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Forum Post: Like Cambodia

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 1:50 p.m. EST by Libertarianliving (149)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It is actually scary that the rhetoric being spewed by the OWS people sounds almost identical to the rhetoic of the Cambodian Khmer Rouge, push for communism, and "fairness" and "equality' and all the other great slogans. It seems to be started by a bunch of very intelligent, even sometimes well-intended elitists who know how to stir the emotions of great numbers of useful, ignorant idiots who just feel that their lives are decided by the power and not their own (in)actions, choices, desires, (un)motivations, and so on. History continues to repeat itself and this movemnt is eerily close to other previous (revolutions). Attack the bankers and huge corporations first until it ends up that anypne wearing glasses and educated winds up dead. Do you think I am "crazy"? Most people in other societies in which "revolutions" like this begin, never imagine what the ending will be. Ask people from Germany in the 1930s.



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[-] 1 points by shizzle08 (119) 12 years ago

This is America my friend. We are not the OTHER revolutionaries and this is not a communist revolution! We are Americans!

Its funny you leave out the American Revolution that made America into the great nation it has become and it apparently did not end up like others. This movement is based on the very doctrine that was drafted by our forefathers. Stop being paranoid and have some faith in Americans to decide for America. This is American history repeating itself in order to purge all the filth that has built up within the system.

How dare you compare your fellow Americans to the Khmer Rouge and the Nazis. I hope for the best that you are not right in your assumptions, but its worth the gamble. I'm betting on America and the constitution to prevail. There will be no regime change. For, this is a reform based movement instead of movement for regime change. Changing our system of government is unrealistic. We are democratic, so lets make it more democratic again.

[-] 1 points by Libertarianliving (149) 12 years ago

How "bright and shiny" that sounds. Face it, OWS is made up of people who are pissed off at their existence, BLAMING OTHERS, and even more people with nothing to better to do and in love with drama and loud, emotional crowds.

[-] 1 points by shizzle08 (119) 12 years ago

I am sure you are partly right about some of those OWS poeple. I think the fakers, losers, and drama lovers will lose their steam and go home when they get bored. However, there are people with genuine grievances out there. We need to unite and take a look at where we find ourselves in America today. This is not a time to divide America. It is not even a time for protest and unrest, but if that is how we can draw attention to the problems then so be it.

When this is over hopefully we have some genuine opportunities for working out the problems being raised.

[-] 0 points by UnderstandingIranians (7) 12 years ago

Many people believe that the CIA supported the Khmer Rouge and the dictator Pol Pot, because the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot were enemies of the Vietnamese.

Read this:




The Khmer Rouge was a fierce enemy of the Vietnamese communists.

In the end, it was the Vietnamese communists who defeated the genocidal Pol Pot.

[-] 1 points by UnderstandingIranians (7) 12 years ago

For more info about how the Vietnamese communists defeated the criminal Pol Pot, read:


Vietnamese communists saved humanity from the CIA-backed Khmer Rouge.