Forum Post: Marines Pissing on Corpses
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 13, 2012, 10:04 a.m. EST by bklynsboy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is called an "atrocity"? It's like equating a stupid prank with putting Jews by the millions in ovens and gas chambers in WWII?
We have wounded our soldiers with multiple tours in unnecessary wars. Our mission ended with Bin Laden's death. We could have gotten him years ago, if Bush and the Israeli lobby didn't push for the Iraq war. Trillions could have been saved. Thousands of GIs' lives would not have been lost. 70,000 soldiers wouldn't be maimed. 100s of thousands of Iraqi civilians would be alive. Iran would be weaker. Now tens of thousands of damaged veterans must be cared for for life, which we must do, costing billions, due to wars for profit instead of just cause. Korea was a threat? Vietnam was a threat? Iraq was a threat? The Congo (now with SEAL teams) is a threat? If you want to save the military and help our soldiers, reinstate the draft. We don't have to burn them out with multiple tours and get cancer from burn pits and depleted uranium shells, and pay mercenaries $300,000 a year as substitutes.
There will never be a draft that puts the children of the one percent in harm's way.
The Viet Nam lesson.
Your own words prove that you are no different from or better than that enemy. Maybe you are even worse than that enemy because you have the benefit of having been raised in a civilized nation that has taught you better yet still you are as suicidally stupid as the average Taliban or alQaida suicide bomber... Go figure.
ALERT: red herring
Suicide bomber logic.
bin Laden pointed to people like you when he incited the 9/11 atrocity.
Moronically insane. Your unmitigated stupidity is breath taking.
You have changed me. I'm sorry about posting such rude comments today. It will never happen again. Have a happy Martin Luther King Day.
If, indeed, you are sorry you will go back a delete all of your offensive comments on this topic.
ALERT: red herring
It won't happen again because you will soon be banned.
In your dreams.
Would you like a taste of what my dreams are made of?
ALERT: two wrongs don't make a right
War isn't something we should enter into lightly, and quite honestly Iraq was a PR stunt based on a lie. That said, I also feel like we need to move to a different way of handling our military; perhaps two years of mandated public (including in the military) or community service after high school would be a good idea. That would (in my mind) cut down on unnecessary warfare, given that there would be no exemptions and especially if children of public officials and defense contractors would be on the front lines of any military action we go into; authorizing and/or powering a war becomes a much tougher decision when doing so will point your child at the business end of someone else's AK-47.
Mandated military/public service? You've got to be kidding. What part of "freedom" and "rights" do people not understand? Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with instilling some structure and work ethic into young people's lives. But forcing this upon the people, especially young, rebellious folk is only going to make us more resistant/hostile. You might as well just cut to chase and start incarcerating all high-school graduates.
"Two years of mandated critical thinking classes would be good."
I agree with Thrasymaque; this sounds incredibly more logical and beneficial to the population. Maybe not mandate it though. Nobody wants to be forced to do anything. How about just offering these classes in the first place. I can divulge from experience that Military indoctrination offers nothing even related to critical thinking; In fact, it's quite the opposite.
Who's going to teach the critical thinking? Leftists? No thanks, my mother can teach critical thinking better than some leftist tenured prof.
Totally agree!
Two years of mandated critical thinking classes would be good.
What? A lie? Iraq invades Kuwait. We were asked to kick them out, we did with restrictions (no fly zone and inspection of nuclear stuff) Saddam kicks out 1) inspectors 2) continues to gas 300,000 people in the no fly zone, 3) has rape rooms holding 10 years old girls. 4) Saddam tells the world he HAS WMD's. Clinton in a nation wide address Dec 1998 tells Americans that Saddam has WMD's.
What part of that is a Bush PR stunt based on a lie? Pick just one of them or all or more.
The US green-lighted the Iraqi attack on Kuwait, which was instigated by US oil contractors Kuwait slant drilling Iraqi oil. Hussein didn't blow his nose without US authorization, he was OUR boy. We gave him biological agents to use against Iran in revenge for the Iran hostage crisis, which was ultimately the result of the 1953 CIA coup (Operation Ajax).
"Rape rooms" and "babies thrown out hospital windows" were the icing on the bullshit cake.
Biological agents for revenge? Either you're an idiot or I just lost a little more respect for this country.
