware of this scandal. And why is it the mainstream media isnt covering it more? You could hear a pin drop about this at CNN, CNBC , ABC?

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 12 years ago

Because they are in the pocket of the corporatacracy that runs this country.

[-] 1 points by cureusjorg (0) 12 years ago

Finally, something that makes sense on this site. On second thought, the minute that the moderators see that it is potentially defamatory to someone who is supposedly on their side and calls herself the victim of a right-wing conspiracy, this whole thread will be deleted.

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

" victim of a right-wing conspiracy " my a*se !!!! this woman like the rest of them in the Congress and Senate is just a snake oil merchant

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

It's a coincidence you bring this up today. 60 Minutes just ran a story on it Sunday and it's been a topic on this forum since then. What they did was legal but it has outraged some of us and the law definitely needs to be changed.

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

I think you will find that this new book actually prompted 60 min to do their story. Obviously Peter Schweizer took a lot longer to do his research and he went into it in much greater detail than 60 min did.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

I see. Thanks for that tidbit. The book definitely sounds worth reading. This law must be changed.

[-] 1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

as I mentioned above Sen John Kerry wasn't mentioned in that 60 min report but even he has been engaging in this activity. How much money do these people need? His wife is already a multimillionaire and that is not enough? Totally sickening when these people are paid to represent the interests of the ordinary people!

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

In fact, when I first saw this post, the first thing that flashed in my head was that incident when Clinton was in office and it was reported that Hillary had made $100,000 literally overnight and they claimed it was on a stock sale or real estate deal, I don't remember which. At the time, it seemed very suspicious and many people were questioning it but the whole story was swept away pretty quick.


[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

yes but they can't delete the book !!! ha ha

[-] 0 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 12 years ago

"Nancy Pelosi made $100,000 in one day through insider trading" Yeah I know what a fake bitch, and she had the nerve to respond to the allegations. You were caught red handed. People need to understand that politics is not about ideologies as they claim that it is about, but rather cons, time to wake up people your politician does not share your ideologies, does not relate to the common people, and will end up screwing you every-time. Forget fighting the liberal, conservative, republican, democrat people, all this Fox news and CNN bullshit is about diversions keeping you distracted from the cons that are going on. Our current politics is about money that is all you need to know. Fight the money that is in politics and maybe your will finally get real people to become politicians. I subscribe to the title of that guys book, "Throw Them Out."

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

AGREED !! 100% BUT you left out the vital word " ALL " !! "Throw Them ALL Out." because there is absolutely no difference between right and left. it's all a complete charade financed by the banksters like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 12 years ago

Oh no that was the name of that guys book, I just quoted it. YES THROW ALL POLITICIANS OUT. Your absolutely right.

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

Here are some politicians cited without their titles for brevity in Part One in this book (Part Two gets into their cronies): Chapter 1 - John Kerry; Tom Carper; Melissa Bean; Jared Polis; James Oberstar; Jeb Bradley; John Boehner; Jim McDermott; Amo Houghton. Chapter 2 - Max Baucus; Jim Moran; Dick Durbin; Rahm Emanuel. Chapter 3 - Nancy Pelosi; Gary Ackerman. Chapter 4 - Dennis Hastert; Carolyn Maloney; Judd Gregg; Ken Calvert; David Hobson; Heath Shuler; Bennie Thompson; Maurice Hinchey; Jerry Lewis; Harry Reid.

We should not aspire to do what they do. This would land the rest of us in prison and earn their contempt for us. !!!! ( beam me up Scotty - NOW !!! )

[-] 0 points by OccupyNews (1220) 12 years ago

Soros, Pelosi, Reid, Oprah and Obama conspired to win the 2008 democratic party. Between 10 million to 200 million of FRAUDULENT PRE-PAID CREDIT CARD DONATIONS that had fake names and addresses on them were accepted ONLY by Barack Obama, no other presidential candidate accepted fake names and addresses.

All kinds of shenanigans went on during the 2008 democratic presidential race.

Sadly, both Reid and Pelosi are gerrymandered in and are in no danger of losing their districts, so the entire moderate base of the democratic party has been screwed over.

Moderates are the ones that actually get things done, it's not the progressives. www.caucuscheating.com, www.hillary-wins.com, www.florida-michigan.com, www.fair-reflection.com,

[-] 0 points by Farleymowat (415) 12 years ago

You San Francisco folks better get rid of that ugly old bat.

[-] -1 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

ha ha ha !! what a ding bat eh ??

[-] 0 points by RicoSuave (218) 12 years ago

Princess Nancy can do whatever she wants.

She is part of the 1% and a leftist. That makes her immune to criticism from the OWS movement.

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 12 years ago

since when is the court of law part of the 1%? What she has done is illegal by the standards imposed on the rest of us? It's simply not good enough to suggest she has immunity! If these practices are condoned then OWS may as well all go home today!