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Forum Post: Marketing/Advertising help for our local small town occupy movement

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 9:45 p.m. EST by AnonCloud (0) from North Garden, VA
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Hi, I'm in charge of media/marketing for a local occupy movement in a medium sized college town. Does anyone have any tips on how to advertise/market our movement? We have a twitter acount with 200+ followers as well as a facebook group but nothing else other than that.

Thanks in advance.



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[-] 1 points by Sanchez (76) 13 years ago

Okay, I have marketing background and have organized for years as an activist. So, listen up. I highly recommend the following ideas: pick and choose what best suits you. Have T-shirts made with OWS or Fight the Plutocracy or Support the 99% with your website (do you have one yet???). This directs people to your site. Post flyers around town at progressive places (coffeeshops, bookstores, non-profits with phone number contact, email and POB-you do have all those, right?) announcing you next event or meeting. Colleges and Universities are great for marketing. Ask your professors for a few minutes of time to announce your next meeting & ask interested people to meet you outside after class. Again, dynamic flyers posted around announcing a Meeting, Educational Event (Speaker, Film), Band/Dance. Contact all progressive groups in your area (do the research and find out who they are-Greens, Socialists, Dems, Unions, etc.). Have an event and offer food which always attracts people. Have a pot luck announcing a joint meeting of all progressive groups, clubs, organizations, etc.). If you are doing public events, it is mandatory that you have Flyers and Literature which you will have to create. On ALL literature, you need to have a contact number/email/website where people can reach you. Buy an answering machine and get a dedicated line to allow people to reach you. Ask if stores, etc. will put up flyers of your event. Buy or see if you can get a list of progressive groups in your area. You can maybe purchase a direct mail list from one of these organizations if they allow it (some do, most don't). At all events, have people with clipboards to ask people to sign up with their emails, phone numbers, addresses which might be useful in the future. Always pass out flyers. At all events, ALWAYS announce the next action several times. Ask the OWC in NYC for videos they might have to show your local members to inspire them. Drop off flyers at all progressive groups to announce next meeting. Ask if you can be a speaker at various progressive groups, unions, etc. Don't be shy about asking people for donations (you will need money, right?). Plan a fundraiser: Walkathon or somesuch. These are great as they attract people, are highly visible, raise money and you usually will get some dynamic people to join you. Be obsessive and compulsive. Be highly organized. Do not rest. Get several others to help you. Plan an Event and you will learn a lot. Do not assume anything. Be detail oriented. Be positive and enthusiastic and act as if it is a matter of life or death. If you have money, be careful how you spend it. There are no short-cuts. Good luck.

[-] 0 points by IChowderDown (110) from Dallas, TX 13 years ago

Great Ideas you have expanded on. I want to add, and this is only my opinion, many even large businesses will most likely support you. It's the elite you are after, and failed representation by the government to protect you. It's mega businesses that gobble up small businesses, whether two people or two thousand. Thank the people for their undivided attention, even if they disagree with you.

[-] 1 points by Sanchez (76) 13 years ago

One thing to do would be to make signs that can be posted in businesses such as: I support the 99%! If businesses support you, they might do it. Or, put flyers in these businesses. If there was a website for the Movement, we could direct everybody to it. On the website when be the following: 1) Our Principles & Values; 2) Platform; 3) Analysis and Philosophy; 4) What you can do? 5) Donations; 6) List of all Occupy Chapters nationwide, etc. We need one place where people can go to get info, to plug in, to try and communicate. Money raised should go to people to manage this. Communication is the important. Lots of people are supportive or want to help but have no idea how to do so. This is a major failing that is not being addressed.

[-] 0 points by IChowderDown (110) from Dallas, TX 13 years ago

Make 2-3 posters. Have the occupiers print them off at home and hit the pavement. Post them everywhere. Pound the pavement on foot and introduce yourself. Have a town car wash and collect donations. Get the local media involved to promote this fun event. Get a personal DJ to play some tunes through out that day. Set up a beach volleyball need, just let your imagination run wild. Maybe I should back up a bit. Work in partnership with these parties and add there logo to the posters? Get the idea? I also posted this as food for thought: http://occupywallst.org/forum/viral-syndication-marketing-ows-content-now-its-ea/ Internet press releases with your Towns name in there for web search optimization works well, You don't even need a web site. You can also use Google Blog format, I believe its free?