Forum Post: Money Lost? To an unkown? Huh - COOL
Posted 10 years ago on June 10, 2014, 10:30 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 10 years ago on June 10, 2014, 10:30 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Holy Moly !!! Can'tor - the turd that wouldn't flush, washed away by a cup o' Tea ?!! So now two Randolph-Macon College Profs, Brat and Trammel will slug it out in Virginia ! Very interesting & : + fyi : & by Ralph Nader.
spero meliora ...
Haahahahahaaaa - the turd who thought he couldn't get flushed
''Eric Cantor, the face of the GOP establishment, one of the party's most prodigious fundraisers and the odds-on favorite to become the next speaker of the House, lost his Virginia Republican primary Tuesday to a challenger who promised, “I will fight to end crony capitalist programs that benefit the rich and powerful.”
''Dave Brat, who defeated the number-two Republican in the House by a 56-44 margin, tore into big business almost as frequently as he did the incumbent. “I am running against Cantor because he does not represent the citizens of the 7th District, but rather large corporations seeking insider deals, crony bailouts and a constant supply of low-wage workers,” declared the challenger.
''Cantor dismissed Brat as a “liberal college professor.” That was false—at least the liberal part.''
''Though Brat is a professor who teaches economics at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia, he is definitely not a liberal. He ran to the right of Cantor on the issues; he outlined the premises of his campaign in an extended interview with the conservative National Review; and he announced on his Facebook page, “It’s time we elect a conservative, not just a Republican, to represent us.”
''But Brat’s low-budget campaign came with a twist. He ran as something rare in American politics—so rare that many political commentators have a hard time comprehending the calculus. On a number of issues, the challenger positioned himself as an anti-corporate conservative. Indeed, as 'Politico' noted during the course of the campaign, "The central theme of Brat’s campaign is that Cantor is beholden to business — specifically the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable." from ...
Further consider : ''After his victory, Brat told interviewers that, “Our founding was built by people who were political philosophers, and we need to get back to that, away from this kind of cheap political rhetoric of right and left.”
''On at least one issue, privacy rights, Brat seems to be very much in agreement with Amash and Jones—and progressives such as Congressman John Conyers, the Michigan Democrat who has worked with Amash to address NSA abuses. The Virginian's issue primer declares, “Dave believes that the Constitution does not need to be compromised for matters of national security. He supports the end of bulk phone and email data collection by the NSA, IRS, or any other branch of government.”
''In his new book, Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State (Nation Books), Ralph Nader argues that there are many issues on which an anti-corporate left and an anti-corporate right could achieve “convergence” in opposition to policies advanced by “corporate conservatives and corporate liberals.” Nader’s point is not to suggest that the left and the right will be in specific agreement on issues ranging from fair trade to restricting domestic surveillance to whittling down the military-industrial complex. He suggests that “they [can] come at it for different reasons, but they [can] have the same conclusion.”
''That’s an intriguing notion, especially after one of the most powerful corporate Republicans in Washington just lost to a guy who decries “large corporations seeking insider deals” and “crony bailouts.”
There's a sniff of positive possibilities for The US 99% here so very interesting developments DKAt.
dum spiro, spero ...
A true statement - be interesting to see what happens next.
Yep, and re. Cantor & Brat - another perspective, from Thom Hartmann :
caveat ...
Huh - an interesting take on happenings - dark money defeating dark money - Can't-or being pictured as " dark light" (?) and Brat as "Dark Dark" (?)
Yep - very interesting.
I would have just figured that any sane campaign would take a Duck Shoot approach in the coming elections = Look at what these assholes in office have been doing = Supporting the very few the wealthy and corp(se)oRAT and stepping on ( squashing ) the middle and lower class.
I have time for Thom Hartmann but Mr. Wickerman has just sucked out my will to post right now lol ...
I'm not 100% sure that I get your ''Duck Shoot'' analogy but in truth my focus is elsewhere right now ..
fiat pax ...
BTW - Duck Shoot. Ever see a flock of Ducks sitting on a pond? Pretty easy target - that is why it is illegal in some states to shoot them when they are not in flight.
Maybe take a moment for a different subject?
Nope, footy wins right now :-) & brings folk together too. I'm not even opening your link lol ;-)
vale ...
