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Forum Post: Mainstream Media Not Covering Major Events Intentional?

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 12:49 a.m. EST by butcouldyou (0)
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I decided to start combining my artist, human rights and American life story website http://butcouldyou.com with the Occupy movement because I don't believe the mainstream media is covering the major events of the movement at all because the corporations own the information and don't want the media covering acts against them. That simple and yes, that complicated.

I actually and my family, have known all of our lives how much the government actually loves having the "poor", disabled etc., under their wings, mainly for control purposes and to keep you submissive to their corruption by keeping you dependent on them.

How can we wake people up to the fact that all of our lives are being controlled in ways most people, don't even see any longer because we have already been so brain washed by their propaganda that we become apathetic in very sick ways.

My family agrees with the movement but like many who have had no choice but to depend on the government because of dissibilities, we do fear they will respond and get us to back down by threatening the services we now depend on them for. Services like basic health care etc.

So as long as "poor" and disabled people feel threatened and therefore are afraid to stand up against greed and corruption by wealth, true masses cannot stand up, for any real duration.

Just my feeling and I would love to hear what people think of this train of thinking?



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