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Forum Post: Letter of Occupation and the Next Logical Step in the Movement

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 4:56 p.m. EST by MarcTwane (76)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We have shown what we are capable of in mass. We have shown how we can circumnavigate the traditional forms of mainstream media to affect a message. We have shown how we can circulate amongst ourselves images and videos of events that can reach such a tremendous viewership in hours and days, when decades before us, these same practices took months and years. It is now time to start facilitating change. We have already reached critical mass. We are all connected through social media now. Millions of people collectively.

I think what it is time to do now is start petitioning the government. We should start to devise petitions and test the formal structures of power. Now that we have reached critical mass, and the forums are all in place, we should start drafting petitions. Grievances against the government. and electronically signing. These petitions should be sought for to deal with specific problems that the collective group has reached unanimous consensus on in every city in the United States where a movement exists. Then these petitions should circulate through this vehicle. In doing so, we can reach majority conclusions on many major issues, and collectively decide our next logical step.

If government claims to be all the things that it says it is, .ie transparent, for the people, a representative Democracy, then there should be no problem facilitating changes right away. If a military officer can move an entire police force with his words, then we can move the entire world with ours.

I suggest that every Occupy Group throughout the United States, devise a collective list. Form information working groups. Have your most well informed individuals make proposals, and educate the group on specific issues. These petitions should be written exclusively by the legal department, and they shall have no limits, or minimal requirements. They shall be voted on in General Assemblies. They should be posted on every Occupy Group's page, and the General Assembly in New York shall formally review, and start compiling a list.

Here is a Rough Draft of a petition -

That any act or legislation devised by any person, or any legislative body, or any executive decision, or government agency, bureau within government, etc., that has been made in our history, written or devised or implemented by such an individual person, who in doing such act or passing such legislation, went on to receive a job, any sort of financial gift, bonus, benefit, position, or any kind of promotion, etc. within that industry or corporation, be reviewed by a new legislative body; if it is to be determined through review, that this collusion has occurred, that said specific legislation be repealed and disenacted. If it was done in self-interest, and not the interest of the majority of the population after unbiased review. For this bears no relevance or significance in the promotion of humanity, and it shall not be recognized as such. This is the promise of America.



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by ChicagoT (54) 12 years ago

Sorry you are not even close to critical mass.... until this movement has more than a few million active participants it's still a special interest group.... you'll end up lobbying like the rest of them....

[-] 2 points by MarcTwane (76) 12 years ago

Once these movements start to really address the issues at hand, and the most intelligent and well versed are called to speak, you will see the popularity grow. There is easily over a million people who are following this movement via Facebook. And that is critical mass.

If real concrete ideas start to be organized in each one of these movements across the United States, you will see alot more people participating. Perhaps if more time was spent on editing and enhancing the video quality of the LIverstream in New York, more people will start following it as well. For now the viewership has completely stagnated.

[-] 1 points by ChicagoT (54) 12 years ago

Don't confuse following with being involved... I follow college football... I'm not involved...

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Very true. Nowhere near critical mass. Patience is one of the hallmarks of this movement. It's only been a month. In the big picture the word's only now getting around.


[-] 1 points by MarcTwane (76) 12 years ago

We have reached critical mass. It is time to start devising petitions, and testing the formal structures of government. Every Occupy Group throughout the United States, should start to devise a collective list. Form information working groups. Have your most well informed and educated individuals draft these petitions, and accept them with unanimous consent in General Assembly. They should be posted on every Occupy Group's page, and the General Assembly in New York shall formally review, and start compiling a list. Where these petitions overlap, that shall be considered consensus amongst the entire movement.