Forum Post: Mr. P continues further
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 2:29 p.m. EST by egovern
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Is Mr. P the neglected man forced into economic slavery to a select few power hungry madmen who stole our currency and have used their power to enslave us to the demon of interest than can never be re-paid except by the lucky few? I said lucky, but the proper phrase would be the lucky “fools” who paid interest on money the banking cartels created out of a computer key stroke, backed by nothing at all, backed by neither silver or gold, but by worthless paper printed over and over again and lent to those toiling masses who actually produce goods and services to keep the 1% in power and the rest of us, black and white, Asian and Hispanic, rich and poor dancing to the tune of the fiendish devil’s infinite greed for power and wealth earned on the bloody backs of the toiling masses? Is there a way for the middle class of America, and those to aspire to become a productive member again of the 99% of Americans who living ordinary lives, and ask only to have the dream of a secure job, a home that they can own free and clear, and a brighter future for their children and grand children? Is there a way out of this nightmare that was once Camelot? Is there a way to restore our light again help the world see the way to a future built on justice and freedom for all?
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