The other, and far more likely possibility, is that you are blissfully ignorant of historical facts. Look at the time line of various events including the Iran Hostage Crisis (caused by our failure to extradite the Shah to Iran for trial on crimes against humanity) and the tightening of US-Iraq ties under Reagan (multiple visits by Rumsfeld to Iraq and a quasi-protectionist policy of Iraq for the duration of the Iran-Iraq War), as well as CIA ties to Hussein, Operation Ajax, etc.
Re. "The US green-lighted the Iraqi attack on Kuwait", very few people seem to know of this and the individual to research in this context is "April Glaspie". fiat lux ...
the basis was weapns of mass destruction.. that was a lie.
Not to mention 911, which was consistently implied to be a cause of the invasion of Iraq.
And still is!
Seems like YOUR guy thought and told us that there were WMD's a a reason for America to enter into a war with Iraq. And I guess your guy was wrong and you didnt question that,,, why? And I guess you like rape rooms for 10 year old girls?
Transcript President Clinton explains Iraq strike - December 16, 1998 (CNN) Earlier today, I ordered Americas armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined byBritish forces. Their mission is to attack Iraqs nuclear,chemical and biological weapons programs and its militarycapacity to threaten its neighbors. Their purpose is to protect the national interest of theUnited States, and indeed the interests of people throughout theMiddle East and around the world.
Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighborsor the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons I want to explain why I have decided, with the unanimous recommendation of my national security team, to use force inIraq; why we have acted now; and what we aim to accomplish.
Six weeks ago, Saddam Hussein announced that he would no longer cooperate with the United Nations weapons inspectors called UNSCOM. They are highly professional experts from dozens of countries. Their job is to oversee the elimination of Iraqs capability to retain, create and use ''weapons of mass destruction", and to verify that Iraq does not attempt to rebuild that capability.
The inspectors undertook this mission first 7.5 years ago atthe end of the Gulf War when Iraq agreed to declare and destroy its arsenal as a condition of the ceasefire.
The international community had good reason to set this requirement. Other countries possess "weapons of mass destruction" and ballistic missiles. With Saddam, there is one big difference ""He has used them"". Not once, but repeatedly.Unleashing chemical weapons against Iranian troops during adecade long war. Not only against soldiers, but against civilians, firing Scud missiles at the citizens of Israel, SaudiArabia, Bahrain and Iran. And not only against a foreign enemy,but even against his own people, gassing Kurdish civilians inNorthern Iraq.
The international community had little doubt then, and I haveno doubt today, that left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will use these terrible weapons again.
The United States has patiently worked to preserve UNSCOM asIraq has sought to avoid its obligation to cooperate with theinspectors. On occasion, weve had to threaten military force,and Saddam has backed down.
Faced with Saddams latest act of defiance in late October,we built intensive diplomatic pressure on Iraq backed byoverwhelming military force in the region. The UN SecurityCouncil voted 15 to zero to condemn Saddams actions and todemand that he immediately come into compliance.
I'm talking about Iraq II, not the Gulf War. The Gulf War was fully justified and if we were going to take the man out we should have done it there. The Iraq War we entered under Bush II occurred with the understanding that there was little or no evidence of actual WMDs in Iraq, and when we went in there, guess what? No WMDs. The way I see it, Iraq II was a manufactured war when where we really belonged was in Afghanistan.
Seems like YOUR guy thought and told us that there were WMD's a a reason for America to enter into a war with Iraq. And I guess your guy was wrong and you didnt question that,,, why? And I guess you like rape rooms for 10 year old girls?
Transcript President Clinton explains Iraq strike - December 16, 1998 (CNN) Earlier today, I ordered Americas armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined byBritish forces. Their mission is to attack Iraqs nuclear,chemical and biological weapons programs and its militarycapacity to threaten its neighbors. Their purpose is to protect the national interest of theUnited States, and indeed the interests of people throughout theMiddle East and around the world.
Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighborsor the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons I want to explain why I have decided, with the unanimous recommendation of my national security team, to use force inIraq; why we have acted now; and what we aim to accomplish.
Six weeks ago, Saddam Hussein announced that he would no longer cooperate with the United Nations weapons inspectors called UNSCOM. They are highly professional experts from dozens of countries. Their job is to oversee the elimination of Iraqs capability to retain, create and use ''weapons of mass destruction", and to verify that Iraq does not attempt to rebuild that capability.
The inspectors undertook this mission first 7.5 years ago atthe end of the Gulf War when Iraq agreed to declare and destroy its arsenal as a condition of the ceasefire.
