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Forum Post: Listen...the answer to everything is Ron P*ul...why dont we march in support for him?

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 2:07 p.m. EST by thomasmiller (163)
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I know the mods and the Occupy administration hate Ron Pul,but the more I listen and watch the guy the more I believe he has all the answers. At Zuccotti there is a consensus that Ron Pul is the answer. Why dont we march in support of Ron?



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[-] 1 points by AlternativeSynergy (224) 12 years ago

We already tried Randian policies with Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, Obama, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Alan Greenspan etc. They were a colossal failure.

[-] 1 points by amend0the0constitution (10) from Cripple Creek, CO 12 years ago

I'm a greenish socialist and i'd support him. Of all the candidates, Obama included, I'd support him just to shake things up.

[-] 1 points by 99percentbrigade (17) from Richmond, CA 12 years ago

No no and hell no! The whole system needs to be shook up! Campaigning then becoming president and making good on campaign promises is alot harder...

[-] 1 points by notaneoliberal (2269) 12 years ago

The statement "The answer to everything is RP" should make it clear, you people are a cult.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 12 years ago

Any mention of Ron Lawl quickly turns into a senseless political debate, I'm afraid to say. That's why the mods "hate" him and discourage discussions of politicians. That said, I will probably vote for him.

[-] 1 points by seeker (242) 12 years ago

I think thats a step in the right direction.

possibly the only war to stop ww3 peacefully ,,and end the war on drugs and end the fed..

[-] 0 points by thomasmiller (163) 12 years ago

I think we could get Ed Koch to march with us if we support Ron!


[-] 0 points by thomasmiller (163) 12 years ago

We sit here and protest everything and everyone. Why do we not march for Ron? Why dont we show our support? Let us form a march in the Manhattan streets with Ron Pul signs? Who is with me on this? Please set this up. There are a lot of things I disagree with at OWS, but the one thing I agree on is Ron. Who is with me? Lets march and maybe the NYPD might join in too carrying Ron Pul signs. We all know the main reason why the NYPD is so rough is because they know we voted for Obama.

[-] 0 points by thomasmiller (163) 12 years ago

Ron P*UL!