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Forum Post: Looking for your stories of struggle -

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 5:17 p.m. EST by prpriestess (0)
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Hi All - Since those in D.C. have not gotten the picture of what we are really going thru I wonder if you can help me get something together. A brief background on me - I used to worked at Northrop Grumman for 4 yrs and NBC Universal for 1.5 yrs. I have a degree and many IT abilities and yet I have been unable to find a job. I, like many of you, have applied to jobs that pay less or call for less skill than I have only to be turned away and told I am "over qualified." I hear those in D.C. telling folks like us that we are lazy, we are drug addicts, we like living off the government. Not only are those words untrue, they are harmful to the psyche. I happen to be assisting two published authors in creating their websites and that got me thinking. What if I can put real faces to the real struggle facing us all!? So I thought why not write a book that is a collection of stories and send a copy to each Senate and House member. I I DO NOT WANT ANYONE'S MONEY to get this accomplished - I want your stories. Your true story. The one that made you stand up, walk out your front door and take to the streets. If you are interested in being included in this book please send your story to hearus@prpriestess.com . Thanks for your consideration.



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