The international community had good reason to set this requirement. Other countries possess "weapons of mass destruction" and ballistic missiles. With Saddam, there is one big difference ""He has used them"". Not once, but repeatedly.Unleashing chemical weapons against Iranian troops during adecade long war. Not only against soldiers, but against civilians, firing Scud missiles at the citizens of Israel, SaudiArabia, Bahrain and Iran. And not only against a foreign enemy,but even against his own people, gassing Kurdish civilians inNorthern Iraq.
The international community had little doubt then, and I haveno doubt today, that left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will use these terrible weapons again.
The United States has patiently worked to preserve UNSCOM asIraq has sought to avoid its obligation to cooperate with theinspectors. On occasion, weve had to threaten military force,and Saddam has backed down.
Faced with Saddams latest act of defiance in late October,we built intensive diplomatic pressure on Iraq backed byoverwhelming military force in the region. The UN SecurityCouncil voted 15 to zero to condemn Saddams actions and todemand that he immediately come into compliance.
My guy did not declare war, without the approval of congress and by using illegal 'ssecret' meetings, by calling the vote when 2/3 of congress were not present and did not instigate an atmosphere of fear of our own government that is just now beginning to dissipate after 12 yrs. you do know about the disc jockey that was fired for playing dixie chicks and people being arrested at malls for wearing anti war t shirts. thats the kind of america you want? leave the country
No way, they weren't arresting people for anti war t-shirts
This is what happened to normal citizens due to the fear mongering propaganda that was used by the Bush regime to slant the views of the american public gto support his personal war,2933,80292,00.html
Man Arrested After Refusing to Remove Anti-War Shirt in Mall
Read more:,2933,80292,00.html#ixzz1k0Cq3L9r
DJ Fired for Playing New Dixie Chicks CD at Home
I guess you didnt see the joint session of congress. I guess you own a radio station and are playing dixie chicks. I guess you own a mall and allow anti-war shirts. That IS the America I want to live in. You can hire any disc jocky you want to. The owner of the radio station can decide the play list,,, not you or the disk jocky.
really, censorship thru fear is ok with you? are you actually an american? political dissent should be a crime? i saw the joint sessions.. they didnt vote.. they left for vaction. the vote was done while they were gone. and in secret. thats the america you want?
There was no censorship. Any DJ that owns his own radio station can play anything he wants to. Someone saved up enough to buy the station,, why didnt he?
it wasnt the owner it was another employee,, the manager that fired him. shoulda person have to kowtow to another employee's political fear? thats one more reason for unions btw.
I understand what your saying. Darn,, I have even been kicked off of this site,, just like tons of others, because we voice opposition to OWS. One would IMAGINE, a politically correct, freedom of speech site like OWS would not have the political fear to kick people of with other ideas. Maybe we need an anti-union on here to make sure the conservative message is not RESTRICTED,,,, in America. I would guess you agree with MY THOUGHTS,,,, and support that. I bet you will check into why the anti-=OWN folks get kicked off,,,, you will? (lmao)
Out of curiosity, I checked the chrnology of U.S. Wars, starting with the American Revolution. Just based on the start and end dates of each war, the longest period of time this country has gone without fighting a war was 33 years (after Civil War); Since then we had the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq. There were 21 years between I and II, but only 5 until Korea, 7 more to Vietnam, 15 until Desert Storm, and 9 until Afghanistan. And now, of course, ongoing, with Iran looming. Can we stop this?
War seems an extension of business: to ensure profits, trade, success. We do assassinations, coups, revolutions to help businesses. Very few of our wars are with enemies that are direct threats.
It is also a gigantic moneymaker for some. The question is, is there anything we can do about it?
It's all enable by congress. "Simply" vote 'em out. Ha!
We all do vote; corporations, while they can create all kinds of commercials for and against a given candidate, they cannot vote. So, we need to educate ourselves and ignore that crap; get some candidates that are not bought and paid for into Congress. The system can't change overnight, but it'll never change if we don't start sometime. To simply say, "It won't work" is largely why we are in this fix.
" Now tens of thousands of damaged veterans must be cared for for life, which we must do, costing billions, "
These guys are going to be cheated out of their care, just watch. Already they need the help of a non profit charity just to help them navigate the system. Remember how Vietnam veterans suffering the effects of Agent orange were accused of goldbricking and had to fight for years to get care. The one percent regards these veterans as fools who asked for it and got it. They are not going to pay taxes to care for them.
