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Forum Post: Michael Moore Exposed

Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 27, 2011, 12:26 p.m. EST by NOAMISRICH (28)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Michael Moore is a paradox. A millionaire who boasts of wealth as proving his value -- "I'm a millionaire, I'm a multi-millionaire. I'm filthy rich. You know why I'm a multi-millionaire? 'Cause multi-millions like what I do. That's pretty good, isn't it?"

He lives in a million-dollar apartment, and boasts of that as well. "I walk among them. I live on the island of Manhattan, a three-mile-wide strip of land that is luxury home and corporate suite to America's elite..... Those who run your life live in my neighborhood. I walk in the streets with them each day" (Michael Moore, Stupid White Men, p. 51). For vacations, he keeps another million-dollar beachfront house in Michigan.

"You would think that he's the ultimate common man. But he's money-obsessed," said one associate.

He sends his child to a private school -- no sense associating with the working class -- and has some trouble associating with them himself. The New York Post reported on a tantrum he threw in London: "Then, on his second-to-last night, [Michael Moore] raged against everyone connected with the Roundhouse and complained that he was being paid a measly $750 a night. 'He completely lost the plot,' a member of the stage crew told the London Evening Standard. 'He stormed around all day screaming at everyone, even the 5 pound-an-hour bar staff, telling them how we were all con men and useless. Then he went on stage and did it in public.' At his last appearance, staffers refused to work or even open the theater's doors." NY Post, Jan. 8, 2003.



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[-] 2 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 12 years ago

yes, not happy with the hypocrisy. Investors fund movies, which means banks and credit. No movie is made with cash up front. He's 1%. Most Hollywood celebrities are 1% they just like to think that something makes them different. Yes, their money makes them different! Roseanne Barr is worth $80 million. How much taxes do they pay? Could they throw a half million our way if they really support us? How many celebrities do you see lobbying for their favorite politicians, going to their state dinners, donating to their campaign funds? Celebrities are 1%, make no mistake.

[-] 1 points by NOAMISRICH (28) 12 years ago

I don't see Roseanne or Michael Moore sleeping in a tent down there. Some of the protestors will never be satisfied. Take a look at France for example. They have long vacations and universal health care. Still like to protest and riot though. Occupy is unorganized with different ideas and is turning into pure bitterness about everything.

[-] 1 points by dkozask (27) 12 years ago

Moore saw an OWS sign deriding Warren Buffet, but thought it said "Food Buffet," so he joined. Mmmm, chicken wings.... Can't wait for Bill Mahr to show up next.

[-] 1 points by Truthbetold (5) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

Attention All Members

This is an Emergency Notice to all members of occupy James Damiano the very person who's been for over twelve years fighting the law firm that represents Goldman Sachs has been banned from this forum. Mr. Damiano is probably one of the most knowledgeable members and has contributed a wealth of information pertaining to the issues at hand in the Occupy forum

For more information e-mail thestealing@gmail.com or see http://wikileaksyola.yolasite.com/

[-] 1 points by Truthbetold (5) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

Attention All Members

This is an Emergency Notice to all members of occupy James Damiano the very person who's been for over twelve years fighting the law firm that represents Goldman Sachs has been banned from this forum. Mr. Damiano is probably one of the most knowledgeable members and has contributed a wealth of information pertaining to the issues at hand in the Occupy forum

For more information e-mail thestealing@gmail.com or see http://wikileaksyola.yolasite.com/

[-] 1 points by occupygo2work (13) from Nashville, TN 12 years ago

Wow! After attempting to read this string of comments I'm even more assured that whatever group "you people" claim to be, support- your whole "revolution" all of you need adderall or should have taken it while per suing your liberal arts degree. Its easy to say there are "no jobs". There aren't any jobs for lazy liars looking for six figure handouts.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

Thank you, NOAMISRICH! This is my very point!

The new generation of protesters are following the very people that will sell them out... AGAIN!!! They are worshiping the WORDS... without researching the Content of the Character. Just check out the "dazed" look on their faces as they listen to the black NYC drug dealer convincing them all to LISTEN TO ME... FOLLOW ME... as he offers them a sweet deal on weed when the cameras are turned off.

I pray that these young patriots get a grip and find a true leader-- a leader who will keep them on point and committed to a real cause. Right now, they are "meat" for the wolves and they will be preyed upon.

[-] 2 points by NOAMISRICH (28) 13 years ago

Was he really a drug dealer? If he is, he is the one screwing america paying ZERO income tax. Even with the BUSH tax cuts, the richest still pay the most taxes, contribute to charities, creating the next APPLE BREAKTHROUGH. You go after the rich who broke the law.

[-] 2 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by MKittles (36) from Maralinga, SA 13 years ago

Why should people have a leader?

