Forum Post: Liberal Trolls: Trolling in the American Conversation
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 8:36 p.m. EST by LiberalsAreExHighSchoolGeeks
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hitler, both in public and in private, expressed strong disdain for capitalism, accusing modern capitalism of holding nations ransom in the interests of a parasitic cosmopolitan rentier class (Wikipedia).
He opposed free-market capitalism's profit-seeking impulses and desired an economy in which community interests would be upheld. He distrusted capitalism for being unreliable, due to its egotistic nature, and he preferred a state-directed economy that is subordinated to the interests of the people.
Hitler told a party leader in 1934, "The economic system of our day is the creation of the Jews." Hitler said to Benito Mussolini that "Capitalism had run its course". Hitler also said that that business bourgeoisie "know nothing except their profit. 'Fatherland' is only a word for them."
Hitler admired Napoleon as a role model for his anti-conservative, anti-capitalist and anti-bourgeois attitudes.
** The Nazis would've been proud liberal OWS!
liberals are part of the Leftist Machine: liberals, Democrats, RINOs (Neocons), progressives, and socialists.
The Leftist Machine has controlled CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN, Hollywood, and politics for decades.
Please do some substantial research before you form opinions or vote! Ads, speeches, and biased news are not fact and not research.
Fascism is rabidly:
Sound familiar?
The Third Reich spent massive amounts on military, while suppressing labor unions and then purging trade unionists.
the third reich spent AMERICAN MONEY on their war machine designed by prescott bush and george herbert walker.
Third Reich scientists were recruited by the US after the war through operation paperclip
Fascism is what America has been moving toward via the Republicans. Rabidly is a great way to say it. It is rabidly pro corporation and anti worker who builds the corporation. Fascism is rabidly against freedom.
You need to educate yourself on the definition of FASCISM. LOL Your statement is so far from the truth and inaccurate it is laughable.
Dictionary : a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
Meriam Websters Dictionary.
often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>
— fas·cist noun or adjectiveoften capitalized
— fas·cis·tic adjectiveoften capitalized
— fas·cis·ti·cal·ly adverboften capitalized
See fascism defined for English-language learners »
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Examples of FASCISM
the rise of Fascism in Europe before World War II From the first hours of Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union, the propagandists on both sides of the conflict portrayed the struggle in stark, Manichaean language. The totalitarian nature of both regimes made this inevitable. On one side stood Hitler, fascism, the myth of German supremacy; on the other side stood Stalin, communism, and the international proletarian revolution. —Anne Applebaum, New York Review of Books, 25 Oct. 2007
Your point? Loosen up. You quote text book versions but if you see the evolution of Fascism then you will note that in the US Fascism is becoming the system de jour. Corporations controlling everything...politics included. The totalitarian part hasn't hit yet...wait. Arguing the 'old' details gets us nowhere.
The only way to fix the problem is to Fix the Laws that have both enabled the behavior and Perpetuated the behavior. We see the symptoms and outcome, but noone is focussing on the reality of the laws from the past that gave the corporations the ability to get so much control.
The lack of leadership in the OWS movement, and lack of focus will doom it to failure. Even the Civil Rights movements had leadership. The question is why? Why no clear thought and focus?
"Fix the Laws that have both enabled". Two key words, 'laws' and 'enabled'. Someone's paying attention to the world.
I have a clear understanding of how the laws enable the 1% and keep the 99% in check. Most have failed to read them let alone realize that if we just audit the laws and make appropriate changes we could change the situation.
Lack of leadership? That was my post weeks ago. No argument there. Why are they sending OWS people to help the Islamists in Egypt?
Because of ignorance. The Muslim Brotherhood wants us to fail, want to supress the rights of women and instill sharia law. There seems to be something underlying this movement that is not good. It is as if the blind are being led unknowingly by
social regimentation, is the entitlement crowd. Free markets, and choices to do what you want is the opposite of FACISM.
So who's the dictator genius? Who's forcibly suppressing opposition? What industry is regimented? Racism? The liberals already tried that (still do).
The liberal media (CNN, MSNBC, CBS) have been trying to suppress opposition by calling opponents racists, terrorists, extremists, and homo-phobes.
That's just ONE example of how your definition can be used to show that liberals are the problem.
And the democrats.
I stand corrected. Many of them are equally responsible. And certainly, if not directly responsible then responsible for not fighting the corporate takeover of our government.
You mean the democrats/libs/progressives.
No, the assholes who we voted for and they let us down. Labels are useless when the criminals wear so many coats.
Labels are very useful. No labels is right out of the liberals' playbook. did call out "Republicans" in an earlier post as Fascist.
I almost don't know what to say to a liberal. I never, NEVER see them consider another point of view. But that's okay.
