Forum Post: Lets look at the big picture.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 7:26 p.m. EST by Satyr000
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Its time to start looking at the bigger picture here. As it has been brought up over the years things like the current economic crisis in the United States have happened through out the world at one point or another. If you want understand why so many people the world over are pointing to the worlds central banks as the cause of all this. The central banks are where these economic downturns start. Due to the fact that they are all contorted and manipulated by the corrupt people who have there fingers in every one of them.
This also is why people are also pointing fingers at Goldman Sachs. Keep in mind Sachs was founded before the Glass Stegal Act. Sachs opened in 1869. With every repel of the Glass Stegal Act Sachs grew and grew. The first repel of Glass Stegal was in 1980, The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980. Here is what The Money Control Act of 1980 did:
It Federal Reserve greater control over non-member banks:
It forced all banks to abide by the Fed's rules.
It allowed banks to merge.
It removed the power of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors under the Glass–Steagall Act and Regulation Q to set the interest rates of savings accounts.
It raised the deposit insurance of US banks and credit unions from $40,000 to $100,000.
It allowed credit unions and savings and loans to offer checkable deposits.
Allowed institutions to charge any interest rates they choose.
Required banks be charged Fed Float for use of funds received before clearing between depository institutions.
If you still don't see where this is going look at the history of Citigroup. On April 7, 1998 banking giant Citicorp and financial conglomerate Travelers Group to form Citigroup. They are becoming another Goldman Sachs.
And like I said before the current economic downturn isn't something that just randomly happened. Any one that was living in Sweden during the early 90's can tell you that.
"A bursting real estate bubble caused by inadequate controls on lending combined with an international recession and a policy switch from anti-unemployment policies to anti-inflationary policies resulted in a fiscal crisis in the early 1990s. Sweden's GDP declined by around 5%. In 1992, there was a run on the currency, with the central bank briefly jacking up interest to 500%"
thats still the micro picture focused in on your big bank details.
the big picture is a lot more detailed and a lot more complicated than that.
fine points tho. and heck, as a satyr, i gotta say.. its nice to have satyrs around...
I have been active here since the very beginning, and since the very beginning I have been trying to make some core points. These points clearly have not been digested or fully understood by the mob, and so I'm going to try to make a further attempt here again.
For these reasons, I beg of you to please immediately join me on the wiki. We need to have all of these details and all of these ideas put together in an organized fashion, rather than posted in a long scrawl which will never be read.
The idea of the banks recovering the loss thru selling the property is, at this time, ludicrous
Idea: Banks should be required to ' Suspend' payments and interest accumulation if a person loses their job during an 'economic downturn' until that person finds a comparable paying job or until the national unemployment rate is less than 5%.
[Sigh] The Disinformation never ENDS.
See my post and the ensuing discussion at
The Illuminati and the Vatican are probably behind the evils of our day. Why take a chance? Get rid of their crap by installing a verifiable internet voting system that bypasses their rule of Law and establishes our own rule of People's law. What a vast difference that would be, eh boys?
The idea of the banks recovering the loss thru selling the property is, at this time, ludicrous
Idea: Banks should be required to ' Suspend' payments and interest accumulation if a person loses their job during an 'economic downturn' until that person finds a comparable paying job or until the national unemployment rate is less than 5%.
to help people maintain life as this argument plays out
I don't think you are seeing how bad this has effected people. Not every one is protesting due to the fact that we lost there houses. A lot of us pretty much had our lives ruined in the fallout of this mess.
Coming to grips with the fact you might never be able to retire due to the fact you where laid off while working through collage is a pretty big deal. Even more so if you have a medical condition that requires surgery that will require at least six weeks recovery time at least four to five of those weeks you are going to end up on crutches. Being told by your current employer that you can not work while on crutches due to the fact that it creates a liability on there part and they are not willing to find ways to accommodate you during your recovery makes matters even worse. Factor into this the fact that you are underemployed to the point where your hourly wage dropped by 12 dollars an hour and even with a part time job on top of your crap full time job your still fighting to make ends meet. On top of all that you are told that your medical condition falls under the blanket term of pre-existing condition so the medical insurance you have is going to offer little to no help in covering the cost of your operation. Once you come to the realization that bankruptcy is pretty much the only option you have to buy you some time in order to have the operation you need with out adding even more debit on top of the mountain of debit you are under due to your student loans. Come to find out getting your student loan debit liquidated under bankruptcy is next to imposable. So you have no choice but, to keep working 65+ hours, being in pain 24/7 and letting that mountain of debit continue to build and the only silver lining to be had is the fact that you could have it a lot worse then you do which is not a very comforting thought due to the fact for a lot of people it is. That's what this rescission did to me and that's why I'm here.
i know this is not a fix only a patch. but at least during all this misery you would still have a place to live and recuperate instead of adding to your misery by becoming homeless. just a patch to help hold people up not the fix for the problem. this would also force the economy to create jobs in order to fix itself without the burden being put on the citizens.