How could one person ever be fit to voice the concerns of the many? They couldn't (no matter how smart they are) because people are complicated, and groups of people are even more complicated. However, by supporting the actions of those who attempt to build a forum for new discussion, people can feel empowered.

Say what you will about Michael Moore (he is human, some of it is probably true), but if he inspires people to speak out against inequality, then he is being useful.

[-] 0 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

Go home troll!

You have nothing constructive or useful to offer,. so be quiet.

[-] 2 points by NOAMISRICH (28) 13 years ago

TROLL IS OVERUSED. He doesn't agree with you and now your mad.

[-] 2 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

Exactly. He's afraid I'll blow his NYC weed contact. That's why he's mad.

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 12 years ago

Hey, nobody is against wealth. But, most Americans are against a system that's stacked against their attaining some portion of it. We are no longer an economic meritocracy.

[-] 0 points by hemajang (23) 13 years ago

Tax wealth, not earnings.

[-] 0 points by hemajang (23) 13 years ago

I surmise (though I could be wrong that) most of us want to trend toward being wealthier over time. Am I wrong here? That said, taxing people even into upper-middle income earners actually prevents more people from becoming wealthier. Follow me?

The wealthy are already--rich, wealthy--have lots of money. So by taxing those higher income earners in the $150,000 to $300,000 doesn't help in the long run.

I have some friends in parts of New York, California and Hawaii whose household incomes are $250,000 to $325,000 a year before taxes. And their respective homes are much smaller than those in our friends in Washington and Oregon.

[-] 0 points by kim (1) from Sayville, NY 13 years ago

If the 1% ever were to log in and read some of this nonsense you are bickering about they'd chuckle. Really need to focus and stop hating on people that are either in the 99% or helping promote the cause REGARDLESS of your personal opinions about them.

[-] 0 points by kim (1) from Sayville, NY 13 years ago

I dont agree with all of MM's views on whats wrong with our economy but I do realize when someones trying to help. Whos business is it what MM makes to do his job? The point is hes not taking your money... hes earning his own and has every right to spend it as he sees fit. Perhaps you should re-direct your anger and focus on the cause. No ones mad at rich people who honestly earn their money, theyre mad at the ones that steal it from the poor. Theres a HUGE difference.

[-] 0 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

michael moore has a shadow, and is imperfect. shock. (ho hum.) drama (yawn) moral outrage. (sigh) there. are you and i on the same page with that?

[-] 1 points by occupygo2work (13) from Nashville, TN 12 years ago

The usual (heard it before) liberal (uninformed and uneducated) answer (the "whatever" approach) to most comments from people that oppose their views. Similar to "so what if Billy Clinton got a beej in the oval office" thus missing the point ( Bill Clinton is a liar) that he thought he could lie to the sheeple (OWS) of America and get away with it. Oh well. . .

[-] 0 points by ZinnReader (92) from Encinitas, CA 13 years ago

If this is something of tremendous importance to you, I would suggest that you try to organize a rally around it and protest in front of his house. Meanwhile, we will focus on the crucial issues that matter to the vast majority of Americans that live under oppressive institutions and policies that aim to decimate our democracy.

[-] 0 points by peaceman (1) 13 years ago

What the writer is exposing is his lack of credibility. I think you should remove this post from the site.

[-] 2 points by NOAMISRICH (28) 13 years ago

I'm not lying. I have real sources to back in up. peace brother.

[-] 0 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

Being left leaning doesn't mean that you want people to live in austerity. It means you want everyone to have a better living standard for everyone.

[-] 0 points by MKittles (36) from Maralinga, SA 13 years ago

I can't help but congratulate this statement.

[-] 0 points by Lollipop (15) from Greencastle, IN 13 years ago

There is no shame in wealth. Words have power and Mr. Moore has skill with words.

No one is perfect, but they can still lead.

NOAMISRICH, you don't seem to be able to make a constructive contribution. Please examine your heart and open yourself to love.

[-] 0 points by MKittles (36) from Maralinga, SA 13 years ago

This is not constructive. As long as Michael Moore continues to encourage peaceful dissent, there is no point in wasting energy attacking him. In fact, attacking any one person is counter-productive.

[-] 3 points by Alex (79) from Rhoon, ZH 13 years ago

Unless the reasons he encourage peaceful dissent are suspect. He's a socialist and I'm sorry to say that, but socialist to me seem dual in their mindset. Fierce in their ideas but lacking the broad view in things. Without thinking much they feel entitled to things, without asking themselves where those things come from. What makes it dangerous is that deep down they have the best intentions and want what is for the best, but they blind themselves with these ideals and act contrary to their goals. An utter lack of view of scope. Thing is they are also those that are most often assimilated in the politician mindset once they get a taste of the power. (I don't think I'll make a lot of fans with my point of view)

Think for yourself, look at the actions of man, ask yourself is it moral what is happening, is it moral how I want to solve something, is it just, what is it that is needed instead of wanted, and most off all stop wanting a leader to follow.