What caused the outcome of the 2010 elections? 2008 was the first time I can remember that liberals controlled all 3 branches of government. It was the first time liberalism and it's infinite wisdom was on display for even the most tuned out American.
Again, what caused the outcome of the 2010 elections?
Outcomes are a beautiful thing because they're real...not just uninformed opinion. 2012 may well be a beautiful thing too.
After 7 years of liberal/progressive, green politicians, killing the economy of Spain they got voted out yesterday .
Yes, blame them for the bubble, the crash, the euro, and neoliberal banksters peddling debt and covering it up.
People SERIOUSLY need to drop the Nazi stuff. It's just secular way of referencing Satan. Glenn Beck, for example, has Nazi Tourettes.. he just can't go a minute without referencing them ! Watch
YES! Enough with the Nazi/Fascist/Hitler shite -'s_law
One common definition of fascism focuses on three groups of ideas: the Fascist Negations of anti-liberalism, anti-communism and anti-conservatism; nationalist, authoritarian goals for the creation of a regulated economic structure to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture; a political aesthetic using romantic symbolism, mass mobilisation, a positive view of violence, promotion of masculinity and youth and charismatic leadership
fascism is a male only hierarchy of blind obedience and bullied belief. fascist male only hierarchies control CHRISTIANS, FREEMASONS. hollywood is controlled by a male only hierarchy. SMASH THE GLASS CEILING in society to destroy fascism!
Why do you people insist on bad mouthing the Freemasons? They are one of the most charitable organizations in the world.
I think they have a fear of clown cars and childrens hospitals.
Lol never thought about it that way,good point.
they are rebranded knights templar who control the banking system. so they organised the subprime fraud. you have been deceived!
You really have no clue what the Freemasons do,do you?
yes i do they control the law and the economy. you owe your allegiance to them thru the initiation so you do not have OUR COMMUNITY at heart. you have joined the freemasons for personal advantage in that corrupt male only secret society. you believe in the wars! so you are a fascist agent and an ENEMY!
So it's corrupt to help sick children?
no it's corrupt to say 911 was an attack by muslim terrorists. we can identify fascist agents of the christians and freemasons by their nationalist justification of wars. all do-gooders are suspect, that is not their real agenda. they have a secret advantage in their own communities and deny the primacy of OUR COMMUNITY in their hearts. they are the ENEMY.
Here's one more enemy to add to the list:
Lol you are one strange individual.
strange to be honest about three controlled demolitions? strange to be honest about the organisation of the subprime fraud? or do you blame muslims for ordering NORAD to stand down so the planes could fly into the two towers bringing down three??!?!? and do you blame the homeless poor for signing the unsustainable mortgages and then rapidly dispersing them as derivatives? you need a reality check!
Yup,it's all a conspiracy. You and Jesse Ventura would get along well.
there is even a conspiracy that all conspiracy theories are false! only the dumb would be bamboozled by that logic! open your eyes to ALL THE CONSPIRACIES look at the price of land, the price of politicians!? surely you have been the victim of a conspiracy at work? school? so there are conspiracies.
Lol don't worry I've reported you to my fellow Freemasons.
there are a lot of us!! look at Lt JOHN PIKE!! just grinning in your face!!!
FASCISM-government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
This is a silly troll, but people should know or learn that Nazis invading Russia routinely ordered all "Communists, commissars and Jews" to be named so that they could be gathered together and shot immediately. I think you can guess what happened if they were not named...
( )
That is a provocation not an argument. It is just like saying vegetarians are evil.
It's called a reductio ad hitlerum.
true facts.
it is Godwin's law after all.
they are
Go back to political science...the school called and said you need to replace that failing grade so you can graduate.
The left does not control the media, corporations do, and corporations have more influence over the politicians than the do the voters, especially when they control the information about the candidates and refuse to acknowledge the existence of more than the chosen few.
Hey wise-ass. Have you ever heard of Jeff Monson? He is a very accomplished MMA fighter. Damn right he is liberal. In fact, he has a tattoo of a gun to a head on his back. The word 'capitalism' appears just over.
You might want to rethink your theory about liberals.
Well, Hitler was not a free market libertarian (but who was in the mid-20th century? Even American conservatives like Eisenhower weren't back then). He built the autobahns, instituted paid vacation for workers, and so on.
But that's not really what makes Hitler the horror that he was. It was his jingoistic nationalism, his genocidal racism, his mania for war and power. Paid vacations for workers and all that are sort of one of his more neutral aspects.
And yes, he was firmly aligned with the right wing, not the left. Who were the collaborators in France? The conservatives and big businesses. It was the centre-right ARD party that set up the Vichy regime, and the partisans? Communists, for the most part. They fled into the woods with the Nazi takeover because they knew they were dead if their political affiliation was caught out.
