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We are the 99 percent


Born Easter Sunday when F.D.R. was top dog. Been a janitor, trucker, salesman, cop, teacher, journalist, Dean, Professor, Minister, Inventor, and in between a journeyman carpenter, journeyman commercial painter, taxi-driver, waiter, 2nd cook, breakfast cook, and pre-school teacher, high school teacher, and restaurant maintainance man. Was also a cowboy as a youth, and a goldminer. FEDS destroyed FOUR careers. I was lawful. They were not.
First when I was on NIXON'S ENEMIES LIST, and COINTELPRO ate my career totally. Blacklisted! Gone. Jesuits hired me as a Dean, immediately "youngest in our history, first with no Ph.,D., and BEST qualified." i AM a TROUBLESHOOTER, by calling, and clients include Governor, and then President Wm. J. Clinton, and his wife, Hillary, and the United Nations, and the Pentagon, and NBC-TV, and Burger King, and Diana Ross, and Frank Sinatra, and Jane Fonda, as well as 100s of lesser knowns -- all said my work for them was THE BEST.

I quit cops because cops was out of control, legally. Power corrupts. I've worked for city, county, State, and Federal government. I am a Tin Can Sailor Atomic War Vet off active duty when IKE was President.

Dealing successfully with violent social situations, and violent people, without violence is a proved ability. I talked two serial killers (years apart) out of killing me but NOT BY BADGERING THEM, or FAULTING, or SWEARING, or PLEADING. I told both of them I did not approve of their behavior, but I related them to me as another myself.
One had murdered 22 folks before me. I got him arrested, convicted, removed.
They other confested to me, a hitchiker, while I was a Private Dective for Frank Sinatra, and soon saved him a loss of $2.,500,000.00 which Sinatra's lawyers were "certain" he would lose in an airtight case against him in court. But my work proved the Crooner's lack of guilt. Case dismissed. Frank said to me: YOU ARE THE BEST. This is my view of the OWS folks. True better people.

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