Be your own leader and no ones oppressor.

[-] 0 points by MKittles (36) from Maralinga, SA 13 years ago

You say that socialists, " (do not) ask themselves where things (food, necessities) come from." I disagree whole-heartedly.

On the contrary, socialists understand that it is the work-force (farmers, builders, home-makers, etc.) who produce the goods and services which make life possible. This is why Marxists promote organised working class struggles to ensure that the work-force (the people who make society worth living in) get a fair share.

Alex, I don't completely disagree with your sentiment (realism is paramount to progress). To clarify, I think you have the right idea, but that your criticism of modern socialism is perhaps misguided. Your concerns over power corruption are valid, for sure. But are the current leaders not already militant and corrupt?

[-] 3 points by Alex (79) from Rhoon, ZH 13 years ago

Often socialist don't know where "free education" comes from and "free healthcare" or any so called free stuff, like subsidies. That usage of the word "free" is already a show tell of not knowing.

[-] -1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

often, ignorant repugnicon dupes and pwns don't know the actual definitions of the words they use including "socialism".

[-] -1 points by MKittles (36) from Maralinga, SA 13 years ago

No. Free healthcare is a reality in some countries. In my country Australia, it is not quite free, but if I need an operation to save my life, no questions are asked (effectively).

Free healthcare pays for itself. People are healthy, people are more productive, workforce is healthy and etc so on... basically, free healthcare is like machine lubricant. Suck it up! If you don't have it, your backwards.

Free education is a little bit more expensive in the short-term. But in the long-term, it pays for itself. An educated workforce is an efficient workforce.

[-] 3 points by Alex (79) from Rhoon, ZH 13 years ago

This is exactly what I mean. You don't see or think how it comes to be, and really believe it's free. Who pays the doctors, the hospitals, etc, etc, Or do the doctors, nurses, etc, etc, work for free? Or do the buildings just rise up from nothing. Or as you yourself said, it pays itself by people being healthy? Really. How do the nurse pay his or her rent whit people's health? This is exactly what I mean, socialist don't think about how things come to be. They see an ideal and just believe it's best, without really knowing. All good intentions, but morally it's not quite right, because where does the money comes from to pay it all to make it free.

A hint for you: None of those free stuff is free.

[-] 0 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

corporatist apologists don't bother to understand that DEMOCRACY is actually a system where

GOVERNMENT provides SOCIAL SERVICES which BALANCE the other side of the free market system.

thats NOT socialism, and you CALLING it socialism only proves you ARE IGNORANT AND DUPED.

[-] 2 points by Alex (79) from Rhoon, ZH 13 years ago

Can't really answer the questions can you? So who is duped? Bytheway were talking about socialist in general. Read up a bit. ;)

[-] 0 points by MKittles (36) from Maralinga, SA 13 years ago

The point that those against free health-care miss, is that it is "real wealth" not "paper wealth" that determines the well-being of a country. The nurse and doctors get paid by the government in a free system. This money comes from income and company tax. These taxes, take some from nearly everyone in the workforce, but (hopefully) considerably more from the rich. As a result, the country pays for your health-care, and you pay for the country's.

There is no "magic money" in this system, just sharing.

[-] -2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

excuse me. hes not a socialist. you are not sorry to say it. on some level you know its merely a cheap republican ad hom. Using that ad hom proves you are both completely ignorant of political science and what socialism is,

and that you have no morals, no conscience, and no qualms about feeding us make believe lies and nonsense which you heard from rush limbo.

You have impeached yourself as a witness, nothing you say can have the same weight any more. sucks to be you.

[-] 2 points by Alex (79) from Rhoon, ZH 13 years ago

You assume a lot, which is showing ignorance. You can't refute what I say with intellect so you attack with words that has no meaning.

[-] 0 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

the opposite. Socialism as you use the word is a proof that you don't know what you are talking about, and is merely the standar cheap ad hom used by corporate whores everywhere to cut down egalitarian civilization. In REALITY you prove you don't know what you are talking about, and that you are a pwn of repugnicon talking points and their agenda.

[-] 2 points by NOAMISRICH (28) 13 years ago

I am just letting you know the side he is hiding from you.

[-] 0 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

i don't have a problem with people being rich, i have a problem with people being evil.

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 12 years ago

It's just calling out a hypocrite who's turned being in touch with common people into a personal industry. Smarten up; you're being used.