As for those who post to defend the marines who violated the dignity of the corpses, well, you are showing the world what your country is.
And these guys will get cancer from burn pits and depleted uranium shells.
Yes, I think we should re-instate the draft, with absolutely no exemptions for the ruling class. Than we might not have anymore of this war proffiteering. It's easy to send other people to die and be maimed, especially when you think they're expendable in the first place.
That's the lesson from Viet Nam. That's why there's no draft. There may be fewer wars, God forbid.
Nothing new to see here folks,Please move along now. Don't worry about a thing we will take care of it.Please move along now.
Move along, or else.
Inciting more terrorism against American and allied forces by pissing on the enemy's bodies and videotaping it is the most insane for of suicide I have seen in a long time.
The MIC wants endless wars for profit. Unfortunately our army, the best fighting force in history, is wasted on these wars to enrich Boeing and Raytheon. Does Afghanistan have an army, navy, air force to invade us? There was more damage by the San Francisco car bomber and the NYC bomber of the 1950's. It's all bullshit to scare us and keep the money pouring in. Our GI's are expendable tools to be discarded and replaced. Criminal.
These soldiers will be coming home sometime soon. What type citizen will they be upon return? How will they reintegrate into our society when they appear to have no conscience or soul?
Maybe they will be hired as police officers. Who knows what will be the long term effect but they will be on the streets around you very soon. They will need intensive counseling to regain their humanity.
Yes. In addition, many will get cancer from depleted uranium shells and burn pits. They were horribly abused and taken advantage of.
Huge PTSD, divorce and suicide rate with burned out vets, in addition to cancer from depleted uranium shells and neurological diseases from burn pits.
the WW2 soldiers did pretty well, and I know for a fact things much worse than this went on.....
Iv'e seen this video many times and never saw any urine streaming from these soldiers at all. This looks like a staged video and is fake as far as i am concerned. They wouldn't cover their penis's if this was spontaneous and they would just whip it out and start pissing. Urine never hits these corpses and any one who thinks they did piss on them is a fool.
Saw it in hi def. The first one on the left in sunglasses. Pissing confirmed.
The conduct of these marine NCO's and the public support they garnish on venues like this one serve to undermine the purported mission. Since the purported mission is fraudulent anyhow this might not be a big problem, in fact it might be a service to humanity. That's why Hillary and Co. are so upset about it.
Agree. Interesting point.
we should piss on bush, rumsfield & cheney instead
I think pissing on corpses, ON VIDEO, is by far and away- moronically stupid.
How could ANYONE in their right mind think that was a good idea???
Were I their CO, I would move to see that they were dishonorably discharged. Their job is to kill the enemy, not desecrate bodies.
Their action endangered their comrades. Unthinking youth.
They endangered their mission, and put at peril the good will we are there to build.
Yes, good will is extinguished.
It doesn't have to be on video to be moronically stupid.
The real problem is not that it's stupid, but that it's an animal like behavior that is extremely disrespectful.
Don't get me wrong, please...
Pissing on dead bodies is "wrong", and certainly NOT something anyone in our military should be doing to the enemy.
That said, doing it ON VIDEO is mountainously moronic.
Seriously.. I do not understand how this can be considered an "atrocity", but the death of innocent people and babies is considered "inevitable" because that is just what happens in war. It does not make sense.
Pissing on corpses is a diversion. It has to be some kind of psyop. If that really mattered to the MSM this would get a hundred times the attention.
Go into this video 36:00 and watch. I warn you, there are images which may seriously disturb you. They depict victims of US war crimes dismembered with their brains ripped out or their faces ripped off.
They have to put on a concerned facade to placate world opinion.
Don't go to war when you are not prepared to die.
I'm not gonna say that were I an uneducated prejudiced 'freedom fighter' I would not do the same thing to the person who was previously shooting at me... war is not a tea party, but your point is well taken.
The better question is why are we at war at all; human beings are capable of so much more.
Absolutely! The US wants endless war, win or lose, for profit by the companies making weapons and paying off congress. We're talking hundreds of billions! They want that money to continue.
Government agents, urinating on the dead is not a "stupid, insensitive prank" any more than making another person ride separate buses and drink from separate fountains b/c of their skin color was a "prank". It is an atrocity.
Did you dismiss the burning and dragging of dead US soldiers through dusty city streets as a "stupid prank"? I very much doubt it.
