Forum Post: Libertarians, listen up.
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 5, 2012, 11:01 p.m. EST by stevebol
from Milwaukee, WI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As you know you need 5% for yourselves tomorrow but the margin of victory for Obama needs to be a certain amount. Don't screw this up.
Vote for the person, not the party! Unless you want a party to run our government. Oh wait, two of them already do!
Get your 5-6% if you can.
Screw what up?
A third party needs 5% of the popular vote to get future funding. Doesn't matter which party. I'd like to see Obama win but by less than a 5% margin over Romney. It wouldn't do any good for the Greens and the Libertarians to each get 4% of the vote, they wouldn't get funding. Someone needs 5%. It might matter if a 4th party can pull 1% but this shit is already complicated. Breaking duopolies ain't easy.
If CATO and the Kochs won't back what they founded, why should you?
On election day kick em all in the balls:
I did that long before it was popular...........:)
EDITED: Good Man - Let us ALL help keep the kicking a happening - only 24/7/365. {:-])
Who cares what they think, I'm talking about political parties.
That is a deluded belief.
CATO and the Kochs and their backers, ARE the libe(R)tarians.
Without them, you would never have heard of libe(R)tarianism as a valid political ideology in the first place.
They are the PRIME promoters of the works of Ayn Rand as well.