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Forum Post: Materialism, mind controll sorcery

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 2:24 a.m. EST by sinthytechstudios (22)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I was not going to write anything today, but while I was at work I was told about a women who pepper sprayed 20 other human beings for a cheap Xbox360. I can not imagine hurting another human being for a piece of plastic made by Chinese slave labor. Materialism is a major problem in our Society, our songs on the radio our commercials. I never thought our rap songs would be worse then the crap we see on the news. Below is the link to the article of that tiny little atrocity

I support our Chinese workers who are protesting, I believe if the people of America would have spoken up and refused to buy products made by Chinese slave labor, things would not be quite as bad as they are now. The average worker at Apples Foxconn plant makes $1.11 an hour that's 10 dollars labor on an Ipad2 if it takes 9 hours like apple says. If you would like to know my source the link is below, http://www.maximumtech.com/how-much-more-would-it-cost-build-ipad-us-almost-300 Materialism is the elites way of diverting our attention from important issues, they tell you their products make you look more chic more intellectual. I am here to tell you to fight their programing that relays to you that you have to own something, advertising is the new mind control. When you buy something make sure its something you need and never pay more then you have to, when you pay $499.99 for an Ipad you you are only lining the pockets of the 1%. Last but not least never harm another human being for property, all people deserve respect and compassion. I believe this level of Materialism is learned behavior, other writers like Michael Tsarion talk about this in their writing Check the link below if you like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6pvoebZR-M&feature=related

This is Sinthytech the voice of reason logging off Good night Ows



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[-] 2 points by randart (498) 13 years ago

There were many reports of people being pepper sprayed during the post "thanks giving" feeding frenzy. In truth, there will only be one way to change things and it will be hard and painful. The pressure is building and will come to a complete boil soon in our society. Someday, "we the people" of the entire world will have to restructure the system of inequality. There will be a serious paradigm shift and it will be painful for everyone.

I quit thinking that corporations were gods long ago. Now, if and when I go shopping I see the world through a different lens and it not a pleasant viewpoint. If the global consciousness does not change then this whole "civilization" will implode from the corrupt weight.

They say that money is the root of all evil and it appears this truth is more evident than ever before.

I really want to know who and especially why there are some who feel they need to have it all. Are we all being led down some path to nowhere by a bunch of psychologically damaged people who are in control? Do they have ANY concern for future generations?

Less can be more if you begin to retrain your mind to see life this way. The problem is that we have been taught to want, everything. The wealthy think they are deserving of obscene wealth and that that is all that matters. They spread their dis-ease to the people who don't really have the means to have it all and we end up with people pepper spraying one another for a thing.

I know I am beginning to ramble here but the end result is this; if humanity continues down this path for much longer it will implode. We ALL need to step back and consider the future.

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

Hey, Toshiba and UPS made a deal with the devil, does that count?


The Revolution starts here!

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

Yes, end all materialist ideologies, including the intellectual ones.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

"The average worker at Apples Foxconn plant makes $1.11 an hour that's 10 dollars labor on an Ipad2 if it takes 9 hours like apple says."

I agree with most of your points, but I just want to point out that you can't compare the salary of a person in one country with a person in another. I live in Indonesia, and if you make 500$/month here you're middle class. Make $1000/month and you're rich. Your quote of $1.11/hour is meaningless unless you provide statistics for the pays of diverse jobs in China. What is the minimum wage in that country for example?