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Forum Post: Mayor Bloomberg is Wrong

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 9:19 p.m. EST by PlaneCharlie (2) from Pahoa, HI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The only candidate with the integrity and independence to tell the truth! - Buddy Roemer

exerpt from the Buddy Roemer website: (http://www.buddyroemer.com/michael-bloomberg-is-wrong)

The Mayor of New York City is standing on the wrong side of history. His actions in the midnight hours against the Occupy Wall Street protestors are unjust, uncalled for, and unconstitutional. The First Amendment right of assembly and speech exists to protect America from this kind of government power abuse.

His actions will be a stain on America’s long history of peaceful assembly. I encourage Mayor Bloomberg to read a history book on America and he will see from the Civil Rights marches to the Vietnam protests, our young Americans have stood up to injustice and in the end were right in their actions.

Was there no common ground to maintain health and safety while allowing for assembly, protestations, and debate? And to raid the assembly in the wee hours is so typical of abuse and cowardice...



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[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Keith Olbermann gives Bloomberg a well deserved spanking.