Atrocity is reserved for a genocidal event like mass murder, beheadings or lynchings, disembowlings, and dragging through streets, burning, dismembering, torturing, vivisection. It's a matter of degree. Using the word excessively devalues it for the worst cases it should apply to.
Do you really believe that fairytale?
The draft will not be reinstated. It is much better for the military to have people who think alike and want to be there.
A draft would end wars, and keeping unemployment high creates plenty of recruits with no other options.
That is why the military removed the draft, because they drafted soldiers would revolt from within. A draft only works when there is true threat to the people not made up threats of yellow cake....
Ideally yes. But the limited numbers causes multiple redeployments which reduce performance, cause family stress and divorce, record suicides and PTSD.
Of course, I agree, war is hell for the winners and the losers. If the military thought it would be a plus they would reinstate the draft ASAP. They like the fact that some people are forced to join just to try to have some kind future, and if they die or are forced to serve multiple deployments, it was their own choice and don't blame us for your loss.
Just noticed the yellow cake reference.
; )
WHAT does 1 points mean on the reply?
In the short term it would seem so, but in the long run it would be one hell of a lot healthier for the military to truly be a people's institution rather than a professional force that may fall directly under the authority of the government but to whom the country as a whole is only marginally attached. Sure, that would mean a lot of new oversight (because now people who matter get screwed when something goes wrong), but in the end it would put an end to this nonsense of three and four deployments and prevent the human cost of war from being focused disproportionately on a very small segment of the populations. Note: this is why I think the draft should come back; I doubt it will do so on its own unless the issue is pushed.
And all you wrote is another reason the draft in today's USA would never come back. The military learned their lesson well during the Vietnam war. Now the American people really don't have any concern since it's not their brothers, sisters and children forced to go to war, unless they want to. We need the media to become Journalists once again and show the caskets, dead bodies and DU babies on the news every night like they did toward the end of Vietnam and stop the worship of war. Just sayin....
the Vietnam war was a farce.....we could have waylaid that piss-ant army in short order if we had used the tactics and concepts of the World War battles.....and had Victory as our objective.....politics and war do not mix.....the politics should end when the war begins, and the only acceptable outcome should be unconditional surrender of the enemy, or elimination of the enemy....PERIOD
The problem with the sissy wars politicians fight is that they go on too long....Alpha objective wars are quick and dirty....
No war should be entered into lightly, or with constrictive rules of engagement.....IF, and the criteria should be stringent and demanding for "why", we decide to enter into warfare it's time to let the Military handle it, and do it bluntly with unvarnished brutality.....
The idea that it's OK for men to kill one another but not to piss on the enemies prostrate decaying body , or force them into a naked monkey pile and water-board them, is simple quixotic nonsense...if killing is warranted then things less atrocious than killing are a nonissue......
Kill them because we believed the propaganda we were spoon fed...okay!!!!
If it were for fools like you Hitler would still control Europe....sometimes war is necessary
Really I did not know there was a Hitler hiding in the rice fields of Vietnam, good thing we won......face palm
The problem is that there just is not going to be a draft system that actually forces the children of the one percent to confront kill or die situations. They just weren't born to be forced into situations like that. A few might be into that sort of stuff. They volunteer.
It would be better if we just did universal public or military service, with an actual physical defect required to get you out of the armed forces. I want everyone to spend a couple of years after high school or college in that environment, and not just to spread around the cost of war but because I feel that it would make us a far more disciplined and productive society.
In theory this might be fine. In practice as long as we have a class society the children of the rich will not suffer. There are ways to get around situations that involve money and power.
It is. These dolts also aren't very good at math. We're a huge country. A draft would either raise a giant and unnecessary force or would pluck very few of us at random for service. We don't need a giant force, so that's out. Now as to random, it's better to have a force of volunteers than to simply pick 1% of us at random. A tiny shot at getting drafted isn't wide spread public service, it's simply random and unlikely public service. Further, the service needs skills and long serving career people. You won't get that from a draft.
The Taliban were thirsty.
Atrocity is probably overdoing it (I mean, I'm pretty sure the dead guys didn't know they were being pissed on), but definitely very poor and unacceptable behavior (as I'm sure they'll discover when they get in trouble for this shit, and they will get in trouble for this shit).
Yes, media hype for ratings.
