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Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 10:19 p.m. EST by Vincenzo (47)
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Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by marcion (14) 12 years ago

www.GetMoneyOut.com - everyone here should sign to support the constitutional amendment.

100,00 signatures and growing...

Agreed. This should be our central goal. Not only is it a specific goal, we have partners in solidarity who will work with us (in the millions), and we have a specific audience (Congress). Vote for this amendment or we will occupy Washington next.

[-] 2 points by Toddtjs (187) 12 years ago

I like all the lists of demands on here. They all make perfect sense and if they were enacted 30 years ago then we would have something resembling a middle class. But... The problem with a long list is that there is no way of getting agreement or any over sight. ONE simple demand. GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS!

[-] 1 points by joeradmacher (40) from Kansas City, MO 12 years ago

This is a great idea and it would bring the reform needed to our political system.

[-] 1 points by RiseUp (3) 12 years ago

do you guys who think this is a union manouver understand the english language? if the answer is yes, did you read the proposed amendment? "NO PERSON, CORPORATION OR BUSINESS ENTITY OF ANY TYPE.." [that last bit would apply to unions.

I am in full support that this should be the message of Occupy Wall Street. GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS!

[-] 1 points by joshfishman (3) from Los Angeles, CA 12 years ago

This should be the center point of the protests!! I 100% agree. Citizens United ruling blew the lid off campaign finance and now unlimited corporate money can secretly flow into campaigns

We need to get corporate money out so that our elected representatives can listen to their consituents not their donors

[-] 1 points by jdog (146) 12 years ago

This is union BS. There is nothing about unions buying influence, or nonprofits. Take union and all campaign contributions out and then it makes sense, otherwise this is a sneaky attempt to get an uneven playing field for unions and nonprofits.

[-] 1 points by Thoughtcraft (22) 12 years ago

Yeah I couldn't help but notice that unions are conspicuously not mentioned in that document. I want both corporate and union money out of politics. FYI, there is a Political and Campaign Reform Working Group at Liberty Square, which is discussing issues related to getting politics to be less controlled by money.

[-] 1 points by avianlaw (7) 12 years ago

Yes!! There is a critical link between wall street and our laws, end the corporate oligarchy!

[-] 1 points by Toddtjs (187) 12 years ago

Loose the cash and you loose the corrupt incentive. Pretty fucking simple.