Forum Post: Michael Moore - solidly in the 1%; net worth of $50M
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 7:54 p.m. EST by ADemocraticRepublic
from Midland Township, MI
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He probably gave 5% of his money to OWS since he believes in our principles. That would be $2.5M. Another reason I can't believe only $300K has been collected in one month. Read on.....
Michael Moore is a controversial documentary filmmaker with a net worth of $50 million. Moore’s biggest three movies; Bowling For Columbine, Fahrenheit 911 and Capitalism A Love Story have earned over $300 million at the box office.
Fahrenheit 911 raked in $230 million in theaters and another $3 million in DVD sales. After the theaters take their traditional 50% cut, that leaves roughly $130 million. Take away marketing, production and distribution expenses and Moore is conservatively left with $80 million. Moore was able to secure a deal from Miramax which guaranteed him 27% of his film’s net revenues, or roughly $21.6 million. Michael also was entitled to 50% of the profits of Sicko which are estimated to be $17 million.
Moore is the author of several best selling books and received a $1 million advance for “Dude Where’s My Country” plus a generous percentage of the book sales.
Moore financed his first documentary Roger and Me by holding neighborhood bingo nights around his hometown of Flint Michigan. He eventually sold the documentary to Warner Brothers for $3 million.
Moore has also said that he would give all his money up for a better world. This movement is about Wall Street criminals, not rich people. There are many good, rich progressives.
"Would give" or has given. Why hasn't he?
Who cares how much he makes?
because his idea of giving is having someone tax him, not voluntarism.
because it's his to do with as he pleases
have you given yours?
don't be a hypocrite
Michael Moore has a social conscience. He never forgot where he came from. I don't begrudge a man for becoming wealthy. Good for him. What I am against is wealth and profit that stems from criminal behavior. The crooks on Wall. Street need to be held accountable for there their criminal actions, and made to pay back the money they gained through dishonest means back to their victims. No one should be above the law!
He earned his many fair and square.
Unlike those wallstreet weasels.
You should read about a philosophy known as social democracy. It is about embracing capitalism and an elite, but at the same time demand that they be socially responsible. I think Micheal Moore to some extent has demonstrated this notion.
he believes in the warren buffet rule
Thanks, but we're mainly focusing on the voiceless 99% than attacking the 1%.
OWS is not against rich people they are however against a corrupt political system that is controlled by the criminals in wall street
How is the Proctor and Gamble CEO more of a criminal than Michael Moore?
Love MM!! I'm happy to say I had the opportunity to shake his hand 2 weeks ago at Zuccotti Park. Amy Goodman was there too, They both rock.
Michael Moore put your money where your BIG mouth is! He's in it for the movie! But now if he donated all proceeds he might be more believable!
Roger and Me was real and his best work in my opinion. Everything after just felt hollow and extremely biased because he was getting paid big bucks. He's obviously got a sense of justice but now that our system has worked in his favor he seems to want to use it for personal gain instead of raising awareness like Roger and Me. I wouldn't quite call him the 1% in the sense most people here refer to them, but he seems to have lost his roots over the last decade.
That is a guess. He says he doesn't make that much. He once said he doesn't even have a million dollars.
Whew. I feel better now. I believe anything he says.
Do you have his tax returns? lol
Good idea. He should make them public. We like transparency. And nobody should be allowed to keep secrets from THE PEOPLE.
moore is dishonest. i've seen at least 2 videos where he has acknowledged his movie is about crony capitalism, not capitalism. yet the latter is how he titled his movie and the rhetoric he whines against.
his movie, and the problems, are related to crony capitalism, not capitalism. the cronyness which occurs when government and corporations get in bed together to create unfair competition and systems.
If we took 90% of his $50M, he'd still have $5M left over. Surely enough. Spread the $45M over our adult U.S. population, and we would each get 25 cents. But we would feel good taking from the big man.
Nobody believed him 9 yrs ago..That's his hustle..use them
If I had a dollar for every time that capitalism was blamed for the problems caused by government, I'd be a fat filmmaker with a baseball cap.
Ooooooooooooooh....weep funny that was. Quote of the day.