Forum Post: Mike Wallace just died
Posted 12 years ago on April 8, 2012, 3:42 p.m. EST by bensdad
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he was a great newsman but he raised a disgraceful son
RIP. Another nail in the coffin of journalism.
I'll miss him.
60 Minutes helped make news into entertainment. I don't wish anyone ill or death. However, I think the world would have been better without 60 Minutes.
I have been watching 60 Minutes for decades .
Clones like 20-20 started out as a copy of it - virtually all real news
As 20-20 slid into entertainment crap, sadly 60 Minutes followed
60 Minutes, when it is not doing entertainment crap, is a very good source
Or maybe just one 60 Minutes, as opposed to 3 on CBS, 5 on NBC, a couple on ABC and entire channels on cable :)
he was a journalist? no, just another left wing talking head with an agenda. why do you consider his to be disgraceful? BTW, actual journalism died years ago. the 4th estate has become a 5th column for the left.
Typed like a true troll. Welcome to your world, sucks doesn't it.
my personal "world" is great. do you have anything to say about nbc editing out the question asked by the police regarding race of the person zimmerman called about on his 911 call?
My take is that a mistake was made by the producer that put it together. Firing was probably the best move, along with some internal changes to prevent further mistakes. I hope it was not intentional.
What's your take?
maybe we should stop judging this single case in the media, but what I want to see are stats on "stand your ground" across the country, how is it being enforced? are there black vitems that had to shoot white agressors, with no charges being filed? how often and vice versa, where's the news we could use?
I like those questions! :)
Thank you sir, I don't think we've met, I did post on this, but more to point out how O'Reilly didn't comment, till he could blame the victim, god I would love ten minutes with O'Reilly, esp. in front of a camera.
Haven’t shared this here before but completely off subject, give you three questions that no confederative can answer back to back.
Do you support the death penalty?
Do you believe life begins at conception?
Do you support the death penalty for 16 year olds that have an abortion, because they were raped?
Yes I do think some crimes call for a death penalty, but not by the state. No government should have the right to kill it's people. I know that's a messy position.
And life begins at birth, or c-section. If we're lucky, 'cause in Russia the kid has to survive a year before being counted. No joke, it might have changed but I lived there in the '90s when their health care was nonexistent and life expectancy was 64.
And the kids should have locked medical facilities with psychotherapy.
I think it's clear from my answers that I live in my own world :( lol
ps; abortions are not my concern. live and let live.
you know that one year old thing? I took some ethics classes in 1980, when Roe v Wade was not so established, I read papers about self awareness, that spoke of the 12 to 18 month period, other cultures have had simular beliefs, I'm not saying one way or the other, like you just speaking to some things I am aware of,
to be clear I am against killing 6 month old babies,you never know what people will jump on around here
when editing a tape is has to be listened to multiple times. i understand that you want to believe is was a mistake, but as i said,...a tape ( or film) has to be listened to ( or watched) over and over before any editing is done. what was edited out , was what the 911 dispatcher asked of zimmerman ... " black , white or hispanic"?
zimmerman answered , "he looks black". nbc was dishonest ( im being kind) by editing out the 911 dispatchers question to zimmerman.
That makes sense.
The truth has been liberal for some time now, you did get that right.