This is what Allen West had to say:
Here’s an email he sent to The Weekly Standard:
“I have sat back and assessed the incident with the video of our Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. I do not recall any self-righteous indignation when our Delta snipers Shugart and Gordon had their bodies dragged through Mogadishu. Neither do I recall media outrage and condemnation of our Blackwater security contractors being killed, their bodies burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah. “All these over-emotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. Does anyone remember the two Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division who were beheaded and gutted in Iraq? “The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter. “As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.”
Re-posted,needs to be read for the REAL perspective on the situation.
many many good points there, the only point I'd add is:
I wonder how many that are condemning these troops have themselves either peed or defaced a grave or tombstone?
Or, even worse, how many of those heaping condemnation are guilty of vandalism?
Before OWS rides the hypocrisy train, maybe they should remember these brave brave boys in question may be guilty of bad judgement ,sure.
But that bad judgement was exercised while defending OWS's rights to pee AND poop in the parks
Semper Fi
War is also a racket.
Allen West's whole rant is built upon a logical fallacy -two wrongs don't make a right-, or, otherwise put, in a tradition of explaining and downplaying horrible acts with a vengeance narrative -an eye for an eye-.
"unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell."
I thought this line pretty much summed it up,no offense.
I'm not offended. We are all allowed to hold our own opinions.
Luckily for West, some Americans were very badly treated during the war, else he wouldn't have been able to use those atrocities to down play the atrocity of giving dead bodies golden showers. In such a situation, the latter atrocity would have to have been judged on its own and that would have painted a very dark picture indeed.
What's a few Americans gruesomely killed in Iraq when we down play that atrocity by comparing it to US dropping two atomic bombs over populated cities in Japan? That almost makes the act of given golden showers on dead bodies a childish and fun game like Hop Scotch.
You like Hop Scotch right? More than receiving or giving golden showers?
Good points.
Piss on those low life's. They'd piss on you, or behead you first, and than piss on you.
What would you do if they invaded your country?
Take up arms against them. And you?
Piss Christ meet Piss Talibani. It's High Art and should get a grant from the publicly funded National Endowment for the Arts.
interesting. Novel.
Thank You.
No matter what one thinks about the war, the Taliban are evil and peeing on them is probably what they deserve. Hillary and the DOD should leave the marines alone.
yES, but they were stupid recording it and increasing the enemies' responses to them.
you're right ! !!!
The Real F*ckin' Crime is going half way round the world and killing people who are resisting invasion and occupation in Their Own Land !!!
Re. Afghanistan, learn something before opining from ignorance !!
Peeing on you "is probably what YOU deserve" !
Honi soit qui mal y pense ...
shadz66 don't forget that the taliban supported people who attacked us on 9/11 they deserved to be killed, peed on and worse. The Taliban isn't just resisting invasion they are crazed Muslim radicals. I'm sorry that you support our enemies.
Your Ignorance Is Limitless !!! Click the f-ckin' link !! Idiot !
i'm already knowledgeable on this. But thank you sharing your information.
Hmmm. So, how does your 'toujours la politesse' square with "the Taliban are evil and peeing on them is probably what they deserve." ad iudicium ...
Well, as far as i can tell, you aren't a military enemy, and deserve to be treated as a fellow citizen.
I hope your reason and compassion will stretch to Citizen Occupiers in The U$A if not to Fellow Human Beings resisting occupation in their own homeland. fiat justitia ...
I was proud of the guys. Fuck the enemy,they would have done much worse to these marines if the situation was turned around.
Except when they made a video of it their own people wouldn't be condemning them and starting investigations.
This is bullshit to treat our warriors like they're criminals for fighting to win and maybe "spiking the ball" once in a while.
Semper Fi!!!
By the way your post is full of shit!!!
You're pissed because they shouldn't die and get blown up so Boeing, Ratheon, Exxon, make more money? Hypocrite fuck.
WTF??? All I can glean from your post is that you're an anti-corporation,anti-free market,anti-military Leftist ass wipe.
Do I got that right?
D'you think that your BS dehumanising opinion is representative of The Average American ?!!!
IF so, then read "Unplug Yourself: How Advertising and Entertainment Shapes Your Subconscious", by Andre Evans : after which click the link in my reply to your completely clueless cousin / clownish colleague "Carlitini99", just above !!
Semper Fi-ction, Dolt !
"D'you think that your BS dehumanising opinion is representative of The Average American"
You're pretty out of touch with what the average blue collar middle American thinks. You'd be surprised how many of us really don't give a fuck that they pissed on these POS enemies. (Black Hawk Down?)
