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Forum Post: mention aipac or zionist is prosemitic , but they dump your nick!!

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 10:05 a.m. EST by prosemitic (63)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

what's going on? any effort to point to the rot is not allowed. who are ows. If someone screws or point to hatred for all jews , anti semitic is fine. But there should be no blocking of discussions that point to the rotten aipac grip on Uncle Scam's balls. Is this not not already obvious to every american ,who still has some remaining brain juice not sucked out by zollywood yet?



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[-] 1 points by sunshower (80) 12 years ago

I am so glad to see your post prosemitic. I agree there should be no blocking of discussions about aipac's grip on Uncle Sam or Zionists.

First, I want to preface my following comments with a very important fact that every American should know- that good Torah Jews must not be put in the same category as Zionists –who fraudulently call themselves Jewish. Eg, A Torah Jew would not commit genocide, a Zionist has no problem committing genocide and other crimes against humanity. There is a big difference between Zionism and Judaism http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/zionism/history.cfm

Below is documentation regarding aipac's beginnings as a foreign agency of Zionist Israel http://irmep.org/ila/JA/default.asp Below is documentation on The Zionist Cooperation with Nazi Germany's "New World Order" How the Zionist movement flourished in Germany under Hitler How Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine and sent secret deliveries of German weapons to Zionist settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. The Nazi gov't also sent them 139.57 million German marks (then equivalent to more than $40 million) to fund their settlements, etc How The Transfer Agreement was the most far-reaching example of cooperation between Hitler's Germany and international Zionism. Through this pact, Hitler's Third Reich did more than any other government during the 1930s to support its development in Palestine. "It would be in the interest of maintaining and strengthening the future German position of power in the Near East…. and the solution of the Jewish question in Europe. ….. a World Order in Europe requires as a prerequisite a radical solution of the Jewish question by evacuation." ("Jew-free Europe")"
http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/zionism_and_national_socialism.htm#zionism and the third reich

THE ZIONISTS OWN AND CONTROL THE FED http://zionismunveiled.blogspot.com/2010/11/secrets-of-federal-reserve-editors-pick.html

http://iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_Rosenthal.html The following text is from a booklet called The Hidden Tyranny. Harold Rosenthal was supposedly murdered for giving this interview in 1976 during which he boasted about how Zionist Jews are manipulating the stupid and gullible Goyim.

"Our power has been created through the manipulation of the national monetary system. We authored the quotation. 'Money is power.' As revealed in our master plan, it was essential for us to establish a private national bank. The Federal Reserve system fitted our plan nicely since it is owned by us, but the name implies that it is a government institution.

"We have been successful in dividing society against itself by pitting labor against management. This perhaps has been one of our greatest feats, since in reality it is a triangle…. Both management and labor are on the base of this triangle, we are the apex. They continually stand opposed to each other and their attention is never directed to the head of their problem. Management is forced to raise prices since we are ever increasing the cost of capital. Labor must have increasing wages and management must have higher prices, thus creating a vicious cycle. We are never called to task for our role which is the real reason for inflation, since the conflict between management and labor is so severe that neither has time to observe our activities. It is our increase in the cost of capital that causes the inflation cycle. We do not labor or manage, and yet we receive the profits. Through our money manipulation, the capital that we supply industry costs us nothing. Through our national bank, the Federal Reserve, we extend book credit, which we create from nothing, to all local banks who are member banks. They in turn extend book credit to industry. With this supposed capital we bring industry, management and labor into our debt, which debt only increases and is never liquidated. Through this continual increase, we are able to pit management against labor so they will never unite and attack us and usher in a debt-free industrial utopia. “Our greatest fear is that our falsehood will be discovered, for we will be stamped out the moment the general public comes into possession of the truth and acts upon it” http://www.iamthewitness.com/books/Walter.White/Harold.Wallace.Rosenthal.htm#Light

[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 12 years ago

Why are racist comments here censored, but its ok for people to put up this nastiness against Jews?

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 12 years ago

I think he is pointing out that criticizing AIPAC or Israel's policies is not antisemitic.

[-] 2 points by gmxusa (274) 12 years ago

Occupy AIPAC is being organized by CODEPINK. Medea Benjamin, a Jewish woman, is organizing it.

The complain here is about Christians and Jewish Zionists who are supporting criminal Israel against the disenfranchised Palestinians.

[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 12 years ago

That's just a fig leaf to hide you Jew hatred behind. FU 2.

[-] 0 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 12 years ago

Huh? Actually many Jews agree with me.

[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 12 years ago

F*ck them 2. Self hating Jews are the worst. They deserve u assholes.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 12 years ago

Any question of Israel's policies gets labeled as "antisemitic". It is responses like this that make people curious.

[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 12 years ago

What does Israel's policies have to do with #OWS anyway? What's so annoying is that certain elements on the left here and elsewhere are friggin obsessed with Jew and Israel hatred as if they're the new Nazis. Jews make up about 25 mil. out of 7 billion people , their influence and power is vastly inflated though in all of your minds. Get over it, Israel isn't going away just because you want it to. As for all of you, I'd be more concerned about how badly treated the Amerindians in this country are and YES we actually did STEAL their entire friggin Continent out from under them.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 12 years ago

What does Israel's policies have to do with #OWS anyway?

Well, the direct connection is that we are in the middle east making war, spending money to make war, and Israel is in the center of it, threatening to start a war that we cannot afford. The israel lobby IS a lobby, and OWS is generally against lobbying.

As for who stole what, I think what's in the past is in the past. I think we need fair media reporting from the middle east.

In the end, though, I'd rather just not care about the politics of the mid east. We really should not be there at all. We are pissing the world off.

[-] 1 points by prosemitic (63) 12 years ago

Agree with you -any blanket blaming of all jews is nastiness. But any blame on those 'mostly dual citizen zionist parasite traitors' ,that has Usa into Israel.......is most most welcome. Agree , no? Seaglass?

[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 12 years ago

FU! How's that you cocksucker?

[-] 2 points by prosemitic (63) 12 years ago

i understand. you are trembling...take some pills. But be ready when americans wake up in one go...things will get messy for zionist scums

[-] 0 points by gmxusa (274) 12 years ago

Occupy AIPAC coming in March! http://www.moveoveraipac.org/2011/11/save-the-date-occupy-aipac-not-palestine/

Occupation 101 - The voices of the silent majority (banned documentary) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxzaa4GZwz8

[-] 3 points by prosemitic (63) 12 years ago

why march? occupy may not make it to march

[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 12 years ago

March is when the dual nationals Israeli/Americans Millionaires and Billionaires will be at the AIPAC convention center for their annual meeting. On the video below, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney explains how AIPAC operates in Congress.


[-] 1 points by prosemitic (63) 12 years ago

amen. i wish americans will find the light to deal with these beast ...the world depends on this. Dont let them find an escape route before March...watch them every minute,they are squirming now for a quick get away...again