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Forum Post: More from Musabe9

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 10:40 p.m. EST by dawdesign (1) from Blacksburg, VA
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Today, I find that my passion laid thousands of miles from my home, although my heart feel as it is beating next to yours. Bonded by a common purpose, shall we see the fruition of a Goal only to have it guided by the dictations of the wealthy? I speak Now, Not as of myself, but for the unheard voice of yours, mine, our unborn, our vibrant born, the ones that we have already raised and had dreams of great expectations for. Only to see the dreams of millions evaporated by the wisp of a stroke of a pen, the unheard voice of a back room deal. May our voices of not one generation, but a multitude be heard, May the sounds of the people who once had a home , a life , a dream, just a short few years ago, who now live in a relocated tent cities far from view of the metropolis be heard. Raise your voice high!! Demand to be heard, yet be still with the anger of the heart, May peace hold your actions. What would better be described as a mobile cage of many tyrannosaurus rexes ; the police herd their prey by use of orange netting. Stalking and snatching up the innocent; giving unrelenting blows and joint manipulation, innocent protesters are bound into shackles and taken away. Pouncing on the innocent, the police, in frenzy, seem to enjoy the testosterone fueled bashing of those to whom they are sworn to protect. The world is a witness, have you no shame. The names of those who are arrested with documented proof shall be put on a board, with proof that they did nothing wrong, along with the arresting officer. Give notice, you will be remembered, Stand strong, Stand in peace, Stand and be heard. The injustices shall be adjudicated. In this nation we are as a nation, as a world, all one of the same. Blindfolded, the cost of one’s plate of dinner cost no more than your own. Blindfolded our budgets have just as much strain. At the gas pump the price does not discriminate. Only once the blindfold is off, is there a perception that we are different. Together we shall stand, divided we watch, Watch our world fall around us; watch a future for our children, washed away by our own tears, because of complacency. Stand with us. Shout with us. We are all in this nation together! Musabe9



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[-] 1 points by Tomhmm (5) from Queens, NY 12 years ago

Nice poem