Forum Post: Like Nationalism, the 2 Party System is a Plague
Posted 11 years ago on March 8, 2013, 5:50 a.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Any time I ever try to discuss issues with a hardcore republican, it is impossible. It immediately turns into them not giving a fuck about the issue and instead telling me how terrible the democrats are and how it's all their fault.
Any time I ever try to discuss issues with a hardcore democrat, it is impossible. It immediately turns into them not giving a fuck about the issue and instead telling me how terrible the republicans are and how it's all their fault.
They make excuses for the wrongdoings of their own party based on their hatred for the other. This style of thinking lacks logic, and issues where there is bipartisan support, like war during the plague of nationalism, go unnoticed and on and on.
For anyone questioning the system it has almost becomes a spectator sport, like watching rivals at a football game. They team up against anyone who questions capitalism. As is their history since the early 1900's where the one of many issues, outside of war, where there was bipartisan support was chasing out the communists and socialist worker movements who questioned harsh realities of capitalism. The few who have a public agenda never garner any support for their legislation, like public option health care or monetary reform. They are left in the dust from the plague of the 2 party system that is dependent on corporate funding. Sold out to a corporate agenda over the needs of the public.
Now we have 12 years of war and counting that is now branching out to put drone bases in Africa. 6 countries bombed over this time period. Upwards to a million civilians killed. 2010 saw it's highest civilian death rate in Afghanistan. Privatized military forces called private security contractors making the war more costly and capitalistic than it already was. Giving trillions of dollars to private banks instead of putting funding toward the benefit of the public.
This is indeed a plague on conscience and a betrayal of morals.
Nationalism is the big problem, the over-arching problem, because it blinds people with regard to what is best for them. They falsely believe that their government looks out for their best interests, when, if you look closely, and truly love your nation you will see there is so much room for improvement.
No where in the Constitution does it say we must have only two parties, no where does it say we must have a capitalist economic system that leaves most people in the dirt, no where does it say we can't have universal healthcare, and certainly, no where does it say we must be imperialistic. In fact, in the preamble it says that the government is to promote the general welfare of the people, and, that clause should supersede all others.
I agree with every word you said. But sadly every attempt at a third party has failed. The two party system is too entrenched. My personal solution is never vote for any incumbent. I just ignore the two pariies.
The 2 party system, thanks to corporate enterprise and nationalist cant, hijacked the government a long time ago. The entire electoral system, the debates, etc all hijacked. The words democrat and republican are not even in the constitution where the electoral process is discussed. Nor anywhere in the constitution.
You are absolutely correct when you say general welfare of the people should be the primary focus.
We have to keep fighting for this. It is imperative to this nation's survival.
You are getting trolled hard. Negative 5 on everything today. You must have hit the last nerve they had left.
more fuel for the fire though!!
It only makes me want to fight back harder. I have not said anything unreasonable and that is what scares them. I speak rationally about things we should actually be doing, and so do you and many others here, and that is one scary thing to the greedy grubbing war mongering psychopaths.
Keep up the fight BW!!!
LOL! Someone voted you down for saying that. LOLOL!
yah mr several accounts is back at it again.
JP Morgan bailed out the US gov in 1895. Wall St exploded afterwards.
One of the anti-war slogans before the US joined world war one was "no war for Wall Street"
Big money has never and will never just allow a populist libertarian socialist into power, it's just not in their interest.