Ahhh come on - just a quick peek? It's on the Earth's processes and then My trying to get people to consider how toxic practices also pertain.
Tell you what DKAt ... I'll open your link after you get that p-o-s ; s-o-b snooz to stop removing my reply comments @ frf, as stinkles - I can handle but parDisan comment removal and partial modding is a fkn wind up - not to mention a total fkn disgrace !!! where the pertinent link was ... [Video, 47:47]
quid pro quo ?
I don't know what's up with that and I don't understand why elf's post was removed either - I don't think shooz has been around much lately and I quit moderating some time ago - so maybe put in a complaint/query?
The forum has taken a beating - no doubt about that - it's why I am not here much anymore.
BTW - OWWWW - nasty visual - OH O O OWWWWwwwwwwooooo
Don't worry, lol - I recovered ... like the forum does, periodically !!! Again fyi :
pax ...
wickerman? Is that a type of strawman?
Re. ''strawman'' - you be the judge ...
fiat lux ...
Does seem to try very hard to shoot down being Social . . . socially responsible cooperative healthy? :-)
amor vincit omnia ...
I used ta play soccer - but never have been a fan/spectator of any professional play.
It's NOT ''soccer'' - it's FOOTBALL !!! Foot + ball = Football - all else is 'turf wars' lol !! Footy is .. speed, skill, strength, strategy & a balance between the Individual and The Team - it's The Beautiful Game and fundamentally - democratic and I love it ... 45 minutes to kick off & I had better eat something now, lol !
pax, amor et lux ...
Eat light as I can see possible stomach complications if your enthusiasm goes to a physical participation in watching the matches. {:-])
:-) &
LOL - but seriously now - Can'tor not extreme enough? Let us hope that that suggestion for why he lost is as bogus as the polls that showed he had an overwhelming lead in the race!
Apparently Cantor spent more on steak restaurants than Brag spent on his whole campaign.
An earthquake in the battle between establishment Republicans & tea party extremists.
Gotta love seeing dark money fail and fail BIGTIME
And as such, sharks smelled his blood and forced him to resign the majority leadership.
"people have spoken, they are the boss, "
Now what? Can McConnell go down in the General.?
Can my crush make it happen?
She's a firecracker.
Fight on!!
Bitch McConAll? He is very ripe ( whew - ugh - what a stench) for the popping ( like a pimple ) - He is just as vulnerable as Can't-or - to the same kind of campaign for public outrage/backlash.
I understand he is behind in some polls.
THAT is amazing
Would be so awesome to see another of the corp(se)oRAT posse get shot down.
Always a pleasure, never often enough.
And there are many, not just Repubs
You bet - Hairies Reed is another that could go asap. The dem running for Kentucky sounds like a loser = won't take on fossil fuel.
Kentucky coal country? Never happen? La oil town, Landreau? Always vote for oil. NY finance, Schumer always vote for Wall st.
money talks.
But people power is greater.
We ARE making slow progress.
Helps if the public is educated about real possibilities for healthy change and prosperity =
Here's a little something that illustrates how OWS has participated in informing people of the truth.
" Unsurprisingly, the bankers point their fingers at regulators. Tangney said that 55 percent of the executives surveyed thought regulatory actions, fines and lawsuits were hurting the industry's reputation. "
Yep - those nasty regulators.
Everyone would still love criminal banks and their criminal practices.
Except for those nasty regulators.
Delusional, diabolical, destructive bankster fantasy.
If you can accept regulators as the peoples eyes/ears/representatives then it is just more 'blame the victim' mentality/distraction strategy.
More Regulations, Reinstate glass steagal, break up the banks, prosecutes corrupt banksters.
Sorry, preachin to the choir, I know.
Hope this review results in tighter rules.
Gotta stay informed, & active in keeping these issues in the national dialogue so that "reviews" are transparent & address the needs of the 99%.
With their ( Banks & white collar criminals in general ) feelings about being regulated - one might figure that they would just love to see all law discarded. Huh - ooops - maybe not - as then it would be OK for people to shoot em.
Action to get money out of politics
Better than shootin' 'em!
Dark Money Crimes Probe - Not dead yet.
Scott Walkers "Criminal Scheme" News Just Keeps Getting More Juicy (Update 2)
Upd: Dark money, Maj ldr upset:
It doesn't end.