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Forum Post: Let's take this a step further...[BOYCOTT]

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 27, 2011, 10:23 p.m. EST by arieltherkiel (0)
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We want to stop corporate greed, so lets find out the corporate organizations that are the most financially unethical and boycott them.We really need to cut what is really feeding into the greed.



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[-] 1 points by Fand (10) 12 years ago

Sorry about the multiple posts. Thought my comments weren't posting. Turns out they were! Lol! Anyway, it can't hurt for the sleeping sheeple to have to read it over and over again until it sinks in.

[-] 1 points by Fand (10) 12 years ago

Since no one else is offering any corporations to boycot, let me make a few: Withdraw your money from banks, don't shop at walmart (I no longer shop there, and mostly buy from private businesses/organic, and no, I'm not rich, not even middle class. I just live simply.) Don't buy name brand products, except those which are from ethical manufacturers. Stop paying the illegal Federal Income Tax. That will get the gov't to start listening, when their funding is cut off. Barter/trade as much as possible to avoid paying taxes on goods and services. Grow a garden, if you have the means, to avoid buying GMO and conventionally grow crops from factory scale farms. Become as self-sufficient as you can at this moment in time. That's what TPTB are trying to prevent us from doing. They want us dependant on gov't, corporations, factory farming, etc, so we will remain slaves to an unjust system. Stop helping them!

[-] 1 points by Fand (10) 12 years ago

Since no one else is offering any corporations to boycot, let me make a few: Withdraw your money from banks, don't shop at walmart (I no longer shop there, and mostly buy from private businesses/organic, and no, I'm not rich, not even middle class. I just live simply.) Don't buy name brand products, except those which are from ethical manufacturers. Stop paying the illegal Federal Income Tax. That will get the gov't to start listening, when their funding is cut off. Barter/trade as much as possible to avoid paying taxes on goods and services. Grow a garden, if you have the means, to avoid buying GMO and conventionally grow crops from factory scale farms. Become as self-sufficient as you can at this moment in time. That's what TPTB are trying to prevent us from doing. They want us dependant on gov't, corporations, factory farming, etc, so we will remain slaves to an unjust system. Stop helping them!

[-] 1 points by Zadkielmodeler (8) from Euless, TX 12 years ago

I find boycotting is a good idea. Kick them in their profits. If they want our business, they need to consider us as human beings not as targets. They will learn or fall apart. It doesn't hurt people specifically to boycott. Rather it hurts the artificial entity that is a corporation. Not all corporations are bad, but I'm sure we can all think of a few where we would do well to cast our dollar vote elsewhere.

[-] 1 points by Fand (10) 12 years ago

Since no one else is offering any corporations to boycot, let me make a few: Withdraw your money from banks, don't shop at walmart (I no longer shop there, and mostly buy from private businesses/organic, and no, I'm not rich, not even middle class. I just live simply.) Don't buy name brand products, except those which are from ethical manufacturers. Stop paying the illegal Federal Income Tax. That will get the gov't to start listening, when their funding is cut off. Barter/trade as much as possible to avoid paying taxes on goods and services. Grow a garden, if you have the means, to avoid buying GMO and conventionally grow crops from factory scale farms. Become as self-sufficient as you can at this moment in time. That's what TPTB are trying to prevent us from doing. They want us dependant on gov't, corporations, factory farming, etc, so we will remain slaves to an unjust system. Stop helping them!

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 12 years ago

Corporation is a non living thing. How can it be either good or bad ? It's always the person who own/run these corporations who are either good or bad. Like Warren buffet of Berkshire Corporation is a good guy. There are hundreds of bad guys owning and running corporations.

[-] 1 points by Zadkielmodeler (8) from Euless, TX 12 years ago

I suppose you can take the extreme neutral position and say corporations are neither good nor bad. But they will learn lessons in a manner akin to natural selection; to learn to head the voice of the people that they serve. I agree It can also be seen as neither bad nor good, but a filtering process. Those that refuse to comply with the needed change will not have the cash required to continue operation. It could be seen as learning. Those (corporations) that would cause suffering on others for their own benefit will find they cannot continue to survive the pressure in their current state. In reality it is illogical to cause others to suffer for one's own benefit. As a society if we are all functioning well, we all benefit and profit. More so than the way of One-sided benefits for the few. So yes its possible to leave morality and good and bad out of it and come to the same conclusion.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 12 years ago

Corporations do this Green washing to score brownie points from Customers. You have seen those BP advertisements on how they helped communities to recover from the oil spill. Again it's not what they like to do, but their desire of making profit from you is higher than losing your business, so they do this Green washing. Similar examples, Goldman Sachs, Chase etc advertise on how they build communities (almost laughable, since we know what they are really after)

[-] 1 points by Zadkielmodeler (8) from Euless, TX 12 years ago

Just brakes, there are plenty of horror stories about the way they treat customers. Just search google for customer opinions, you will find more than I could ever say to convince anyone. I suppose its not specifically corporate finacially unethical. But certainly at least finacially unethical business practices.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 12 years ago

Here's one long term assignment that will bring about the change we desire.

Create the world's largest non profit democratic co-operative where every employee get's one vote and can use their vote to makes changes with in the co-operative. This can be the biggest job creator in America. As a non-profit co-operative we can compete against any corporation easily. We can begin with just bringing together all small, organic farm produce under one umbrella and deliver it directly to people without expensive store fronts. Benefit the soil, farmer, youth and healthy+happy customer.

[-] 1 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 12 years ago

BANKS. Join a credit union instead.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 12 years ago

It's foolish to say Corporations are evil. No point in blaming non living things. It's only the people who own and run these corporations are the EVIL on this earth and each one of them should be behind bars. Like the CEO and every person responsible for the unnecessary death of many humans and countless animals in the Gulf BP oil disaster should be devoid of all their wealth and should be behind bars. No violence, just non violent punishment.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

the problem with this is that in essence all corporations are evil until we have meaningful rules to regulate them. So. Now we would be boycotting all corporations. If you think say for instance there is any meaningful difference... lets look at google.. "don't be evil" is in court right now with a patently stupid and evil non defense over its anti trust abuses. ALL Corporations are evil godzilla consumer death bots. Period. Thats the nature of the beast. the right question is how to leash and control those creatures. You can't boycott all of them. https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150409084095833

[-] 1 points by npowell85 (249) from Montana City, Mt 12 years ago

no you cannot boycott them all without sacrificing many necessities. Plus the level of participation you would need for a boycott to have an impact is simply not realistic right now.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 12 years ago

Corporations exist because they serve a need in our society. No point in trying to hurt a corporation, there are many good guys who work as slaves in Corporation (including me ;) ). The message that needs to be conveyed to everybody is we will not tolerate until wealthy start paying a higher share of the money they extract from American economy. Greed should be controlled.
