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Forum Post: MoveOn.org help?

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 6:11 p.m. EST by JustinKleinrichert (21) from Rochester, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

How should I go about this?... Dear MoveOn member, In a few short weeks everything's changed. America is finally talking about how our economy is rigged to advantage the wealthiest 1% over the rest of us. Thanks to the bravery of the protesters down on Wall Street, real change is now possible. So we all need to drop what we're doing and go on offense. In addition to providing all the support we can to #OccupyWallStreet, at MoveOn we're scrambling to launch a huge campaign to make Wall Street pay. We're organizing mass meetings in hundreds of cities. We've hired filmmakers to tell the stories that the mainstream media are ignoring. We're turning up the heat on the banks by helping people move their money. And we're helping organize two major national days of protest in November. Together, we can make sure this momentum keeps building. But this all takes money—for materials, coordination, tech, and supporting thousands of volunteers. This is the moment. Can you chip in $5? Yes, I can contribute $5 to help keep up the fight. The tide is turning. We have to capitalize on this momentum now—because those standing with Wall Street and the 1% won't stay quiet for long. Here are just a few of the things we're doing: Building tools to help you, along with cities, pension funds, and universities, take money out of the banks that crashed our economy and keep profiting by hurting the 99% Participating in a massive "Make Wall Street Pay" global day of action for November 5, where we all put those tools to move our money to use Empowering people to hold teach-ins in their communities to tell their friends and neighbors the story of how our economy came to favor the 1% over the 99% Working with partners to organize a massive day of action on November 17 before the congressional Super Committee's deadline, to make sure Washington creates Jobs Not Cuts and makes the ultra-rich pay These are huge undertakings to match a huge moment. Can you chip in $5 now so we don't lose this opportunity? Yes, I can contribute $5 to help keep the momentum going. Thanks for all you do. –Daniel, Stefanie, Elena, Peter, and the rest of the team I don't want to donate unless I have a voice on the matter and no matter how many times I try and contact them they never respond... I know that MoveOn.org is a major supporter of democrats and that they alone have done a number of things from petitions to fund raisers to help the democrats out... And now they're lending their supprt to #OWS... --I'm not sure how I feel about it... I have no doubt that MoveOn.org was behind #OWS being able to stay at zucotti park... Is this the democrats trying to win us over?... I would donate to this fund raiser of sorts if but as I said before I'd like for us to have a say in what they produce with our donations



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[-] 2 points by imrational (527) 12 years ago

I took myself off their mailing list when I got their email ad for $$.

I thought getting organizations to endorse the OWS would help. I was wrong. I admit it. MoveOn.org getting linked to the movement was a serious mistake.

[-] 1 points by JustinKleinrichert (21) from Rochester, IN 12 years ago

I hope not... Let us all hope not... I've got so much into this already...

[-] 1 points by Yepper (277) 12 years ago

Saying it doesn't make it so. Why lie? Moveon.org's money is accepted and the movement has shown the same sins we accuse Wall Street of. Corruption for money. How sad.

[-] 1 points by JustinKleinrichert (21) from Rochester, IN 12 years ago

Then shall we make it clear that we have no affiliation with MoveOn.org?

[-] 1 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 12 years ago

Saying that would be necessary, but not sufficient. The previously accepted endorsements would have to be repudiated and strong boundaries drawn around their involvement.

[-] 1 points by Yepper (277) 12 years ago

Moveon.org is funded by George Soros and he is also Obama's puppet master. Gerge Soros is heavily invested in Bank of America.
Has this movement sold out?

[-] 1 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 12 years ago

The Dems may be trying to win over OWS people, but not only that.

Blurring the lines casts OWS as Dem party politics (justifiably so IMO, because OWS has allowed it), thereby alienating people who would otherwise be allies in getting the money out of our government.

What money and power fears most is people across the political spectrum joining together in our common interest to get the big money influence out of our government.

MoveOn's involvement isn't helping the movement; it is hurting it.