Likewise with resistance in Germany. It was mostly composed of former members of the left-wing parties that Hitler banned, namely the SPD and KPD. FAUD, the left-anarchist organization, was working underground to smuggle people out of the country (including Allied pilots). There was also some Christian groups as well as a few Hohenzollern monarchists, but in general there was no right wing resistance to the Nazis in Germany to speak of. They were the Nazis.
Pretty much the same story with the Italian resistance, and the Spanish resistance to Franco. Not that the left doesn't have its own totalitarian embarassments, but this one belongs to the right.
sorry, the leftist machine has NOT controlled the news, the far right has done that. You asking us to do research is comical, all you have for us is far right wing garbage and lies and standard propaganda talking points.
Point of order, both the "left" and the "right" are clear and present enemies of the people and both parties are on notice to change immediately or be replaced.
You are an ignorant ideologue, spewing BS propaganda. ++++++++++++++++
What a simplistic view of socialism. You do realize that presently Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands, Denmark etc are all socialist democracies right? Hitler did not destroy Germany because he believed in socialism (he hated communism) he destroyed Germany through the implementation of a State driven death machine invested in war. If you look at what was happening at the time of the Versailles Treaty Germany was stripped of financial security which allowed the Nazi's to cease power and the economy turned around basically because of war time production not because it followed socialist policies. The nazi's were elected through democratic elections but I don't hear anyone saying that Germany was destroyed because of democracy.
One of the most Fascist things to happen in the U.S. ever was when George Bush nationalized certain banks. It was also completely socialist. He took the costs of massive failure and socialized them, even after eight years of arguing everything should be privatized. Apparently, everything PROFITABLE should be privatized, but when large private institutions fail, then their costs of failure should be socialized to all.
The nationalizing of banks was a from of Fascist economics because the state did not seize absolute control. The banks still work within the Capitalist frame work, but they are controlled by people in government on their boards.
--Knave Dave
Apparently our govt is pretty anti capitalist to they gave out huge welfare checks to big banks??? Shouldnt a capitalist free market society allow the strong businesses to survive and failing ones die???
Yes yes yes! The banks should feel the ravages of market failure. No more private profits with socialized losses.
Hitler might have been anti-capitalist, but that did not make him inherently communist (or leftist). You're seem to think of politics as consisting of two poles, a binary. In this you are mistaken.
The "Machine" of which you speak is the same one that gives us two options and asks us to choose.
I want you to go to this post. I want you to speak truth to power!. Say it once, say it twice. Say it loud. Say it proud. I'm down with the KTC. The Revolution starts here!
The Revolution starts here! No one can silence the Revolution!
I think people need to stop trying to label things, and look at what right period!
Question.... when has a true free market system been implemented?
Thank you! As a liberal I appreciate that you understand the liberals' ability to do that which Perry the Pause, Palin the Handnotes, and Bauchman the Historian are incapable of doing...THINK! And THINK for themselves.
By the way, my compliments to your ability to captures so many "sound-bite" phrases in one blog. I assume you are an avid Fox News Follower
Ahh another Godwin proof.
Not really. Godwin states that posts will eventually all lead to a comment about Nazis. This post started with one! It's a reductio ad hitlerum.
we are in the movement of stultification
like smokes puts the bees in the hive asleep
money is made by fooling the stupid
Sir, you are obviously not paying attention to what OWS speakers and writers are saying.
They want the fox to stop guarding the chicken coop.
Some -- not all -- corporations have abandoned ethics. Witness the hundreds of millions of dollars a single corporation will sometimes have to pay when caught -- and then they keep paying more and more fines.
Government leaders -- again some, not all -- have abandoned ethical behavior.
They have allowed corporate interests, special favors for the well-heeled and outright bad behavior to trump the interests of the people they are supposed to represent.
Witness the stalemate going on now in Congress.
It is a result of one party -- the GOP -- having pledged their allegiance not to America, but to Grover Norquist, a man who holds no elected office.
Norquist is a man who has built a lucrative tax-exempt and secretively-financed empire that is bent on shrinking government to the size where it can be drowned in a bathtub.
Norquist could care less about America's growing population, aging population, growing rate of poverty, deteriorating roads, schools and universities, and growing threats around the world.
I don't see Norquist seeking pledges from politicians to never raise tuition at public universities.
I don't see Norquist seeking pledges from oil companies never to raise the price of gasoline at the pump.
I don't see Norquist doing anything to address or solve the fundamental problems of our society.
