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Forum Post: Looking for writers and contributors

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 4:16 a.m. EST by RichardGates (1529)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

After beating my head on the wall over the dysfunctional nature of politics including all the different parties and movements, I decided to depart from my own political ideology for an opportunity to cross the party lines instead of just complaining. Join Citizen Commons in crossing party lines to educate each other, get to the core of what we really want, and create a realistic path to getting it.

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[-] 1 points by powshawn (0) 12 years ago

I don't facebook, but I have traveled to many of the Occupy sites and one common theme is that folks believe that we need a Constitutional Amendment that separates corporations from state. Unfortunately, there has not been any meaningful election or campaign finance reform coming from Congress because it is a case of the roosters guarding the hen house. Our legislators will continue to work in the interests of those who fund their campaigns, because the majority of Americans are too complacent to express their opinions to their legislators or don't even know how. But I believe that an overwhelming majority believe that something is fundamentally wrong with our political system and I also believe it is possible to bring about change using the existing political framework, but it's going to take a massive amount of people demanding this change (the elderly and the middle class in numbers far beyond the Occupiers). I found a website called getmoneyout.com that is currently developing the wording of an amendment as well as a petition for people to sign in support of an amendment. While making signs, marching and occupying are valid ways to draw attention to needed change, the fact is that we need a mass of people collectively pursuing the goals of this movement to realize them. Is it possible to use legitimate means to accomplish some of their goals? I'd like to believe so. And my guess is they could use some PHDs helping them in this effort. So check it out: getmoneyout.com

[-] 1 points by powshawn (0) 12 years ago

I don't facebook, but I have traveled to many of the Occupy sites and one common theme is that folks believe that we need a Constitutional Amendment that separates corporations from state. Unfortunately, there has not been any meaningful election or campaign finance reform coming from Congress because it is a case of the roosters guarding the hen house. Our legislators will continue to work in the interests of those who fund their campaigns, because the majority of Americans are too complacent to express their opinions to their legislators or don't even know how. But I believe that an overwhelming majority believe that something is fundamentally wrong with our political system and I also believe it is possible to bring about change using the existing political framework, but it's going to take a massive amount of people demanding this change (the elderly and the middle class in numbers far beyond the Occupiers). I found a website called getmoneyout.org that is currently developing the wording of an amendment as well as a petition for people to sign in support of an amendment. While making signs, marching and occupying are valid ways to draw attention to needed change, the fact is that we need a mass of people collectively pursuing the goals of this movement to realize them. Is it possible to use legitimate means to accomplish some of their goals; I'd like to believe so. And my guess is they could use some PHDs helping them in this effort. So check it out: getmoneyout.com

[-] 1 points by powshawn (0) 12 years ago

I don't facebook, but I have traveled to many of the Occupy sites and one common theme is that folks believe that we need a Constitutional Amendment that separates corporations from state. Unfortunately, there has not been any meaningful election or campaign finance reform coming from Congress because it is a case of the roosters guarding the hen house. Our legislators will continue to work in the interests of those who fund their campaigns, because the majority of Americans are too complacent to express their opinions to their legislators or don't even know how. But I believe that an overwhelming majority believe that something is fundamentally wrong with our political system and I also believe it is possible to bring about change using the existing political framework, but it's going to take a massive amount of people demanding this change (the elderly and the middle class in numbers far beyond the Occupiers). I found a website called getmoneyout.org that is currently developing the wording of an amendment as well as a petition for people to sign in support of an amendment. While making signs, marching and occupying are valid ways to draw attention to needed change, the fact is that we need a mass of people collectively pursuing the goals of this movement to realize them. Is it possible to use legitimate means to accomplish some of their goals; I'd like to believe so. And my guess is they could use some PHDs helping them in this effort. So check it out: getmoneyout.com

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 12 years ago

i have some PHDs signed up to write articles. i imagine they will begin producing soon. i recognize your name. this also means you know whats coming in the media for OWS very soon. you guys need to grow the roots and move beyond the seed. while those organizations are there and working, they cannot sustain the momentum of this.

[-] 1 points by ProgressiveChange (4) 12 years ago

Start making signs detailing FRAUD fines and penalties paid by the Big Banks to the SEC and DOJ. Advertise their misdeeds! Inform the public

[-] 1 points by ProgressiveChange (4) 12 years ago

Start making signs detailing FRAUD fines and penalties paid by the Big Banks to the SEC and DOJ. Advertise their misdeeds! Inform the public

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 12 years ago

ok. great. so post it on citicommons. nobody important will ever hear anything on this forum. or the other occupy forums. citicommons will be around for a long time. have some PHDs that have signed up and should start publishing articles soon. think on it.

[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 12 years ago

200 hits in 3 hour on the facebook. don't be an ass, if you stop in, post something. i don't care if nobody agrees with it, just post something.