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Forum Post: Mayor Bloomberg and Commissioner Kelly Address NYC; state "We Will Respond Accordingly"

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 3:26 p.m. EST by ghostofbettermen (19) from Muncie, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly update New Yorkers at 3:40 p.m. after visiting with injured NYPD personnel at Bellevue Hospital.

Mayor Bloomberg: Occupy Wall St has caused "minimal disruption" to the city

Bloomberg: "most protesters have acted responsibly." He says "real story" is that numbers of demonstrators smaller than expected.

Bloomberg says "numbers I've heard" indicate less than 1,000 demonstrators today. Doesn't expect major disruptions later.

Police Commissioner Kelly said cop with hand injury was hurt when police arrested protesters moving barricades.

Bloomberg: one cop suffered cut to hand when protestor threw a star-shaped piece of glass at him. 20 stitches

Bloomberg: "we will respond accordingly" if any Occupy Wall St demonstrators threaten others, including cops. 177 arrests so far.



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[-] 1 points by ghostofbettermen (19) from Muncie, IN 13 years ago

Joe Kemp reports from 1 Police Plaza, where the Daily News has an office:

An announcement was made over the intercom at 1 PP for all Members of Service below the rank of Deputy Inspector reporting for duty (to begin 4 p.m. tours) to report at headquarters lobby in uniform and advised to bring their helmets, jackets and batons.

At least 200 cops worked nearly 24 hours from yesterday (Wed.) into today (Thurs.), either because they came down to Zuccotti after working their regular tours, or because they were held over to cover for cops summoned to work downtown.

Read more: http://live.nydailynews.com/Event/Showdown_at_Zuccotti_Park_The_NYPDs_raid_on_Occupy_Wall_Street_NYC#ixzz1dztjISBU

[-] 1 points by IAOProfessor (20) 13 years ago

To work the brothers and sisters in blue, so many hours, is unusual punishment FOR THEM. And smells of FEAR BASED management, and even EVIL MANAGERS, who might hope that really tired offiers will SLIP a little, and go more MACHO? ALL the cops are VIOLATING THE LAW OF THE LAND when they bother to bother citizens involved in NON VIOLENT PROTEST. Please think about this, there is only ONE CRIME. ALL CRIMES are forms of this one. And this crime is a violation in all forms. That crime is TRESSPASS. I am a former cop, and ex-Minister, and Dean, and a professor. I also drove a cab (the most dangerous job in America, some say), and I am a VET who saw action, in short, paid my dues on this topic. The cops are not the root problem. The ones who pay them have the control. Taxpayers putting BOZOS in charge of cops is the bad deal. Replace the management BOZOS with intelligent life. Also, remind every officer, they took an oath to uphold the law, not attack the citizen. 24 hour cops is insanity. Period. Maybe Commissioner KELLY, whomever he is, is not good for powerful position he holds.

[-] 1 points by NonParticipant (151) 13 years ago

Be ready to be arrested if you commit civil disobedience. You are breaking the law. The police have a right and an obligation to arrest anyone who is breaking the law. Even if you are committing civil disobedience peacefully, you are breaking the law and you will be arrested. Don't cry and whine and say you are being harassed. You are breaking the law and you will be arrested. If you push forward to commit your civil disobedience and people get hurt or you trespass, block streets or bridges, the police have the right to stop you. I don't see police violence. I see police trying to control an unruly, out-of-control crowd that thinks it's ok to do what they want because they want it.

[-] 2 points by Cleitophon (43) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

My favorite part about this is those who complain that they are getting arrested for no reason and claim that they are just committing civil disobedience.

Civil disobedience is breaking an unjust law and accepting punishment for doing so. What is going on in OWS is not civil disobedience, it's a protest (albeit, a poorly executed one). People need to learn the difference.

[-] 0 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

Don't even ask what you are being arrested for. If police want to arrest you they can they don't need a reason. If they want to shoot you they will and they can sprinkle some crack on your dead body. The rich, politicians and police are different then you ... they are above the law just like Obama

[-] 1 points by IAOProfessor (20) 13 years ago

This is why, back in the day, after one year, full-time, with a career in mind, I quit. COPS GONE WILD. Law? What law? Me law! But this is "hidden" (SMILE) just under The Color of Law. As a cop, and when cops busted me, as they did once in China, and once in USA, and once Down Under -- FRAMED each time, for my outspoken views, I have seen both sides of your coin. A bad cop, is a bad cop. And no amount of fancy blah-blah changes that. Most are not bad. Trouble is, they don't bother the bad. That's why I quit. Take your oath to your heart and honor your oath, brothers and sisters. Stop being a punk seeking a thrill -- that's your EGO -- idiot. COPS destroyed me lawful career FOUR TIMES. I was lawful. They were not. Four times in four decades. They destroyed my partners. Arrested one for a crime he did not do. Framed him. Robbed him. Then murdered him. Cops gone wild is challenge we face every time we see a cop, because the human mind does not, is not able, cannot tell, the difference between ESSENCE and PRETENSE. Only actions tell the tale. In my youth, in the Wild West, when a cop was out of order, we told him: HEY! You want your job, behave! Nobody took shit off State or County or Local cops back in the early 1950s, in Southern California. Any cop going into dominator dog, was told point blank: "if you want your badge, mind your lawful manners, Pal!" One time, when the Trooper gave me his finger, I just drove away in my faster than his car, truck, escaped. Another bad bust once, in S.F., and I just drove up the stairs for one block while they stood, scratching their heads, down there. Today, with high teck team kops, not so easy, but fair is far -- a bad bust is always bad. Citizens have a duty and a right not to take shit off cops, but they are very dangerous. You have to use intelligence. And a good cop enjoys intelligence. You can count on it. I do. I'll be 70 next Easter.

[-] 1 points by bindleheim (10) 13 years ago

Hopefully, he is going to announce some plan of action.

[-] 0 points by getitdone (69) 13 years ago

"Someone has to say it: mass violence against the police is necessary as part of any social struggle. We wish it wasn’t but it is. The reason is simple: the police defend the state unconditionally, the state defends capital unconditionally, and capital attacks us without remorse – or even a second thought. Reasonable liberals yearn for a compromise: but the state isn’t listening. Neither should protestors."

[-] 2 points by IAOProfessor (20) 13 years ago

You, sir, are an idiot. Indeed, Satan loves your type. Your mind seems riddled with cliches gleened from an old history book from early 20th Century. Have you bothered to read ANYTHING on any of the topics you mention in the modern time? Wake up. Stop preaching violence. Only the NAZI STATE, like the U.K., and the illegal, stolen, non-America, District of Columbia, support capital above all. THAT is the FACT that is WRONG. The U.S.A. did not start this way, it BECAME so, and the attempt was made soon after the U.S.A. began. President JACKSON was attacked, almost murdered, by the same crowd you lambast. You don't need to attack COPS to remove thugs from office. You need to change CONSCIOUSNESS, and in particular, by demonstrating superior ways. Violence is violence. Violence is an illness. And if you need to use it, do so, but beware -- he who attacks, gets the karma too! Cheers!

[-] 1 points by getitdone (69) 13 years ago

Read my post in its entirety please before you respond

[-] 0 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

ha ha "injured NYPD personnel" give me a break

[-] -1 points by OccupyCapitolHill (197) 13 years ago

With enough luck, he may declare that police are intending to crack out the nine-bangers.