The GOP's fealty to Norquist is tantamount to outright contempt and disdain for the overwhelming majority of Americans, and a pandering to the multi-billionaires, like the Koch brothers and others who have profited greatly from the resources -- both natural and human -- that once made America strong.
i was watching an interview with Norquist yesterday, and he was bragging how he had thought of his tax idea when he was a young child riding on a bus to school. i could only imagine what type of person i'd be if i still held on to my childhood ideas. lol
I've been paying attention since 2003 when I started to become aware of a liberal biased media. I've been paying attention since 2009 when liberals controlled all 3 branches of government.
I paid attention as the economy suffered and liberal politicians, professors, celebrities, and journalists championed an inexperienced, unvetted senator for president, promoted the liberal agenda, enabled socialists, and attacked ALL THOSE in opposition as racists and terrorists.
For me liberals crossed a line. Liberals have no credibility. OWS is a liberal movement. I reject the liberal ideology, actions, and everything it stands for. The alternatives are not perfect, but they are more sane than liberalism is or will be.
Liberalism is an ideology to be crushed like communism!
Son, either you are seriously out-of-touch with good journalism, or you've drank the Kool Aid, or.... you are shilling for those who would perpetuate ignorance.
Son, you say you've been paying attention since 2003. Well, I've been paying attention since the 1940s.
I do not know where you get your "news" but a recent university study shows that those who regularly watch Fox are LESS informed than those who don't:
Furthermore, I don't know how you fail to realize the overwhelming control that moneyed, corporate and right-wing institutions have over news outlets. I read 5 newspapers every day, plus television news, and on-line sources -- both right and left.
I also try listening to a mixture of radio news and talk shows. Unfortunately, where I live in the South, the right-wing media control virtually everything. If it is not a religious station, a mainstream rock station, or a right-wing show, then it doesn't exist. I cannot even get NPR in my area any more, but I can get at least 2 stations booming in signals of Rush Limbaugh.
Sonny, don't give me that crap about the media being biased by the left, because you are not paying attention, or you are shilling for the same thing that OWS is railing against.
You couldn't be more incorrect. Hitlers regime, like Mussolini, was Fascist. The National Socialist party owned all of the corporations in the country. The communists, in Russia beat them down until the Nazis lost the war, with our help. The so called leftist machine you mention has always been a minority in the US. Corporations and banks are the Fascist machine that has gained momentum via the Republican party.
I don't think anybody accomplishes much by suggesting OWS would be supportive of Hitler or he OWS.
This said, the much more fascinating, similar feature of today's system to National Socialist (Nazi) Germany is that the banking sector then, like now, also claimed that they were integral to the economy, couldn't fail, etc., and then locked up their supply chain and then destroyed the currency.
The tyrant who is elected in this situation, like Hitler, will certainly have a populist message. Nobody purposefully elects somebody with a mass murder message.
reductio ad hitlerum
can we Not bring up Hitler for a second please.
Many people forget the Fascism is NOT the Hitler movement. Fascism is form of Government. Hitler represented insanity in power.
Two separate things, having no relation, save they happened in the same time frame. .
Why do so many of the posters on this forum call for taking down FoxNews and conservative commentators (not journalists) like O'Reilly and Hannity?
FoxNews is simply another slant to news. It is a check and balance to liberal bias.
They also want to suppress the dissenting voice here or as they would say "Trolls".
liberal bias my ass - ny times backed all the wars, vietnam, central america and iraq (should i go on?) - that is as right wing as you can get. and by the way mussolini coined the term fascism and he defined it as "corporatism and reaction!" - reaction to communism that is!
Fox News lies and went to court to protect its right to do so.
In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States.
Fox argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves. Fox attorneys did not dispute Akre's claim that they pressured her to broadcast a false story, they simply maintained that it was their right to do so.
That is surprising! Most liberal OWS protestors probably don't realize that they're dabbling in Nazi ideology. But then again liberals are pretty comfortable with socialism.
I guess having the state tell you what to do and think is easier than being a responsible individual.
All things considered, that would still be preferable to FLAKESnews.
Moron. How stupid are you to think FoxNews is the world's biggest problem?
Do you realize that the range of views is just that...a range!
What news organization leans left? Why can't FoxNews lean right and be the check and balance?
FLAKESnews has been calling folks nazis , communists and all kinds of things for a while now.
Liberals aren't any of things they get called on FLAKESnews.
They just make stuff like that up over there.
It gets spread around, and folks like you repeat it.
Falling over the cliff, does not provide balance.
It just falls over the cliff.
good Post.
It's always nice to see not Everyone on this site is a total Idiot.
It will make perfect historical sense if George Soros is behind OWS.
It would make perfect sense if people being pissed off that their government has been bought and sold and big banks received bailouts after systematically screwing the American people were the reason behind the OWS movement. But I guess we can toss in a conspiracy theory here and there.