This is what Allen West had to say:
Here’s an email he sent to The Weekly Standard:
“I have sat back and assessed the incident with the video of our Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. I do not recall any self-righteous indignation when our Delta snipers Shugart and Gordon had their bodies dragged through Mogadishu. Neither do I recall media outrage and condemnation of our Blackwater security contractors being killed, their bodies burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah. “All these over-emotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. Does anyone remember the two Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division who were beheaded and gutted in Iraq? “The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter. “As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.”
He sums it up very well,hard to argue with Allen West he's the real deal.
Piss on the Taliban,piss on Al-Qaeda. Piss on all the enemies of the USA. Would you care as much for the enemy if they were shooting at you?
an untitled villanelle
Why is this guilt for those they've sadly left behind
so insistent, unto the heart a slice unkind -
each cruel loss a dagger to the soul, chills like ice.
Grief lingers oft and weighs in waves upon the mind.
A single voice calls to us from the bitter line;
whose woeful, bloodstained dirges bid us 'count this cost'.
This is the gift of those they've sadly left behind.
Not for naught when these scything tears do us remind;
for some in power war is endless, is a vice -
it lingers oft and weighs in waves upon the mind.
For us in silence proud eyes weep, to them unkind -
it is our cost, our heroes' tears for souls now lost.
Such is our grief for those they've sadly left behind.
For our communal good our heroes' tears are kind;
whose sad pall remains long past ruins swept away -
though they linger oft and weigh in waves upon the mind.
If we have counted, found unjust, then to our hearts will bind
throughout the long march of endless, grief filled days:
this is our guilt for those they've sadly left behind;
it lingers oft and weighs in waves upon the mind.
© D. Winter
October 3, 2007
war sucks.
Burying them in women's dresses and with a slaughtered pig would've been a better idea.
God forgive you some body has to.
I didn't ask for it. If we can use their silly little superstitions against them, we should. I'd bury them upside down, in pig guts, and in dresses when they get killed ambushing our guys or burning down a school.
I only wish the Marines were pissing on some of the OWS protestors. Now THAT would be worth sharing on youtube.
why don't you come on down here... we'll piss on you... dumb ass... many of us are vets
well... if I was there... and they were shooting at me... I might of pissed on them too.... but that only fuels the fire of war... we need to rise above it ... we are the good guy's .... no ?
agreed .... and from a positive side... it does bring back to light the horrors of war... which we too often forget in our lust of patriotism
You should be banned.
I disagree with banning this animal. If civilized people don't get to see that such cretins exist they don't believe it when the rest of us denounce the monsters.
Pissing on Taliban bodies amounts to supporting and inciting terrorism against Americans and allied forces. Pissing on these bodies and making a video puts the lives of all American and allied forces at greater risk by inciting even more suicide bombers and extremists.
You have a point. Atrocities and illogical thinking can only be stopped if people are aware of them. However, if left unchecked, it almost seems as if OWS supports this type of talk.
I propose the moderators create a Wall of the Dead where the offending comments of banned users can be read in all their glory. This way, we can ban this animal, but still raise awareness. On top of that, since all the horrible comments would be in one place, it would make them easier to catch, thus increasing the level of awareness.
When enough of us check "dislike" it amounts to the same thing.
It might be nice to see a color code band on posts that get so many "dislike" clicks that they obviously contain the thoughts of an atrocious person. A nice shit brown maybe. (;^>)
It doesn't amount to the same thing. When a comment is collapsed, fewer people read it resulting in the problem of awareness that you raised earlier. Having a Wall of the Dead would make sure everyone knows animals like USCitizenVoter exist. It would raise awareness as well as permit the banning of animal-like posters.
Just for you and Thrasymaque I moved my comments to the top.
Be Nice
I'm always nice ;-)
red herring -> two wrongs don't make a right -> ad hominem
Your defense is irrelevant. It's based on three logical fallacies.
Note: I'll make sure you get banned for that comment.
I'm talking about getting you banned from the forum.
Most folks on this site believe your a troll
Have a Happy Martin Luther Kings Day.
argumentum ad populum
I don't have to. This site already has forum rules and moderators to ban users who infringe these rules.
That's nice of you, but we have a different opinion on the matter, and that's fine. That's what forums are for; to encourage a plurality of thought. My opinion is that animals like you do not contribute to OWS and that you should be dismissed immediately. This is an opinion I have shared with the moderators.