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Forum Post: Misplaced effort

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 5:59 p.m. EST by onepercenter (0)
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This movement is misplaced - it should be directed at the politicians in each city, county, state and federal level. Having the drive, ambition and will to succeed in US is something that everyone should strive for and is nothing to be ashamed about. Making money by being a successful employee or entrepreneur is what everyone coming to America aspires. But thanks to our corrupt, short- and one-sided politicians, our economy is in the dumps. Government keeps spending more and more on special programs that should have been revamped decades ago. Start Occupy Government offices around the country to make a difference, but leave the hard working people of United States do what they do best - generate revenue to pay for all the social programs that all the Americans have been enjoying without paying their equal share for them - city, state, federal government employees, union members and the like.



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[-] 1 points by WhyIsTheCouchAlwaysWet (316) from Lexington, KY 12 years ago

First off, I'm only speaking for myself, not the movement as a whole. Please remember that.

I'd argue that Wall St. itself isn't the movement's actual, physical target, merely the figure head and epicenter of the corporate corruption that's got a strangle hold on our government. In a strange way, perhaps we agree then.

Personally I have no problem with being rich. I do have a problem when the mega rich have 1000x the voice that I do in our government.

[-] 1 points by lolwut101 (35) 12 years ago

Truer words have not been spoken.