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Forum Post: MERITOCRACY-what went wrong

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 4:31 p.m. EST by Aenar (18)
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The US got lazy and preferred to make easy money using nasty hedge funds like Goldman Sachs to pickpocket other countries using HFT computers. The country's GDP is like 30% or more "financial services" which is another way to say,"making money out of thin air and keeping it." If Wall Street bankers get so much money, why is the system rewarding these bastards with Ferraris and hookers and blow? Because the US forgot how to make money by providing real services and real goods. Its a consumer based economy which makes nothing, and pays for all they buy using Banks to defraud producing economies and using toxic US treasuries as the basis for the money spun out of nowhere. NO WONDER people want to return to a gold standard. The FED and GOVERNMENT have gotten too used to doing nothing and getting rich



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[-] 1 points by Aenar (18) 12 years ago

Why isn't Lloyd Blankfien in jail? The government needs to throw every agency and dollar it can into a showtrial where the Al Capone of Morale Hazard gets thrown in Guantanamo or at least gets 20 years. At best, maybe even life for TREASON against the American People