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Forum Post: More representation

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 4:15 p.m. EST by ltjaxson (184)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

When the first congress sat there were 64 house representatives and 26 senators for a population of roughly 4 million, which equaled about 50,000 citizens per represenative (not to mention that women, blacks and men that didnt own property couldnt vote). Today there are 435 in the house and 100 senators for a population of roughly 300 million, which equals 500,000 citizens per represenative. The number of represenatives in congress has not increased since 1913 and there arent any prospects of this chaning anytime soon. More representatives mean more proporational representation, less accumulated unjustified authority, more diverse party lines/ more parties and least but not least more direct contact and accountability from your representative. Congressmen/women have more staffers, being paid with tax dollars, who are not elected and have an extreme amount of influence in Washington, than in any other time in our history. More representation is more democratic...



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[-] 1 points by kestrel (274) 12 years ago

true but just think of the expense!

[-] 1 points by ltjaxson (184) 12 years ago

Thats the point. Staffers are being paid with tax dollars anyway, so why not pay elected officials? Reduce the amount of staffers and increase the amount of representatives...