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Forum Post: Mandatory drug testing for elected officials?

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 1:15 a.m. EST by mediaauditr (-88)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Every job I've ever had since I began working when I was 15 included a drug test in the hiring process. I have worked at 5 different company's in the private sector, in industries ranging from service, to retail, insurance to the media. All of them required a drug test.

My wife has worked at 3 different positions in the public sector. Each position required a drug test. Every friend and family member in my life has been drug tested for their jobs. Why are our elected representatives not drug tested?

We let these officials control our tax money, make the most important decisions for our country, enforce laws and regulations that affect every aspect of our lives, and they are not drug tested? Why?

I am calling for a hair follicle test, once every 3 months, with results posted online, for all to see. What do you think?



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[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 12 years ago

They would all just switch to alcohol and ambien.