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Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 11:58 p.m. EST by MayFrock (28)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Corporations must create jobs and stop the war on America's middle class workers. So-called American corporations are not American, they are multinational commercial enterprises who are outsourcing our middle-class jobs to China and India. They operate their businesses in other countries while taking advantage of tax laws and loopholes for their profits. They are robbing America blind and destroying lives. It is time for the corporations to invest in America and pay their fair share, which includes creating jobs. The Congress must pass incentives for businesses to keep the jobs in the US and to maintain fair working conditions, fair hiring practices, healthy and safe working conditions and fair wages for employees. It is time for the corporations to show their love for our country and their concern for our citizens and for our children's futures. Their boundless greed, dishonesty, lack of ethics, and total disregard for the working class must be stopped. This is worth fighting for. It takes a lot of courage to fight against the powerful rich corporations and the polititians and authorities who protect them but it is worth the fight. The corporations are bullies and all bullies are cowards in the end so let's keep this going until our voice is heard.



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[-] 1 points by 0815 (58) 12 years ago

Currently the government is giveing incentives to send our jobs overseas. Who's paying for them? We are. And if the government would instead give incentives to keep them here, who'd pay? We would.

Thats good money we could use to invigorate the economy. If we wouldn't have to pay all those damn taxes, maybe we could afford to found our own corporations and create our own jobs. Of course, we'd have to make it easier to do so, and not require insanely priced licensing schemes only large international corporations can afford.

The corporations' exploitative tactics are just a symptom. The sickness is a system geared to prop up the 1%, bleeding us dry, while selling us on the idea that it is necessary to do so in order to offer social support. You should really take the time to do a cost-benefit calculation to find out how much taxes you pay actually end up helping you. Or whether your tax-return really justifies your elation when you get it.

Sure, you might be fine with donating all your earnings in support of a noble cause, but IMHO it should remain a voluntary transaction. If you give anyone the power to take your property with the threat of force, and distribute as he sees fit (or as the majority sees), there is no guarantee that it will be used for the greater good.

That's what we have here. The mandated redistribution has failed. It is being diverted from the hands of the 99% to the 1%. The only way to ensure fairness in this issue is to re-instate voluntary redistribution.

-Repeal Amendment 16! (non-aportioned indirect tax)

-Return to sound money! (hidden inflation tax)

-Repeal NAFTA

-and a few other things

[-] 1 points by 0815 (58) 12 years ago

I have nothing against people being rich (even insanely rich).

I do have something against people who rob me of my hard-earned, uhm, earnings by lowering the value of the currency I am forced to accept (unless I want to be tried for tax-evasion) by creating more currency out of thin air, and charging me (via the government and taxes) for the extra interest incurred when that (for all intents&purposes) virtual currency is created out of thin air due to a process called Fractional Reserve Banking. (AKA Inflation). And all that on top of existing taxes!

The people who get rich based on that exponentially increasing ponzi-scheme (remember: the interest has to be created at interest too! headache) are the REAL PROBLEM, and all debt owed to them based on this, should be NULLIFIED!

I won't mind if they keep all their remaining wealth, as long as it was not created via this insane process.

Oh, and I want them tried before a jury of their peers. For whatever pops up (treason, fraud, etc.).

[-] 0 points by truthteller (4) 12 years ago
  • Lower the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%
  • Lower the capital gains tax from 15% to 10%
  • Lower individual tax rates for 4 of the 5 tax brackets
  • Make the Bush tax cuts permanent
  • Repeal and Replace Obamacare
  • Energy independence
[-] 1 points by DoWhatIsRight (26) 12 years ago

Everything you said wont fix anything... tax rates are already lower than ever. Voodoo economics never worked... money trickles UP not down. If you want to argue taxes I might agree with you if you said to eliminate all income and business tax....and just tax investments... much more money that way anyways.. plus it encourages work rather than investment and wall st. Gambling. Healthcare, make it universal... so businesses don't pay a dime on it. Most countries already do this.... energy independance is laughable only because it is unrealistic if you are going to force it... how do you pay for it? We don't have the equipment... its a great thought... but unless tesla really did create free energy, then we will need a lot of solar panel and windmills, and that costs a lot of money. Who's gonna pay for it? Business making record profits and complaining they can't hire? Pass laws to make them do it so they leave our country entirely? It'd be great to be energy independant, but logically, how will you make it happen? Business wont be in america long as it is... there's hardly any money left here to take from us!

[-] 1 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 12 years ago

sounds alot like Herman Cain, former CEO of God Father's Pizza and candidate for president.

-economicallydiscardedcitizen and 'Ha Ha Club' Member PS: The insanity of witnessing fellow top local real estate and mortgage professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area being reduced to living out of their luxury cars along with inability to generate even 'average to above average income' resulted in us joining what I began calling 'The Ha Ha Club' because I knew that 'Those at the top' through their knowledge were making out like bandits as they pulled the proverbial carpet out from under the real estate markets effectively disabling both the real estate and finance industries and hurting the 'American Dream' of home ownership, jobs, small business and the proverbial 'chicken in every pot.'